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Powerful Non-hindus of India

The hindus left back in 47.

The small number of them present mainly in Sindh are facing the same situation at hands of feudal lords as Muslim Pakistanis are facing.

Lets not twist facts now.

They didnt leave, they were made to leave, very forcefully made to leave.

It was a leave or die situation.

Not just in 1947, but ever since.

And has been even today where they come to India as refugees every week in trains.

Have the balls to be honest about it, and dont distort history.

Not only are you distorting history, but also the present where they come as refugees every day...

How about a Hindu PM in pakistan ???:woot:

Never going to happen. They have a law specifically against that :rofl:
Shamelessly Convenient and self serving for a " Hindu Guy "

So an Unemployed Muslim willingly forgoes a well paid Govt. Job to become a street vendor.

govt job requires education and willingness to slog for hours (competitive exams) and sometimes bribes and shifarish. Most muslims are incapable/unwilling to do it.
However its much easier to get job in private sector, like IT and BPO and I dont think muslims are underrepresented in those jobs.

And yes, there is discrimination, I will admit it.
Yeah i know ,,she wont reply that,,,,,:smitten:

Never going to happen. They have a law specifically against that :rofl:[/QUOTE]
Now Bangladeshi Refugees in India also getting Voter I cards, Ration cards BPL cards and also benefits of Antyoday schemes
Still they are better than in ur country ,,where Hindus ,christians & other minorities are classified to wash toilets ,,,

Shamelessly Convenient and self serving for a " Hindu Guy "

So an Unemployed Muslim willingly forgoes a well paid Govt. Job to become a street vendor.
yes out of 20% Muslim population only 4% get government jobs.....

What is the ruling on Muslims serving in the military of non muslim country ? What is the evidence for its permissibility or prohibition?
And lastly, what is the status of a Muslim working to help those in the military to fulfill their obligations to Allaah while serving in the Army, Navy, or whatever?

Praise be to Allaah.

We put this question to Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen, may Allaah preserve him, who answered as follows:

“Praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds. Military matters are problematic, because they involve helping these kuffaar to wage war against the Muslims or those who have entered into a treaty with the Muslims. If no such thing is involved, it may be advantageous for Muslims to work in these armies so as to learn their secrets and be aware of their potential evil. In other words, if working in these armies could be of benefit, it may be permissible, otherwise it is not allowed.”

On this basis, if a person works as a preacher or daa’iyah or imaam or muezzin, serving the Muslims and calling non-Muslims to Islam, then there is nothing wrong with this.

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
yes out of 20% Muslim population only 4% get government jobs.....

Islam Prohibits the jobs in secular environment, Following is the ruling for Muslims: and therefore they do not go for jobs:

I have completed my Masters Degree in Human Resource Management (HRM) / Personnel Management, which is a specialised branch of MBA. However now that Allah has guided me to practice Islam I find this qualification a waste, because 1. The jobs that are available based on this qualification invariably entails writing down riba (i.e. helping employyes get provident fund, insurance, bank loans etc, keeping records of the riba involved etc) 2. Almost all Human Resource job also entails recruiting people – both men and women, and for this it means being alone with a non maharim women during the interview and even afterwards, for performance appraisals etc, asking about their personal and professional lives. 3. In any case all workplaces with HR departments (without a single exception in my land) are mixed where women make wanton display their beauty. Should I take up any of such job, hoping to conduct myself in an good Islamic manner and thereby attract my collegues to Islam, or should I shun such jobs and study some other skills, the resultant occupation, though lesser in terms of salary or status may not lead to such evils. If so, kindly suggest some occupations where such evils can be minimized. Also, please give examples of how the sahabas and the salafs earned their livelihood. Also, some people say Prophet Mohammed, may Allah bless him and grant him peace preferred business over a job. Is there any basis in this saying. Please give me a speedy answer because I have now completed my studies and is on the lookout for a job. May Allah reward your for your efforts to find solutions based on the Quran and Sunnah.

Praise be to Allaah.

Some jobs are haraam in and of themselves, such as working in riba-based banks and places where alcohol is sold. Some may be haraam because of things in the work-place that are contrary to sharee’ah, such as mixing between men and women, or because it is stipulated that one should wear haraam clothing or do other things that are contrary to sharee’ah, such as shaving the beard. It is not permissible for the Muslim to do either type of job.

