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Possible new terror attack in London unfolding.

Here we go again, these lunatics just don't know when to call quits. My prayers, though insignificant, are for the victims.

Bro, last time I checked there were over 20,000 lines of enquiries on terrorism related suspects. The current infrastructure is just not big enough to deal with what we are facing. We need to expand our intelligence services, especially MI5, but even then, there is really no way to monitor thousands and thousands of people.

It is also very hard to gather HUMINT on lone wolves types when these groups are completely decentralized and are most often than not, not part of the original networks in destabilised zones. Otherwise they are a lot easier to identify and neutralize.

In essence, it is nearly impossible to stop lone wolf attacks, unless the people they interact with on a daily bases notice irregularities and report it promptly. But that doesn't always happen. And that is somewhere we still have a lot of work to do.

I agree but rounding up the 3,000 most serious cases can be done easily. They need to be taken off the streets.

I'm afraid this is not a lone wolf attack and seems to be an organised cell. They also seem to be of a Pakistani background, well at least one. Raids are now being carried out in East Ham. The neighbours also report the same thing. I may be wrong but the writing is on the wall for this one.
Now you know why I am so against these Pakistani's in the West who are infected with the Arab disease? you know the type. Father is Pakistan but they dream their father was Arab by wearing those long Arab style garbs, slaaping those Arab style head things and generally making gutteral sounds as if they speak Arabic and crying about Syria or Palestine when their own sisters are being raped by the Indian Army in Kashmir. All this points to a inferiority complex and weak sense of identity.
I agree but rounding up the 3,000 most serious cases can be done easily. They need to be taken off the streets.

I'm afraid this is not a lone wolf attack and seems to be an organised cell. They also seem to be of a Pakistani background, well at least one. Raids are now being carried out in East Ham. The neighbours also report the same thing. I may be wrong but the writing is on the wall for this one.

If we start rounding them up, the loony lefties will come out with the racism and discrimination card. And the do gooders in the community will be up in arms about how they are being victmised. It really is a double edge sword with internment.

I agree, and I was speaking generally about the past plots, especially the ones that were successfully thwarted in comparison to the ones that were not. And yeah, at least one of them seems to be of Pakistani background.
If we start rounding them up, the loony lefties will come out with the racism and discrimination card. And the do gooders in the community will be up in arms about how they are being victmised. It really is a double edge sword with internment.

I agree, and I was speaking generally about the past plots, especially the ones that were successfully thwarted in comparison to the ones that were not. And yeah, at least one of them seems to be of Pakistani background.

They need to be ignored. What has to be done has to be done.

Now you know why I am so against these Pakistani's in the West who are infected with the Arab disease? you know the type. Father is Pakistan but they dream their father was Arab by wearing those long Arab style garbs, slaaping those Arab style head things and generally making gutteral sounds as if they speak Arabic and crying about Syria or Palestine when their own sisters are being raped by the Indian Army in Kashmir. All this points to a inferiority complex and weak sense of identity.

I wouldn't call it an Arab disease, but rather the tell tale signs of a particular brand of Islam they follow. It certainly isn't the peaceful sufistic type that is the spiritual heritage of Pakistan. But anyway, let's stick to the topic.
Now you know why I am so against these Pakistani's in the West who are infected with the Arab disease? you know the type. Father is Pakistan but they dream their father was Arab by wearing those long Arab style garbs, slaaping those Arab style head things and generally making gutteral sounds as if they speak Arabic and crying about Syria or Palestine when their own sisters are being raped by the Indian Army in Kashmir. All this points to a inferiority complex and weak sense of identity.
Do you have that kind of people? What about their own identity and culture? What's the problem with that?
They need to be ignored. What has to be done has to be done.

We work so hard to rebuild community relations and then these wanna be righteous warriors come along and destroy everything and take innocent lives.

I really want to see convicted terrorists and all their associates stripped of citizenship and sent to a penal colony in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.
All these mf pakistanis who resort to these ill activities need to be shot in the head. Atleast Pakistan did a good job creating military courts and hanging these b@st@rds. British and Pakistan should cooperate to, atleast, take care of all those pakistanis who even give a word that in any way support any terrorist group or figure.
3 women arrested this morning




rip. radical islam is a threat to our human existence. and we need to stop being politically correct. if we want to defeat them.
The Metropolitan police just had a press conference. There are no new developments yet, but there were some details that were revealed that were previously not known.
-50 rounds were fired at the attackers killing them.
- A member of the public was caught in the fire from the officers and is being treated.

The officer also said that the names of the suspects will be released soon.

Damn was busy with work most of these last 2 months and the world has gone upside down.

First Manchester Bombing and now this shooting. Paints a very gloomy picture for future of this country especially in the backdrop of all defense spending cuts and *** whipping we been getting of late :(

@Vergennes HI bro !

Damn was busy with work most of these last 2 months and the world has gone upside down.

First Manchester Bombing and now this shooting. Paints a very gloomy picture for future of this country especially in the backdrop of all defense spending cuts and *** whipping we been getting of late :(

@Vergennes HI bro !

That's right bro it's all gone to hell. As I mentioned before this is the worst Summer for terror in our modern history. It's such a horrible time.
We work so hard to rebuild community relations and then these wanna be righteous warriors come along and destroy everything and take innocent lives.

I really want to see convicted terrorists and all their associates stripped of citizenship and sent to a penal colony in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.
I tell you what will happen, community tensions will rise to boiling point. That is what they who have power want and are building towards a dialetical Clash...

He along with three others poisoned thousands of youth. He was allowed here in the 90's and given leave to remain, something myself and the traditional Muslim community from the Sub-continent objected to. The government just ignored the warnings. We need to go back in time to see the roots of all this.
Did they willingly ignore the warnings or just ignore?

both the money and the ideology come from Saudi Arabia, why not just say it out loud ?
And Saudi Arabia are best buddies with those who have power in the US and UK.

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