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PIL Filed Against Arundhati Roy For Kashmir Remarks

Indian democracy is just an eye wash.
Indian democracy is just an eye wash.

Oh Mr. fox sir, why don't you explain your arbitrary statement a little further? Why is Indian democracy an "eye wash", what is the ideal democracy, what part of Indian democracy makes it an "eye wash" and why do you think this is so?
Indian democracy is just an eye wash.

much better than some other countries where u are put in jail for making such comments.......arundhati roy is lucky she lives in india.....
well said ma'am , these foul cases cant stop you from saying truth.:angel:

I would like to ask indian fellows what is wrong why not ask kashmiris which way they want to go ?
you are afraid that they will go with Pakistan ?

This is basic right of people in democracy , if you cant give that right to ppl then change your name country name to fascist republic of india.

who said we don't ask kashmiris abt their opinion. in every state election or national elections kashmiris give their opinion by voting.
@@ pak trolls...dude in your country journos are done away with such efficiency that these "sad,istic" thoughts seem nothing in comparison.AR is a nut job and she should be thankful that inspite her toxic vomits so often , she is still living without the fear of being executed. Can the same be said for yours?
Indian democracy is just an eye wash.

coming from you guys? your country has been in military rule how many times? lets see here Ayub Khan, Yahya, Zia ul Haq, Musharaf and maybe soon to be Kayani Pakistani democracy died when Jinnah died :lol: and at least this old dirty hag can speak without being killed by our intelligence agency
I dont know when this sea donkey is gonna stop... Need instant popularity say something about kashmir...A stupid cronk!!!
madamji,pizza boy,dogvijay shing,Arundati ***** all need to be taken care off.They are hindrance to our growth.
^^^Biggest Democracy in the world, so big that "this treacherous witch. A bullet between her eyes by the police and her body thrown in Mizoram's jungles for wild animals would be a short, quick and cheaper method of disposing this anti-national traitor", only in india.

Oh stop pretending to be angels, you down right hypocrites, we only express our dislike you guys take it one step further. This bloody bi**h deserves it but she is protected by democratically elected government and constitution. Unlike Muneer Shakir who was shot dead either by the PAK army or ISI. Look at yourself in the mirror before you start shedding crocodile tears. :rolleyes:

Pakistani journalist murdered | Media | guardian.co.uk

Pakistani journalist murdered

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Pakistani journalist Muneer Shakir was shot dead in Khuzdar, Baluchistan, soon after covering a protest organised by a Baluch separatist organisation.

Shakir wrote for the Online News Network and was a correspondent for Baluch television station Sabzbaat.

Baluch separatist organisations have barred journalists from covering their activities.

Five journalists have died in Pakistan this year and no one has been arrested for any the murders.

Journalists are also alarmed at the disappearance of Rahmatullah Darpakhel, a reporter for the Urdu daily Ausaf and Aaj TV.

He was abducted five days ago in north Waziristan in the federally administered tribal areas near the border with Afghanistan.

Since you brought the concept of ONLY IN INDIA.. remember this man ???


Hey, we never claimed Pakistan as the world's biggest democracy while at the same time threatening to put a bullet between someone's eyes just because they think differently, though i do believe traitors should be dealt with a heavy hand.

---------- Post added at 04:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 AM ----------

Oh stop pretending to be angels, you down right hypocrites, we only express our dislike you guys take it one step further. This bloody bi**h deserves it but she is protected by democratically elected government and constitution. Unlike Muneer Shakir who was shot dead either by the PAK army or ISI. Look at yourself in the mirror before you start shedding crocodile tears. :rolleyes:

Refer to my post #26, as i said, Pakistanis never claim to to be the world biggest democracy.

Though in this case, under the rules of democracy (which india follows) the lady has the right to express her views as long as she doesn't resort to violence or anything.
to trolls : democracy is the reason she is alive and kicking in INDIA

the obvious fact that she attacks INDIA as a democracy and still would acknowledge that she was not abducted by shady forces(read govt) trumps her argument. somebody should ask her this question..
to trolls : democracy is the reason she is alive and kicking in INDIA

the obvious fact that she attacks INDIA as a democracy and still would acknowledge that she was not abducted by shady forces(read govt) trumps her argument. somebody should ask her this question..

Have you heard about the tale about about crabs?

" Crabs are a strange creatures, if put multiple of them in a pot and they notice anothers among them about to escape, they pull that crab down from escaping to die too". ( hope you get the analogy :D) . it's all about how if they living in misery--- let's pull india in there too
Hey, we never claimed Pakistan as the world's biggest democracy while at the same time threatening to put a bullet between someone's eyes just because they think differently, though i do believe traitors should be dealt with a heavy hand.
Then what is the problem? he has his right to express his views.....
Though in this case, under the rules of democracy (which india follows) the lady has the right to express her views as long as she doesn't resort to violence or anything.
And that right is not voilated... It exactly why she is still alive.
Then what is the problem? he has his right to express his views.....

Express his views? Lol, do you even know who he was? He blew up pipelines and the insurgency he lead is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people, you can't compare him to Arundhati Roy, unless of course she too is leader of a violent insurgency that is responsible for blowing up pipelines and deaths of hundreds of innocent people.
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