Jobs of the second type vary in the degree to which they are haraam. The one which incurs the greatest burden of sin is that which involves writing down or recording riba (usury), then that which involves selling or manufacturing haraam things, then that in which the workplace environment is haraam. The last category should not be taken lightly, because it has an impact on the religious commitment and conduct of the worker, especially the fitnah of women which was the first fitnah of the Children of Israel and is the most harmful fitnah for the Muslim man, as our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us.

If mixing between men and women is something that happens in your country and you can hardly find any job that is free of that, and you think that your being in that job will be beneficial and that you will be able to put a stop to some of that evil and reduce some of it, and you will be able to advise the employees who are under your authority, enjoining them to do what is good and forbidding them to do what is evil as much as you can, and you can take precautions and measure which will help you avoid the fitnah of women – such as hastening to get married if you are not married, not looking at them or being alone with them – and if the work requires you to sit with some of the female employees you can leave the door of the office open and not sit close to them and so on …

… then we think that your being present in the workplace and achieving some of the interests of sharee’ah and reducing some evils, is better than keeping the workplace devoid of the righteous and leaving it to those who do not pay any attention to religion or to the rulings of sharee’ah, so that these evils become more widespread and it becomes more difficult to fight them. How many teachers and university professors have taught in mixed institutions and Allaah has benefited many through them, and warded off a great deal of evil.

We hope by Allaah’s grace that you will be one of them.

However, if you think, after taking the job, that you cannot adhere to your religious commitment and that you are being pulled into haraam gradually, then you have no choice but to leave that job immediately. If a person gives up something for the sake of Allaah, Allaah will compensate him with something better than it, as the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said.


With regard to the ways in which the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) earned their living, there were many ways, including:

· Trade, as in the case of Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq, ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan and ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn ‘Awf (may Allaah be pleased with him)

· Agriculture, whether they owned farmland or worked on the land; many of the Muhaajireen and Ansaar were involved in this

· Skilled crafts, such as smithery, carpentry and so on

· Jobs that were connected to the state, such as teaching, collecting zakaah, judging and so on

· Earnings acquired through jihad, such as war booty

But there is a great difference between the nature of life, professions and handicrafts at that time, and these things as they are nowadays. But every era is different, as they say.


With regard to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) preferring trade to handicrafts, there is no proof for that, as far as we know. There is a difference of opinion among the scholars concerning this issue. Some of them are of the view that business is preferable, and others say that agriculture is preferable, whilst a third group prefers working with one's hands to earn a living, such as handicrafts and so on.

There is a hadeeth concerning the virtue of working in trade, but it is not proven. It is the report which says that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Nine-tenths of provision is in trade.” See al-Silsilah al-Da’eefah (3402).

With regard to the report which speaks of the virtue of manufacturing or handicrafts and trade, it was narrated that Raafi’ ibn Khadeej (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: It was said: O Messenger of Allaah, what kind of earning is best? He said: “For a man to work with his hands and every honest transaction.” Narrated by Ahmad (17265); classed as hasan by the commentators on al-Musnad; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb (1691).

It was narrated from al-Miqdaam (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “No one ever eats anything better than that which he earned with his own hands. The Prophet of Allaah Dawood (peace be upon him) used to eat that which he earned with his own hands.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (1966).

Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar (may Allaah be pleased with him):

The scholars differed as to the best type of work. Al-Mawardi said: The basic types of earning a living are: agriculture, trade and manufacturing. The most likely view of al-Shaafa’i is that the best of them is trade. He said: The most correct in my view is that the best of them is agriculture, because it is the closest to tawakkul (putting one’s trust in Allaah).

Al-Nawawi followed it with the hadeeth of al-Miqdaam (quoted above) and said that the correct view is that the best way of earning a living is by working with one’s hands. If it is also in agriculture, then that is the best way of earning a living, because it involves both working with one’s hands and putting one’s trust in Allaah, and it benefits both humans and animals, and because usually some of it is given for free.

I say: Superior to that in things that are done using one's hands is what one acquires of the wealth of the kuffaar through jihad. This is how the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the companions earned wealth and it is the noblest way of acquiring wealth, because it is making the word of Allaah supreme, suppressing the word of His enemies, and brings benefit in the Hereafter.

He said: If a person does not work with his hands, then agriculture is best for him, for the reasons we mentioned.

