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Poland to sue Germany for $1.3 trillion over WWII

They have already given a lot through investing in Polands future. Proven by the massive rise in polish wealth and living standars since end of cold war.

Stolen money must be returned. That's simple. If a thief stolen money from you, you would expect to get your money back.
Stolen money must be returned. That's simple. If a thief stolen money from you, you would expect to get your money back.

Thief can keep my money if he has already paid back through other means, like increasing wealth and prosperity for me and my neighborhood.

Anyway, the thiefs that stole Polish money are all dead by now.
Thief can keep my money if he has already paid back through other means, like increasing wealth and prosperity for me and my neighborhood.

Anyway, the thiefs that stole Polish money are all dead by now.

German investment is peanuts in comparison to what Germany will have to return to us.
Anyway companies from many countries invest in Poland.
Germans commited genocide against us and stolen our money. They will have to give our money back. Russia has nothing to do with it.

from gentile's standpoint they got rid of the Jews for you :-) On a serious note the USSR did more damage to Polish society. The Nazis never pretended to be friends of Poland unlike the communists.
Poland has benefitted a lot from EU inclusion. Why do right wing poles want to create trouble with Germany; a country that has genuinly shown regret for its past and actually taken responsible for it in many different ways.

This move will go nowhere but if it happens, there will be bitterness aginst poles. The current generation Germans have had no role in the atrocities of second world war. Why should they pay for something they had no role in.
Poland needs money as it has sunk a lot into the Ukraine mess. Comparatively, Germany doesn't spend as much. So, it is just a newly minted excuse to ask Germany to cough up more, such as replacing Poland's T-72 tanks sent to Ukraine with Leopard-2 from Germany. Just a thought. :)
Poland needs money as it has sunk a lot into the Ukraine mess. Comparatively, Germany doesn't spend as much. So, it is just a newly minted excuse to ask Germany to cough up more,

We demand Germans give back stolen money since many years. It has nothing to do with the Ukraine and Donbass.

such as replacing Poland's T-72 tanks sent to Ukraine with Leopard-2 from Germany. Just a thought. :)

We will have Korean tanks, there is no need for German junk.
Śląsk i Pomorze are historicali Polish. Poland in X century:
View attachment 875495

This stupid, nationalist mindset - anything that way once „ours“ has to be forever ours - is exactly what leads to revanchistic ideology, hate and eventually war, since when every country would think that way there will simply no solution or do you think Italy should aim for the Roman Empire, hhe Turkish Republic should aim for the Ottoman Empire, France for most of Europe as under napoleon and the UK will demand back all its colonies including India?

In fact you are just a revanchist and nationalist like your stupid old president.

Stolen money must be returned. That's simple. If a thief stolen money from you, you would expect to get your money back.

It’s not that simple especially after former Polish governments have agreed there was enough of compensation and that topic is done.

This is nothing but a plain naive arrogant inner-political plot.
from gentile's standpoint they got rid of the Jews for you :-) On a serious note the USSR did more damage to Polish society. The Nazis never pretended to be friends of Poland unlike the communists.
Man's got a point
Germans commited genocide against us and stolen our money. They will have to give our money back. Russia has nothing to do with it.
Lmao ...you are a known Russian propagandist on here. Almost every knowledgeable member on PDF here knows that(even those that are anti west).
The fact that you try and act as a pole who loves Russia to the bone in itself is a big give away, this can be seen in the way you absolve Russia of all the crimes against humanity it committed during its invasion and brutal occupation of Poland.
The fact that Polish people hate Russia more than almost any other country on earth is not by coincidence. Lol
This alone shows that something is not right about your constant propaganda for Russia. 🤣 if anything Stalin/USSR was no different from Hitler to be honest, they even cooperated and signed a public agreement to carve out Poland. So I don't know what you are on about.
Lmao ...you are a known Russian propagandist on here. Almost every knowledgeable member on PDF here knows that(even those that are anti west).
The fact that you act as a pole who loves Russia to the bone in itself is a big give away, this can be seen in the way you absolve Russia of any crimes it committed during its invasion and brutal occupation of Poland.
The fact that Polish people hate Russia more than almost any other country on earth is not by coincidence. Lol
This alone shows that something is not right about your constant propaganda for Russia. 🤣 if anything Stalin/USSR was no different from Hitler to be honest, they even cooperated and signed a public agreement to carve out Poland. So I don't know what you are on about.

