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PLA's daily life in the Sino-Indian border


Sep 15, 2008
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I will be happy if any Indian member of the defence.pk can show me photos/videos on the daily life of your servicemen in the same area.

for photos of the Chinese side, please click:
PLA's daily life in the Sino-Indian border

first three photos shows how they do their daily boring jobs. then you see the mini kitchen on that car - the food looks not good.

the handhold device is the Beidou satellite navigation terminal - you dont rely on American's GPS when it comes to war.
A very good capability,these troops might be spending hours in a stand alone mode,the multipurpose vehicle provides good mobility & communications.

Indian defence minister AK Anthony at Nathu La border


Indian and Chinese soldier at sino-indian border in ceremonial uniform.


Chinese and Indian soldiers check a barbed wire fence following a meeting of military representatives of the two countries at their border at the Nathula Pass yesterday, on the eve of the formal resumption of trade between India and China along the pass.


A Chinese army officer (left) greets Indian soldiers at the Nathu La Pass. India and China reopened the famed Silk Road, allowing direct border trade between the world's two most populous nations for the first time since their frontier war 44 years ago.

These pics are a little old (2006), but reflect growing sino-indian ties.
thanks su-47 for the pics,it's really old though.
any up-to-day portraiture of Indian border troopers?

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