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Plans to return intact: Musharraf


Jul 20, 2010
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Former president Pervez Musharraf says his plans to return to the country were intact despite the military leadership’s refusal to provide him security or help him evade arrest.

Talking to The Express Tribune by phone from Dubai, Musharraf said: “I have never made any such request. My comeback plans are very much intact. I don’t need any extra measures for my protection and the government, not the army, is responsible for that.”

In Islamabad, a spokesperson for the former president also called this
newspaper to contradict a news report, saying it was untrue.

“Musharraf … will return when he has to…we will decided what time suits him to be in Pakistan again,” said Fawad Chaudhry, who is associated with the former president’s All Pakistan Muslim League (APML).

On Sunday, it was reported that Musharraf had requested the military leadership to use its influence to prevent an imminent arrest upon his arrival in Pakistan.

Plans to return intact: Musharraf – The Express Tribune
He hasn't even come back yet and he's already tried to break away the military from a democratic government.
i personally think he's the only leader who can put Pakistan back on track!
just like it was during 2000-2005, the economy was booming at a very high percentage.
Personally, I'd also want to see him return to Pakistan. He did lots of good things to the country and should be respected for those achievements.
I hope he does come back Pakistan was never better and getting better when he was pres he was the best thing ever happend to Pakistan .

TG, there's no doubt about the abilities of this person and wonders he has done for Pakistan and we as a Pakistani nation are so much thankful to him. But will you think for a second that Pakistan's current situation and mess is just because of the policies of this man - and I personally don't give a damn about Economy, Education if me, my family, and my countrymen is not safe in the country. He had a good chance of getting rid of these corrupt leaders who at present are in the parliament but shook hand with them and put at stack the interests of the country in order to save his chair - there were cases against Zardari/Benazir/Nawaz, why he didn't execute them when he could? Everyone is entitled to his or her point of view, I'd personally not welcome him back into Pakistan - unless and until he appears against the court and defend himself of the atrocities he committed during his tenure of governance.
the government will bring him before the next elections, he is key to PPPP vote.

he was the worst thing that happened to PAKistan.
the government will bring him before the next elections, he is key to PPPP vote.

he was the worst thing that happened to PAKistan.

I think a lot of pakistanis would disagree with you. There are significant number or musharraf supporters in pdf.
musharraf was indeed the BEST thing that happened to Pakistan after perhaps Ayub Khan!

So heck yeah there are a LOT of his supporters in Pakistan and here on PDF! Also as far as security goes, Pakistan was MUCH MUCH MUCH more secure during Mushy's times, and that is why due to secuirty, the economy was booming because people felt safe to invest in Pakistan and besides statistics will prove that the number of bomb blasts, suicide bombings, drone attacks, EVERY SINGLE act of violence was WAAAAAAAAAAAY less during Mushy's times.

Just to take drone attacks: Between 2002-2008 there were ONLY 17 drone attacks and now between 2008-2011, during this demoCRAZY there have been total of 300+ drone attacks!

So heck yeah Mushy was the best. Everybody in Pakistan felt proud to be a Pakistani and there was a feel good effect in Pakistan!

During Mushy's times, EVERYTHING was booming well. Economy, education, defense, investment, poverty went down and country was on the SMOOTH path of beautiful recovery UNTIL this CIA sponsored demoCRAZY came!
i will support him if he explains why did he withdraw from kargil ... and why didn't he go for kala bagh .......
He is coming soon, i have been a very active coordinator of APML in Lahore and recently there has been more security beef at his farm house, 90% he is coming back before the end of this year, One can only determent his home coming by court fake cases on him, Ultimate plug will be pulled weeks before when GOP will creat hype of Musharraf's arrest and put his name on interpol, to cash his home coming as bringing him to Pakistan. they will stage a drama that Musharraf actually didn't come to Pakistan himself but GOP ppp and PMLN brought him back, We for this we are working very close with Army to ensure his security, I love this man, who is almost 68 years old and he still has balls to come up into mess for the sake of Pakistan. A true solider. Many want him come back right away but his home coming is not good for Pakistan until election is near since his return will give GOP and opposition to make public focus on him where as behind the scene they will just loot Pakistan more. His biggest fear is this only, that for the sake of his personality, he doesn't wanna give chance to current politicians to loot more under his cover. since media will be all about Musharraf Musharraf Musharraf. Entire political system will revolve around Musharraf's politics or revenge. While media focusing on Musharraf, will ignore corruption reports since most of the teams will be after the stories of Musharraf. MQM and PTI are getting close as Musharraf hinted a month ago and now once things are clear with them PTI and APML will get close, recent meeting of Musharraf and imran was pretty good so let's wait and watch. Long live Pakistan and salute to Musharraf.
But wasn't Musharraf hand in glove with the US?

Kiyani is a better choice, if one wants an Army chap heading the Govt.
No sir this is what you call double game! Musharraf played a well game with USA, Kiyani don't wanna come to politics that is the only reason Musharraf is trusted by army and he will be leading the country politically to get a political cover, Plus army and Musharraf has already to work with MQM PTI APML collision. If APML PTI MQM are in collision then USA will be kept on pressure since both are keeping anti USA stance so when USA demand much, they can be told that our collision is not agreeing on it so again great double game will start some where next year
I think PMLQ+MQM+PTI+Musharraf will make a good-enough electoral alliance. Problem is that PTI vs MQM and PTI vs Musharraf. How will this work? The last time I checked they were bitter enemies. May be things have changed since then, as someone above implies.
Anyway, Musharraf is welcome to come back to Pakistan. I think he is fully innocent of Benazir Bhutto's murder. Nobody really believes that he was involved in that. May be he did not provide enough security but that's just about it.

I think PPP will be really glad to have the above electoral alliance be formed to counter the almost certain victory of PMLN on the basis of Punjab alone. PPP may be throwing some bones to PMLN right now to bring Musharraf to trial but there really is not much antagonism between PPP and Musharraf.
Interesting times certainly lie ahead. But then it is always very interesting times in Pakistan.
i think we cannot find any leader like musharaf till 2030

he's the last hope of pakistan

in 2013 election PML N or PPP will win and pakistan will again drop in hands of bastardss

we want you musharaf back

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