Mistakes happen. Everyone makes them as individuals or collectively as a nation. The Germans under 3rd Reich had their share. Poland was at the receiving end. The USSR under Stalin had its share. Current Germany has been somewhat aware of their ancestor mistakes, they have rectified a lot of it and have provided Poland with a stable border. There was a time under even Putin Russia was going to go down the same path of reform. Too bad things did not continue that way.
Other countries also demand Germans give back money they stolen. But of course some German neo-nazis claim that demanding stolen money back is "revanchistic". Lame excuse to try not give stolen money back.

Germany colonial-era genocide reparations offer not enough – Namibia vice president

June 5, 2021


Human skulls from the Herero and ethnic Nama people are displayed during a ceremony in Berlin, Germany, August 29, 2018, to hand back human remains from Germany to Namibia following the 1904-1908 genocide against the Herero and Nama . REUTERS/Christian Mang

WINDHOEK, June 4 (Reuters) - Germany’s offer to fund projects in Namibia worth more than a billion euros ($1.22 billion) over 30 years to atone for its role in genocide and property seizures in its-then colony more than a century ago is not enough, Namibian Vice President Nangolo Mbumba said on Friday.

"No amount of money in any currency can truly compensate the life of a human being," Mbumba told journalists as Windhoek officially briefed the nation on the outcome of six years of negotiations with Germany which concluded last month.

"We need to recognise that the amount of 1.1 billion euros agreed upon between the two governments is not enough and does not adequately address the initial quantum of reparations initially submitted to the German Government."

Germany apologised on May 28 for its role in the slaughter of Herero and Nama tribespeople in Namibia more than a century ago and officially described the massacre as genocide for the first time, as it agreed to fund projects.

Thousands of Herero and Nama people were killed by German colonial forces between 1904 and 1908 after the tribes rebelled against German rule of the colony, then named German South-West Africa.

Survivors were driven into the desert, where many ended up in concentration camps to be used as slave labour, many dying of cold, malnutrition and exhaustion.

Herero paramount chief Vekuii Rukoro last week dismissed the deal agreed by the two governments as "an insult" because it did not include payment of reparations.

"These are historic choices we have to make, very difficult as they are. If there were other opportunities to squeeze money out of the Germans, we could have done it," Mbumba said at the briefing.

"I don't think that any Namibian would think that the money is enough to compensate for all that happened – to be killed, to be chased out of your country; no amount of money can do that," he said.

Other countries also demand Germans give back money they stolen. But of course some German neo-nazis claim that demanding stolen money back is "revanchistic". Lame excuse to try not give stolen money back.

Germany colonial-era genocide reparations offer not enough – Namibia vice president

June 5, 2021

View attachment 875565
Human skulls from the Herero and ethnic Nama people are displayed during a ceremony in Berlin, Germany, August 29, 2018, to hand back human remains from Germany to Namibia following the 1904-1908 genocide against the Herero and Nama . REUTERS/Christian Mang

WINDHOEK, June 4 (Reuters) - Germany’s offer to fund projects in Namibia worth more than a billion euros ($1.22 billion) over 30 years to atone for its role in genocide and property seizures in its-then colony more than a century ago is not enough, Namibian Vice President Nangolo Mbumba said on Friday.

"No amount of money in any currency can truly compensate the life of a human being," Mbumba told journalists as Windhoek officially briefed the nation on the outcome of six years of negotiations with Germany which concluded last month.

"We need to recognise that the amount of 1.1 billion euros agreed upon between the two governments is not enough and does not adequately address the initial quantum of reparations initially submitted to the German Government."

Germany apologised on May 28 for its role in the slaughter of Herero and Nama tribespeople in Namibia more than a century ago and officially described the massacre as genocide for the first time, as it agreed to fund projects.

Thousands of Herero and Nama people were killed by German colonial forces between 1904 and 1908 after the tribes rebelled against German rule of the colony, then named German South-West Africa.

Survivors were driven into the desert, where many ended up in concentration camps to be used as slave labour, many dying of cold, malnutrition and exhaustion.

Herero paramount chief Vekuii Rukoro last week dismissed the deal agreed by the two governments as "an insult" because it did not include payment of reparations.

"These are historic choices we have to make, very difficult as they are. If there were other opportunities to squeeze money out of the Germans, we could have done it," Mbumba said at the briefing.

"I don't think that any Namibian would think that the money is enough to compensate for all that happened – to be killed, to be chased out of your country; no amount of money can do that," he said.


Do you want to pick up each crime any country, any nation did in its history or only those made by Germans?
In fact we at least showed a different way to admit what we did, and try to do better ... so what about your beloved Russia?t
Poles forgot where they have been in 90ies...

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