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PM aide Denies Indian Media Reports claiming backchannel talks with Indian NSA

AgNoStiC MuSliM

Jul 11, 2007
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United States
Once again - please stop using anything from the Indian media that references any actions or claims by Pakistan, other than to debunk Indian claims.

The degree of malevolent propaganda and outright lies from the Indian government, military and media is absurd.

What has occurred are DGMO talks through already established channels, and nothing new has transpired beyond the 'commitment to adhere to the ceasefire', as has been done several times in the past.

Let's see how long this lasts before Modi chooses to scapegoat and blame Pakistan to distract his domestic audience.


PM’s aide denies backchannel talks with Indian NSA yielded icebreaker
Denial came after Indian media claimed Ajit Doval, Dr Yusuf had been in touch directly & via interlocutors for months

Our Correspondent February 25, 2021

special assistant to prime minister sapm on national security and strategic policy planning dr moeed yousuf photo courtesy usip

Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on National Security and Strategic Policy Planning Dr Moeed Yousuf. PHOTO COURTESY: USIP
Pakistan’s security czar Dr Moeed Yusuf has dismissed the Indian media reports, claiming that Thursday’s icebreaker in the acrimonious relations between New Delhi and Islamabad is the result of some backchannel diplomacy.

Dr Yusuf’s statement came hours after top military officials from Pakistan and India spoke on phone and agreed to ensure strict observance of a 2003 truce along the Line of Control (LoC) where troops from both sides have frequently exchanged light and heavy weapon fire.

“I have seen claims by Indian media that attribute today’s ceasefire announcement between Pakistani and Indian DGMOs [director general military operations] to backchannel diplomacy between me and the Indian NSA [National Security Adviser],” Dr Moeed Yusuf, the special assistant to the prime minister on national security, wrote in a series of tweets on his verified Twitter handle.

“This is baseless. No such talks have taken place between me and Mr. Ajit Doval,” he added. He clarified that “the welcome development on the LoC is a result of discussions through the established channel of DGMOs”.

“Obviously, these are by their very nature not in the public eye and done privately and professionally through the direct channel,” he added.

Dr Yusuf recalled that Pakistan has continued to call for the 2003 ceasefire agreement to be honoured and “I am glad we have reached the understanding. It must be followed in letter and spirit”.

Frequent skirmishes on the LoC have taken a heavy toll on the civilian population living along the de facto border in Azad Kashmir. The clashes, however, became more frequent and deadlier in February 2019 when the two countries almost went to war Pakistani warplanes carried out a spectacular air raid deep inside Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and shot down two Indian jets in reprisal for a botched air strike by Indian air force in Balakot.

Earlier, Indian newspaper Hindustan Times claimed on the authority of “people aware of the matter” that the DGMOs contact came months after NSA Ajit Doval and his counterpart in Islamabad, Dr Moeed Yusuf, initiated backchannel conversations to ensure peace along the LoC.

Doval and Dr Yusuf have been in touch directly and via interlocutors from the intelligence community, a person familiar with the negotiations told HT. “Moeed Yusuf later confirmed that the two countries had been making efforts behind the scenes,” it claimed.

The joint statement is the first outcome of these conversations that included at least one face-to-face meeting in a third country, the person cited above said. He added that only a small group of top government leaders including union home minister Amit Shah, defence minister Rajnath Singh and external affairs minister S Jaishankar were aware of the details of the talks.

Officials said Thursday’s joint statement could be the first of the many steps that the two countries may take over the next few months to normalise relations, one step at a time.

Indian James Bond is notorious for planting favorable stories in the Indian media to enhance his macho image.

This was another of those fictional yarns being spun. It is a good thing the reality came out.
Despite being exposed and shamed world wide for their lies & twists; I don't see any change in Modi's India that still misleads their own masses. Unfortunately, Indians have to face it and bear such disappointment.

How did you government not know about this?? That is where the shame lies.
How did you government not know about this?? That is where the shame lies.

