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President Donald Trump's executive immigration order

Malala 'heartbroken' over Trump's order on refugees

January 28, 2017 13:46 IST


A “heartbroken” Pakistani Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai on Sunday urged United States President Donald Trump not to turn his back on the world’s “most defenceless”, hours after he signed an order calling for “extreme vetting” of people entering America from seven Muslim-majority nations.

“I am heartbroken that today President Trump is closing the door on children, mothers and fathers fleeing violence and war,” the 19-year-old Pakistani education activist, who survived a near-fatal attack by the Taliban, said in a Facebook post.

Her statement came after Trump ordered “extreme vetting” of people entering the US from certain Muslim-majority countries and banned the entry of Syrian refugees until further notice, as part of new measures to “keep radical Islamic terrorists” out of America.

The countries impacted are Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia, according to a White House official.

“I am heartbroken that America is turning its back on a proud history of welcoming refugees and immigrants -- the people who helped build your country, ready to work hard in exchange for a fair chance at a new life.

“I am heartbroken that Syrian refugee children, who have suffered through six years of war by no fault of their own, are singled-out for discrimination,” she said.

“I am heartbroken for girls like my friend Zaynab, who fled wars in three countries -- Somalia, Yemen and Egypt -- before she was even 17. Two years ago she received a visa to come to the United States. She learned English, graduated high school and is now in college studying to be a human rights lawyer,” she said.

Malala, the youngest ever recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize which she shared in 2014 with India’s Kailash Satyarthi, a child rights’ activist, has documented her experiences growing up in Pakistan’s Swat Valley under Taliban rule in the book ‘I am Malala’ co-written with Sunday Times journalist Christina Lamb.

She said Zaynab was separated from her little sister when she fled unrest in Egypt. Today her hope of being reunited with her precious sister dims.

“In this time of uncertainty and unrest around the world, I ask President Trump not to turn his back on the world’s most defenceless children and families,” she added.

Malala, her father Ziauddin Yousafzai and her mother Toor Pekai are now based in Birmingham where Malala attended Edgbaston High School for Girls.

She has expressed her desire to become prime minister of Pakistan in many interviews.

[B[Image: Activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai and 17-year-old Syrian refugee Mazoun Almellehan during a press conference. Photograph: Dan Kitwood - WPA Pool/Getty Images[/B]


Trump was asked if he was concerned that this would anger Muslims around the world. “Anger? There’s plenty of anger right now. How can you have more?” he said.

“The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets. What, you think this is going to cause a little more anger? The world is an angry place. All of this has happened. We went into Iraq. We shouldn’t have gone into Iraq. We shouldn’t have gotten out the way we got out. The world is a total mess.”
Ahahah..... Trump is hilarious. Love:rofl: him or hate him.
I don't agree with him on many things, but I agree with him 100% on this statement. :enjoy:
I don't think Trump is as much of a fool that that newspaper editors (especially on the left - that includes all mainstream news) portray him to be. He may be brusque and taciturn but he's not stupid - at least not w.r.t. domestic politics.

Ultimately the american government is expected to reflect what their voters want, not some idealistic shangri-la. They are under no obligation to allow immigrants perceived as a risk or who cannot or do not integrate themselves well with their lifestyle - whatever its merits. Part of the blame is the existing refugee and immigrant policy under which about 120-150,000 immigrants are accepted each year through the refugee and diversity programs - that number is simply too big to be sustainable and many of those admitted don't give a damn about the U.S. I'm willing to bet neither Pakistanis or Indians would welcome lakhs of refugees from a totally distant country settling permanently in such a manner.

I would personally prefer a shift towards skill-based or qualification-based immigration policy. At least that will settle those who really want to immigrate and have something to contribute.
The US destroyed these countries, first they destroy the place these people live in then they refuse to take them in.

Iraq was doing fine, then the US bombed Iraq several times and imposed the most severe sanctions which destroyed the country.
In Iran the CIA organized the coup to overthrow Mossadegh.
Syria, no need to explain the terror funding there by the US.
Libya was stable and wealthy, then it got bombed by the US and Europeans in 2011.
Yemen, whilst in chaos even during the days of Nasser the US has their hands in there as well.
Somalia saw US military intervention in the 90's.
Malala represent the mentally retarded politically-correct left wing nut jobs..lets throw her into Afghanistan if she loves the refugees so much..or wait until Theresa May arranges to give her a boot from London...

Although i appreciate her bravery and resolve.
She is acting like a typical western actor/actress/politician who tells others what to do and lecture on refugees, etc. Jab apne apno ko refugees bana dete hain, she expects other people refugees ko apne banaye.
She should focus on important things and her goals, she does not need to have opinion over everything what happens anywhere, as if leaders will listen and act immediately.
Western media is using her bytes for commercial gains
Malala was awarded the prize more as a representative recipient (unlike say the inventor of some novel medicine) - sometimes I believe she thinks she did something special no one else did. And this is getting to her head.

On a different note personal bravery is good but in isolation is no qualification for commenting on complex political issues such as Trump's order.

Of late the Nobel committee seems to be making poor decisions for the peace prize

2001 - Kofi Annan (the next year his son was accused of corruption by the Volcker report - later he confessed)
2002 - Jimmy Carter (What's being POTUS without a nobel or two)
2007 - Al Gore (for being a nice guy in the election loss I guess)
2009 - Obama (no doubt he used this as inspiration to go after Gaddafi the next year)
2012 - EU (look how that turned out)

If this is Malala at 19 what will she be like at 40?
This pro-western liberal broken tape recorder is a joke. The western media and political elites are are milking her perfectly for all their heinous economic, political, cultural and ideological agenda. Hope PAK is careful of this western stooge.

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