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PKK has taken the control in South-East Turkey


Dec 5, 2010
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We saw pkk guerrillas in Şemdinli, not security forces

The Peace and
Democracy Party (BDP) and DTK (Democratic Society Congress) delegation
encountered a road control by Kurdish guerrillas in Bağlar village of
Şemdinli on Saturday.

Speaking to ANF after the delegation
finished its survey in the region, BDP co-chair Gülten Kışanak said that
they didn’t come across any security forces in the region they

“We came across guerrilla forces on the way back from
the villages we visited but there were no security forces in the region
except for a military point on the way out of Şemdinli province. A large
number of cultivated areas and yards were completely burnt out in the
villages where people say they are deliberatively targeted by the
bombardment of security forces”, said Kışanak.

BDP Mersin MP
Ertuğrul Kürkçü also called attention to the lack of presence of Turkish
security forces in the region and said on the basis of the information
they provided from a village headman that seven out of ten villages in
the area have been evacuated because of the clashes.

children have been greatly affected by the bombardment but people don’t
want to leave their villages, Kürkçü underlined and added that; “The
people we talked to told us that a colonel warned them to leave the
region for safety and that none of the authorities has taken a step to
ensure their security.”

Kürkçü also gave information about their
encountering guerrillas at a road control point; “The group of
guerrillas we came across made propaganda for their purpose and said
they fight for the freedom and democratization of all peoples in Turkey
and the Middle East.”

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İşte Batıya verilmek istenen mesaj bu.. "Türkiye bölündü" mesajı.. Tunceli ötesine TSK tarafından herhangi bir müdahale, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti'nin, 'Kuzey Kürdistan topraklarına' şiddet uygulaması ve bir toplumu hedef alması demektir ki, bu, R to P (Responsabilitiy to Protect) Koruma Yasası çerçevesinde uluslararası toplumun müdahalesini gerektirebilir...
Böylesi bir durumda Antakya, Kilis, Urfa, Gaziantep, Adana'ya yerleştirilmiş olan küresel katiller ve BDP ve PKK toplu silahlı kalkışmayı BM 'barış (!) gücü ile birlikte örgütleyeceklerdir.. Sonrası TUFAN!
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Please don't let your AKP hatred control your every move... According to these people they already downed half of the helis in Turkish Army :) Turkish Army already finished its operation against PKK in Southeastern Turkiye and killed ore than hundreads of PKK members... Ridiculus news won't impress anyone... :no:
Kendi kendine özerklik ilan eden tiplerin, her çatışmada 5 helikopter düşüren bir "haber ajansı"na yaptığı açıklamaları sanki çok önemli bir şeymiş gibi buraya göndermenin mantığı nedir?
Please don't let your AKP hatred control your every move... According to these people they already downed half of the helis in Turkish Army :) Turkish Army already finished its operation against PKK in Southeastern Turkiye and killed ore than hundreads of PKK members... Ridiculus news won't impress anyone... :no:

Deno, when can we stop denying facts for some benefits? Why we never stay realistic? It is true that half of our high ranking generals are in jail and that our judicial system is worthless and that our millitary is under psychologic pressure. The AKP goverment lying to us. They say everything is under our control and the operations stopped. Well, tell me if the area is under our security, how these bunch of mountain rats can close the road for a convoy of 50 cars and making propaganda and than just leave the place with smileys?? What kind of bullcr*p are we in to man? From one side we have enourmes Syria problems and 40.000+ refugees that are ready to create a chaos in Turkey, and other side PKK increases their attacks and even securing a place.. What is our government doing on this case? Nothing. What is our government doing on the balyoz case that already proven to be a lie but still humilating our anti-US generals? You dont understand that what a enemy country could not do, that the AKP government did and arrested many generals?

We have now 40.000+ refugees and millions of kurds the wick to be burned to create a mass problem in Turkey. They preparing everything and we just sit her and denying these facts..

Kendi kendine özerklik ilan eden tiplerin, her çatışmada 5 helikopter düşüren bir "haber ajansı"na yaptığı açıklamaları sanki çok önemli bir şeymiş gibi buraya göndermenin mantığı nedir?

Tabi ODATV, Yenicag vesayre gibi kanallar'da artik teror orgutu kontrolun altinda ve propaganda malzemesi olarak kullaniyor. Semdinli olaylari Turk milletinden gizli tutuldu ne olup ne bittigi dogru durust anlatilmadi. Bir sozu oteki sozu tutmayan AKP medyasi, AKP sozculerine mi inanacagiz? Goruntuler herseyi ifade ediyor. BDP'nin tutumunu da gosteriyor ama AKP hic birsey yapmiyor, sadece generalleri terorist olarak iceri tikiyor.
Tabi ODATV, Yenicag vesayre gibi kanallar'da artik teror orgutu kontrolun altinda ve propaganda malzemesi olarak kullaniyor. Semdinli olaylari Turk milletinden gizli tutuldu ne olup ne bittigi dogru durust anlatilmadi. Bir sozu oteki sozu tutmayan AKP medyasi, AKP sozculerine mi inanacagiz? Goruntuler herseyi ifade ediyor. BDP'nin tutumunu da gosteriyor ama AKP hic birsey yapmiyor, sadece generalleri terorist olarak iceri tikiyor.

Evet oda tv teröre destek veren bir kanaldır sende şuan bilerek veya bilmeyerek TERÖRE destek oluyorsun bu işler motto na tunç yürekli TÜRKLERİZ yazmakla olmuyor ..
Taking the control of whole south eastern areas seems a bit exaggerated.:undecided:
OSMAN-PAMUKOGLU'dan baskasina güvenmiyorum!

The first and Only politician i trust, Mr Osman Pamukoglu.
Killumati allah senin belani versin. Nothing you say makes ever sense.

Why don't you post sources?

I looked it up it is firatnews. So in other words, an unreliable shite source.

there is no reason for curse ! times like this we must start and think about this "what would ATATURK do" i believe that is just a propaganda against our Might Nation.
Killumati allah senin belani versin. Nothing you say makes ever sense.

Why don't you post sources?

I looked it up it is firatnews. So in other words, an unreliable shite source.

No your stupid comments based on streettalks or no life cafe's are reliable. You expect a source? What kind of source? You still talking about a Turkish media source that already obey the commands of AKP?

Here you have youre lovely akp source:


Other sources:

PKK BDP'lilerin yolunu kesti

HABUR 2. PERDE!: PKK, BDP'li vekillerle

Putting fingers in your ears and closing your eyes doesnt solve anything. You are a typical google boy
that only can use google to solve your questionmarks.

there is no reason for curse ! times like this we must start and think about this "what would ATATURK do" i believe that is just a propaganda against our Might Nation.

Yes sure everything is propaganda.. We still even dont know what happend to our fighter jet. Prime Minster says this, foreign minister says that, chief of staff says this and they do this more than 100 times in just a few days and all their words are in contradiction. But you guys still think this is propaganda? Ofcourse it is a part of their propaganda but the fact that they are there and can do what they want is another case.
sen seyin cocugusun lan, bize ders mi ogreticen? Start using your brain for once. Firat news is PKK news site. You prefer them over your own government? You are spreading PKK propaganda. You are an embarrassment for Turks from the Netherlands. Because of you, Turks from Turkey think we are imbeciles.
^ Bu kadar cahillik var iken hem PKK eli kolu salayarak dolasir hemde Turkiye'yi boler.

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