I say: This is based on the fact that the benefit of agriculture is not limited to the one who practices it. However, that does not apply only to agriculture, rather anything that one does with one’s hands is going to benefit others, because this involves producing things that people need.

In fact that varies according to circumstances and according to individual cases. And Allaah knows best. End quote.

Fath al-Baari (4/304).

Based on this, agriculture may be better for one who is more skilled in it than other fields, and manufacturing may be better for one person than for others, and a third person may be better at trading so that is better for him than for others.

So each person should see what kind of work is suitable for him and what he is best at, and strive to benefit himself and the Muslims through this work. And Allaah is the Source of strength.

And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A
Prime Minster and President to start with. Clear ouright textbook religious discrimination. Whats your Defence? Please dont say that is "Islamic Equality", because I have already heard that load of bollocks once before, and was not very impressed.

ANd as for India:
Prime Minister: Manmohan Singh (Constitutionally banned for minorities in Pak)
Congress Part Chief: Sonia Gandhi (Christian)
Army Chief: Bikram Singh
Ex=President: several Muslim and Sikh, take your pic (Constitutionally banned in Pak for minorities because of religious bigotry again)
Defence Minister: Anthony
Air Force Chief: Browne

Dude, listen to me....it must have been a great party last night but you need to stop smoking that **** now. You're on PDF, without facts, a frail argument, no reading of laws and you're arguing minority rights with me.

Since I have an important snooker game to attend to, on this Great Day of Independence, I'm going to be concise and list it out for you to research in your own time.

1. When you speak of minorities holding key positions in India, does it not come as a surprise to you that most key positions are held by non-Hindu, non-Muslim minorities. Sikhs which form less than 2% of the population are a smaller minority than Muslims (who stand at 12% odd) yet Sikhs are given more representation than Muslims. Dwell on it. No seriously, don't read your biases into this one. Stop. Drop. And dwell. Think, linearly.

2. The only Muslim president India has had after the partition was Abdul Kalam. I am no authority on his faith in God, but rest assured he's about as Muslim as Barack Obama. There is no other Muslim president to pick from, so don't delude yourself. It is one thing to lie on PDF, it is a wholly separate sin to lie to yourself.

3. Minorities are not constitutionally barred from holding presidential office in Pakistan. You're saying it, yes, but you have no constitutional provision to substantiate your claim with...just a quick reading of history where no minority (specifically Hindu) has ever made it to the Presidency. But you are wrong. The Preamble as well as articles 2-A, 20, 21, 22, 25(1) 28, 36 of the Constitution of Pakistan all guarantee equality for minorities and equal rights, freedom of religion, thought and expression as well as the right to run for electoral posts and run this country as equal peers of their Muslim counterparts. The reason they have never run the state is not because there are constitutional bars but rather they have a paucityof votes in the Majlis-e-Shoora. They are hard-fought to gather votes from the Muslim majority and therefore they have never managed to grab the coveted position of commander-in-chief (yes, like the American president, the Pakistani president, democratically, is also the number 1 of the armed-forces of Pakistan).

4. The minorities are so well-catered to, at least on paper, that the Parliament has sought to increase their representation in the provincial and national assemblies by the creation of a quota system which guarantees a fixed number of seats to non-Muslim representatives thus raising hopes that maybe one-day Pakistan may have a non-Muslim President (not that I would want one, no sir. My vote is for non-Hindus. It's personal. My grandmother tells me stories of how Hindus took unfair advantage of her mother once her father passed away).

5. Having said all that I am not going to say that non-Muslim Pakistanis are more than well-represented in Pakistan. And I am also not going to deny all the individual acts of violence which have been carried out against minorities living in Pakistan. On paper we are an idyllic, functional country...in reality however we stand in contrast. A brave man accepts shortcomings and resolves to fight injustice. A coward turns a blind eye to his backyard, lies to himself and sleeps comfortably at night. Here's a list of non-Muslim Pakistanis who were actual "stalwarts" of the judiciary. Juggernauts amongst men who upheld the Constitution and whose pens brought justice to thousands of Pakistanis...they are few in number, but they are at home in Pakistan and they are non-Muslim.

Rana Bhagwandas
A. R. Cornelius
Dorab Patel

Let Google be your guide.
Rana Bhagwandas
A. R. Cornelius
Dorab Patel

Let Google be your guide.

