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Possible J-10 sale to Tehran raises red flags



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Jan 18, 2008
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Iran, China and Russia may have reached agreement for the supply of Chengdu J-10 advanced combat aircraft to Iran, according to Russian media reports.

The Russian business daily Kommersant published the story on 23 October but it was picked up and translated into English by the state-controlled Novosti news agency the following day. Kommersant has an acknowledged track record for monitoring Russia's dealings with Iran and Novosti's involvement gives the story an official seal of approval.

China, perhaps surprised by the extent of the Russian reports, has moved quickly to deny them. According to the state-controlled Xinhua news agency, Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao told a regular press conference: "The report is false and irresponsible. China has not conducted any negotiation on the so-called fighter issue. We hope the Russian newspaper could clarify its report."

Quoting sources within HESA (the Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industrial Company), Kommersant said the Iranian military will take delivery of 24 J-10s between 2008 and 2010 to equip two squadrons. This is a similar number to the elderly Chengdu J-7 fighters previously delivered from China to Iran - raising the possibility that the J-10s will replace the obsolete J-7s.

Iran was previously thought to be negotiating a large package of Sukhoi Su-30MK fighters with Russia. However, it may have opted instead to acquire the more affordable but still capable J-10 from China. In Iranian service the J-10 would primarily be an air-defence platform, equipped with Chinese weapons such as the SD-10 active-radar air-to-air missile.

250 of 576 words
© 2007 Jane's Information Group
By: Feng
Military Analyst
Here is his view on J-10 and Iran.

As you have all probably noticed, there was a Russian report that China will deliver 24 J-10s to Iran. Now, I have to say that the original report was full of errors just in terms of its description of J-10. It basically called J-10 a clone of Lavi (which is not close to the truth). Of course, the Israeli and American news services picked up on this and harped on China's betrayal of Israel's help. They also made sure readers noticed that American tax dollars are not only spent on J-10, but will also be forwarded to Iran, their enemy. Aside from the obvious part that the Israelis stopped helping the J-10 project in 1995 (first flight didn't come until 1998), people fail to realize that J-10 would've been completed eventually with or without the Israeli help (although there is no doubt that the Israeli assistance sped up the development process). There are several reasons why China would not sell J-10 at this point:

China does not export its best technology (similar to USA and Russia). In fact, several years back, the Iranians were interested in J-8F. However, China was only willing to offer F-8IIM, so the deal fell through. Until J-11B is fully in service J-10 is by far China's most powerful aerial threat. If they would not even export J-8F to Iran, why would they export J-10?
The risk of J-10 falling into American hands is too great. If J-10 is exported to Iran, then the likelihood of it falling into American hands after a confrontation against Iran is extremely high. In that case, US would be able to take it back, examine the aircraft and get all of its performance parameters. Once that happens, the effectiveness of current and future J-10 would be significantly reduced. In fact, it is actually more beneficial to US if J-10 gets exported to Iran (especially considering the likelihood of military action against it).
If JF-17 is good enough for Iran, why would J-10 need to be exported. In fact, Iran was always expected to be the largest JF-17 customer outside of Pakistan. There have even been talks of an assembly line for JF-17 in Iran.
China has also apparently helped Iran on Shafaq and its indigenous F-5. It can do a lot of business with Iran without having to sell its most advanced fighter, why would it do it?
There is also the recent sanction by US on IRG. It's possible that any Chinese companies dealing with IRG will get sanctions. Would companies like SAC and CAC sacrifice their contracting jobs with Boeing just to make a few bucks with Iran?
More and more often I feel some Russian reports regarding Chinese military are even more unreliable than those of the West.
By: Feng
Military Analyst
Here is his view on J-10 and Iran.

As you have all probably noticed, there was a Russian report that China will deliver 24 J-10s to Iran. Now, I have to say that the original report was full of errors just in terms of its description of J-10. It basically called J-10 a clone of Lavi (which is not close to the truth). Of course, the Israeli and American news services picked up on this and harped on China's betrayal of Israel's help. They also made sure readers noticed that American tax dollars are not only spent on J-10, but will also be forwarded to Iran, their enemy. Aside from the obvious part that the Israelis stopped helping the J-10 project in 1995 (first flight didn't come until 1998), people fail to realize that J-10 would've been completed eventually with or without the Israeli help (although there is no doubt that the Israeli assistance sped up the development process). There are several reasons why China would not sell J-10 at this point:

China does not export its best technology (similar to USA and Russia). In fact, several years back, the Iranians were interested in J-8F. However, China was only willing to offer F-8IIM, so the deal fell through. Until J-11B is fully in service J-10 is by far China's most powerful aerial threat. If they would not even export J-8F to Iran, why would they export J-10?
The risk of J-10 falling into American hands is too great. If J-10 is exported to Iran, then the likelihood of it falling into American hands after a confrontation against Iran is extremely high. In that case, US would be able to take it back, examine the aircraft and get all of its performance parameters. Once that happens, the effectiveness of current and future J-10 would be significantly reduced. In fact, it is actually more beneficial to US if J-10 gets exported to Iran (especially considering the likelihood of military action against it).
If JF-17 is good enough for Iran, why would J-10 need to be exported. In fact, Iran was always expected to be the largest JF-17 customer outside of Pakistan. There have even been talks of an assembly line for JF-17 in Iran.
China has also apparently helped Iran on Shafaq and its indigenous F-5. It can do a lot of business with Iran without having to sell its most advanced fighter, why would it do it?
There is also the recent sanction by US on IRG. It's possible that any Chinese companies dealing with IRG will get sanctions. Would companies like SAC and CAC sacrifice their contracting jobs with Boeing just to make a few bucks with Iran?

Bud you are watching t:cheesy::cheesy: many Hollywood movies.:rofl:

On one hand you are saying that Israelis were helping the Chinese with development on the other hand you claim that Americans will want it i don't no how to tell ya but if the Israelis no it you can bet Americans no it to.second Americans are light years ahead in fighter plane tech they don't need to see it.
And most important think that you have to realize is a big quantity of Beijing oil imports are coming out of Iran so trust me when i say if the Iranians want it Chinese will sell as Iranians can easily approach Russia and buy sukohi or MIG series fighters.
And for sanctions Chinese never cared for sanctions before and i doubt they are about to start now oh just to let you no a secret Chinese own about 3rd of American debt ponder that.:toast_sign:

Most important Any air force in the world going against the American including Israelis don't stand a chance so for some reason i dont think j10 is a threat to them.
Bud you are watching t:cheesy::cheesy: many Hollywood movies.:rofl:

On one hand you are saying that Israelis were helping the Chinese with development on the other hand you claim that Americans will want it i don't no how to tell ya but if the Israelis no it you can bet Americans no it to.second Americans are light years ahead in fighter plane tech they don't need to see it.
And most important think that you have to realize is a big quantity of Beijing oil imports are coming out of Iran so trust me when i say if the Iranians want it Chinese will sell as Iranians can easily approach Russia and buy sukohi or MIG series fighters.
And for sanctions Chinese never cared for sanctions before and i doubt they are about to start now oh just to let you no a secret Chinese own about 3rd of American debt ponder that.:toast_sign:

Most important Any air force in the world going against the American including Israelis don't stand a chance so for some reason i dont think j10 is a threat to them.

lol buddy... and you are telling me that i watch too much hollywood movies..:disagree: look at your comments..
i have clearly mentioned the authors name of the artical and no way is it my opinion but its coming from a professional Chinese military analysts not ayvee tayvee bandaah..

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