Dude... are you alright? Really? There comes the clean yet straight denial against Indian Lies. Seems like Modi needed a lame yet totally moral-less story to divert from defeat at LAC knowing fully that Indian masses do believe whatever comes from media even if that seems to be a news about big foot seen by Indian Army or an igloo found on the Mars.
Dude... are you alright? Really? There comes the clean yet straight denial against Indian Lies. Seems like Modi needed a lame yet totally moral-less story to divert from defeat at LAC knowing fully that Indian masses do believe whatever comes from media even if that seems to be a news about big foot seen by Indian Army or an igloo found on the Mars.
Is the loc ceasefire true ?
Dude... are you alright? Really? There comes the clean yet straight denial against Indian Lies. Seems like Modi needed a lame yet totally moral-less story to divert from defeat at LAC knowing fully that Indian masses do believe whatever comes from media even if that seems to be a news about big foot seen by Indian Army or an igloo found on the Mars.

You are delusional. That was a media report not a government statement. This came about on the same day as you are confirmed to remain in the FATF greylist and within days of China pulling back on the border.

BTW. Nobody cares on the Indian side if the Pakistani government was involved or not. We'd rather deal with the Pakistani army than the government. Thats where the decision making power is.
You are delusional. That was a media report not a government statement. This came about on the same day as you are confirmed to remain in the FATF greylist and within days of China pulling back on the border.

BTW. Nobody cares on the Indian side if the Pakistani government was involved or not. We'd rather deal with the Pakistani army than the government. Thats where the decision making power is.
nobody cares about dealing with Pak govt yet your media had to lie about Pak govts involvement and you dont care about news from your own amazingly bs media wtf! high on modis piss or cows?
nobody cares about dealing with Pak govt yet your media had to lie about Pak govts involvement and you dont care about news from your own amazingly bs media wtf! high on modis piss or cows?

What??? Lol. The media story and the response by Dr Moeed Yusuf just show how powerless the Pakistani government is. The Pakistani government had
nobody cares about dealing with Pak govt yet your media had to lie about Pak govts involvement and you dont care about news from your own amazingly bs media wtf! high on modis piss or cows?

What is Dr Moeed Yusuf job and why was he not involved in these negotiations? Because on the Indian side the civilian government directs the negotations.
What??? Lol. The media story and the response by Dr Moeed Yusuf just show how powerless the Pakistani government is. The Pakistani government had

What is Dr Moeed Yusuf job and why was he not involved in these negotiations? Because on the Indian side the civilian government directs the negotations.
i dont want to waste time on someone high on Modis piss so for you!

wah Modi g wahhh!! wahhhh!!!
You are delusional. That was a media report not a government statement. This came about on the same day as you are confirmed to remain in the FATF greylist and within days of China pulling back on the border.

BTW. Nobody cares on the Indian side if the Pakistani government was involved or not. We'd rather deal with the Pakistani army than the government. Thats where the decision making power is.

Calm down mate,. I am worried that you might burn your blood for nothing while sitting before computer. In-fact, the subject here is about Indian Media's continuous propaganda & lies despite being exposed before. Nothing stops your "We" to deal with the Pakistan Army, only IF you could do and you are free to make an attempt anytime. Sure, none of the side will be sitting idle so Modi can try to pull a stunt this time as well.
What is Dr Moeed Yusuf job and why was he not involved in these negotiations? Because on the Indian side the civilian government directs the negotations.

Ask the Indian media about the same as to why they did name Moeed at all. That is exactly Moeed Yousuf denied for which, instead of correcting Indian Media you are still asking question. Try to read or re-read, read repeat and understand.
Calm down mate,. I am worried that you might burn your blood for nothing while sitting before computer. In-fact, the subject here is about Indian Media's continuous propaganda & lies despite being exposed before. Nothing stops your "We" to deal with the Pakistan Army, only IF you could do and you are free to make an attempt anytime. Sure, none of the side will be sitting idle so Modi can try to pull a stunt this time as well.

Ask the Indian media about the same as to why they did name Moeed at all. That is exactly Moeed Yousuf denied for which, instead of correcting Indian Media you are still asking question. Try to read or re-read, read repeat and understand.

Because Moeed by his position should be the one negotiating, not some general. At least that's how democratic governments work in this universe.
Because Moeed by his position should be the one negotiating, not some general. At least that's how democratic governments work in this universe.
There was no new 'negotiation' - these were military-military talks on implementing the existing ceasefire agreement. What you fail to understand is that there is an existing, established military to military line of communication through the DGMO's. The Indian NSA did not lead any discussions here, either with the Pakistani DGMO or the Pakistani NSA - that is a flat out lie by the Indian media, as usual.

So, again, BOTH India and Pakistan conducted talks through an existing mechanism involving the DGMO's.

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