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PNS Alamgir sets sail for Pakistan

I am sorry to say this but from the very looks of it, seems like every offensive system apart of two cannons is ripped off. Unless we equip these with new weaponry and sensors, be it from west, China, its just a waste of money! A ship of 4100 tonnes for anti piracy role? Gun boats could have done better...

That is what many countries use. As FAC can not operate or fill piracy missions at the distances and endurance levels needed. Also a FAC can not carry the needed sensors that larger vessels can house.

The Sensors and weapons systems would need replacing and upgrading. However these are more capable then the type 21s PN has as is and they can fill ASW roles as is too along with long distance operations through the use of its helicopter capability. While they are not modern they are cost effective replacements to older vessels.
I am sorry to say this but from the very looks of it, seems like every offensive system apart of two cannons is ripped off. Unless we equip these with new weaponry and sensors, be it from west, China, its just a waste of money! A ship of 4100 tonnes for anti piracy role? Gun boats could have done better...

THat's a rather narrow point of view. It's primary capability was and remains ASW. This is up to date and more powerfull than ANY ship in PN service. A few Harpoons are easily installed on the superstructure like on Taiwnaese Perry's (take over from retiring Type 21 e.g.) as is e.g. SeaRam or RAM forward of the bridge, over the Mk13-base.
Ok kool ..as long as it is worthwhile...
Yes ! It is obvious that if we dont like it as it is then we shold build our own to have to have all kinda systems installed instead of begging to otherz for cheap ships.....to get a peace of mind...:woot:
which is far better than to complain about this refurbished ship...
Taiwanese Cheng Kung class (with SSMs on the superstructure). More pics here

Meanwhile, just hoping that observers have not mistaken Alamgir's Australian decoy launchers (on top of the bridge) for Harpoon launchers.... and that she really got 2x 2 or 4 rack launched Harpoons installed.
Taiwanese Cheng Kung class (with SSMs on the superstructure). More pics here

Meanwhile, just hoping that observers have not mistaken Alamgir's Australian decoy launchers (on top of the bridge) for Harpoon launchers.... and that she really got 2x 2 or 4 rack launched Harpoons installed.

can u shed some light on the "Australian decoys" you're talking about
Is Pakistan getting other 5 Frigates of this category too or not?
Is Pakistan getting other 5 Frigates of this category too or not?

AFAIK a total of 6 were requested, of which 1 is now delivered. Remember, though, that they become available only upon retirement from active USN service (there is no pool of already retired long-OHP's) and there are other takers for the retiring ships (notably Taiwan, which needs replacements for it ex-USN Knox class ships and is interested in acquiring 8 ex-USN Perry's for this purpose. See Taiwan To Buy Perry-Class Frigates From U.S.: Report - Defense News). So, it may be quite some years before all 6 are available to PN.

I believe on december 10th, 2010, USS Hawes (FFG53) was decommissioned. She is to serve as spare parts hull and so not up for sale/transfer to foreign nations.
Navy to decommission frigate Hawes in Norfolk | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com

IIRC 2 more are scheduled to decommission in 2011. These may or may not go to PN. They are up for transfer.
• Hawes: Dec. 10, 2010 — “Will be utilized as a logistic support asset primarily for remaining ships in the FFG 7 class.”
• Jarrett: May 27, 2011 — Set aside for foreign military sale.
• Doyle: July 29, 2011 — Set aside for foreign military sale.
7 warships on fiscal 2011 inactive ship list - Navy News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Navy Times
AFAIK a total of 6 were requested, of which 1 is now delivered. Remember, though, that they become available only upon retirement from active USN service (there is no pool of already retired long-OHP's) and there are other takers for the retiring ships (notably Taiwan, which needs replacements for it ex-USN Knox class ships and is interested in acquiring 8 ex-USN Perry's for this purpose. See Taiwan To Buy Perry-Class Frigates From U.S.: Report - Defense News). So, it may be quite some years before all 6 are available to PN.

I believe on december 10th, 2010, USS Hawes (FFG53) was decommissioned. She is to serve as spare parts hull and so not up for sale/transfer to foreign nations.
Navy to decommission frigate Hawes in Norfolk | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com

IIRC 2 more are scheduled to decommission in 2011. These may or may not go to PN. They are up for transfer.

7 warships on fiscal 2011 inactive ship list - Navy News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Navy Times
sir America could easily sell it to us they only doesnt want to make Israel and India unhappy?
AFAIK a total of 6 were requested, of which 1 is now delivered. Remember, though, that they become available only upon retirement from active USN service (there is no pool of already retired long-OHP's) and there are other takers for the retiring ships (notably Taiwan, which needs replacements for it ex-USN Knox class ships and is interested in acquiring 8 ex-USN Perry's for this purpose. See Taiwan To Buy Perry-Class Frigates From U.S.: Report - Defense News). So, it may be quite some years before all 6 are available to PN.

I believe on december 10th, 2010, USS Hawes (FFG53) was decommissioned. She is to serve as spare parts hull and so not up for sale/transfer to foreign nations.
Navy to decommission frigate Hawes in Norfolk | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com

IIRC 2 more are scheduled to decommission in 2011. These may or may not go to PN. They are up for transfer.

7 warships on fiscal 2011 inactive ship list - Navy News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Navy Times

You make a good point, but PN would not have gone for just one ship in OHP class, if they couldn't see atleast more than one OHP coming. Maybe US made sure they will get a minimum number? I would say, 6 is a bit far fetched, but you never know that USN might offer PN. For the first OHP went to PN anyway.

PN clearly wants these to replace the Type 21s.
sir America could easily sell it to us they only doesnt want to make Israel and India unhappy?

I think you've missed the point of my post. There are more countries (that the US considered allies and eligible for foreign military aid - don't forget McInerney was given as grant in aid and the cost of refurbishment & training was financied with US funds) than just Pakistan that would be interested in any OHPs that come available. There is no doubt in my mind PN will get the 6 ships it wants (there are more than 25 still in active servce in USN!), the question is only WHEN. They can't very well deliver ships they are still using themselves and have help meet the needs of several - not just one - military allies simultaneously.
PN would not have gone for just one ship in OHP class, if they couldn't see atleast more than one OHP coming.

Of course PN don't go for a single ship, they haven't in the recent past either (see ex-USN Gearings destroyers, Brooke- & Garcia frigates, but also ex-UK Amazon).
Those they bought as one off's were paid off very quickly -- PNS Babur ex HMS London was the case in point.
Those they bought as one off's were paid off very quickly -- PNS Babur ex HMS London was the case in point.

Most of the remainder (7) of that class (8) went to Chile (4), which did some interesting conversion work on them
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