Rana Bhagwandas was installed as a chief justice by Musharraf when whole judiciary was against Parvez Musharraf. Your country even see protest against naming a roundabout non-Muslim freedom fighter like Bhagat Singh.
Rana Bhagwandas was installed as a chief justice by Musharraf when whole judiciary was against Parvez Musharraf. Your country even see protest against naming a roundabout non-Muslim freedom fighter like Bhagat Singh.
There was protest against a hindu being appointed chief justice, if I remember correctly.
Dude, listen to me....it must have been a great party last night but you need to stop smoking that **** now. You're on PDF, without facts, a frail argument, no reading of laws and you're arguing minority rights with me.

Since I have an important snooker game to attend to, on this Great Day of Independence, I'm going to be concise and list it out for you to research in your own time.

1. When you speak of minorities holding key positions in India, does it not come as a surprise to you that most key positions are held by non-Hindu, non-Muslim minorities. Sikhs which form less than 2% of the population are a smaller minority than Muslims (who stand at 12% odd) yet Sikhs are given more representation than Muslims. Dwell on it. No seriously, don't read your biases into this one. Stop. Drop. And dwell. Think, linearly.

2. The only Muslim president India has had after the partition was Abdul Kalam. I am no authority on his faith in God, but rest assured he's about as Muslim as Barack Obama. There is no other Muslim president to pick from, so don't delude yourself. It is one thing to lie on PDF, it is a wholly separate sin to lie to yourself.

3. Minorities are not constitutionally barred from holding presidential office in Pakistan. You're saying it, yes, but you have no constitutional provision to substantiate your claim with...just a quick reading of history where no minority (specifically Hindu) has ever made it to the Presidency. But you are wrong. The Preamble as well as articles 2-A, 20, 21, 22, 25(1) 28, 36 of the Constitution of Pakistan all guarantee equality for minorities and equal rights, freedom of religion, thought and expression as well as the right to run for electoral posts and run this country as equal peers of their Muslim counterparts. The reason they have never run the state is not because there are constitutional bars but rather they have a paucityof votes in the Majlis-e-Shoora. They are hard-fought to gather votes from the Muslim majority and therefore they have never managed to grab the coveted position of commander-in-chief (yes, like the American president, the Pakistani president, democratically, is also the number 1 of the armed-forces of Pakistan).

4. The minorities are so well-catered to, at least on paper, that the Parliament has sought to increase their representation in the provincial and national assemblies by the creation of a quota system which guarantees a fixed number of seats to non-Muslim representatives thus raising hopes that maybe one-day Pakistan may have a non-Muslim President (not that I would want one, no sir. My vote is for non-Hindus. It's personal. My grandmother tells me stories of how Hindus took unfair advantage of her mother once her father passed away).

5. Having said all that I am not going to say that non-Muslim Pakistanis are more than well-represented in Pakistan. And I am also not going to deny all the individual acts of violence which have been carried out against minorities living in Pakistan. On paper we are an idyllic, functional country...in reality however we stand in contrast. A brave man accepts shortcomings and resolves to fight injustice. A coward turns a blind eye to his backyard, lies to himself and sleeps comfortably at night. Here's a list of non-Muslim Pakistanis who were actual "stalwarts" of the judiciary. Juggernauts amongst men who upheld the Constitution and whose pens brought justice to thousands of Pakistanis...they are few in number, but they are at home in Pakistan and they are non-Muslim.

Rana Bhagwandas
A. R. Cornelius
Dorab Patel

Let Google be your guide.

There were three Muslim Presidents of India Zakir Hussain, Fakruddin Ali Ahmed and APJ Abdul Kalam.

Sikhs are present everywhere because they have earn it, they are known to have widespread presence in every sector of India. Same with Parsi and Jains.
Are you seriously going to argue that man, when even most of your cities have Hindu names, (although most have been changed ot Islamic names today)? You think Muslims gave their cities Hindu names? You think Muslims originally lived in Lahore, a city named after the son of Bhagwan Ram?

Accidents like these happen when Mythology is taken as History and people do not care to give historical processes any credence. Like most Muslims of South Asia, my forefathers were once Hindu. They converted from Sikhism at the height of Sikh power, in Jallandhar Doab.

I do not know if you are a Hindu Nationalist. But you sound like one.
More names:

Air Chief Marshal Denis Anthony La Fontaine

Gen. Sunith Francis Rodrigues,

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