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President Trump halts funding of the World Health Organization, places blame on the organization


Jun 28, 2016
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The scammer in chief is now accusing the WHO, which is staffed by phds, of "misleading" him about the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic. It's strange how Taiwan, South Korea, China, and Japan had no problems with WHO's information.

I suppose when you are a total **** up shit-for-brains leader, it's best to deflect and blame someone else before your citizens rise up and dispose of you.

President Trump halts funding of the World Health Organization, places blame on the organization


Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved
Photo by: Andrew Harnik/AP
President Donald Trump speaks about the coronavirus in the James Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House, Thursday, April 9, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
By: Justin Boggs
Posted at 4:41 PM, Apr 14, 2020
and last updated 3:52 PM, Apr 14, 2020
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he is halting funding to the World Health Organization, pending a review, alleging that the World Health Organization covered up information about the spread of the coronavirus.

"Today I'm instructing my administration to halt funding of the WHO while a review is conducted to assess the WHO's role in severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus," Trump said on Tuesday.

The United States is the largest contributor to the WHO, which was formed in 1948 by the United Nations. The United Nations has long been a target of Trump’s.

Trump claimed that the WHO was critical of his decision to “ban” travel from China to the United States in late January. The United States merely restricted travel from non-US citizens in China. US citizens were still permitted to travel to and from China, but those returning to the US from the hard-hit Hubei region were required to self-quarantine for 14 days.

According to the WHO, the United States provides 14.67% of funding to the organization.

The WHO defended China for its handling of the coronavirus.

Trump also defended China’s handling of coronavirus. On January 24, Trump said that “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!"

The WHO also did not recommend travel bans internationally until March 11.

“WHO continues to advise against the application of travel or trade restrictions to countries experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks,” the WHO said as recently as Feb. 29.

The WHO was arguably slow for declaring the virus a "pandemic," as it was not until March 11 when the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic.

This story is breaking, refresh for updates.

Justin Boggs is a writer for the E.W. Scripps National Desk. Follow him on Twitter @jjboggs or on Facebook .
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The scammer in chief is now accusing the WHO, which is staffed by phds, of "misleading" him about the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic. It's strange how Taiwan, South Korea, China, and Japan had no problems with WHO's information.

I suppose when you are a total **** up shit-for-brains leader, it's best to deflect and blame someone else before your citizens rise up and dispose of you.

Make no mistake, you Chinese have brought this plague upon the world.

Firstly by unhygienic eating habits and thereafter fudging data, lying, destroying virus samples, silencing those who tried to warn and then pressurising/bribing WHO officials in towing your line of "all is well in China".
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Totally different topic. That was about Taiwan lying about being the first to tell WHO about human to human transmission or something.
Different topic? You claimed Taiwan had no problems with WHO information, which is completely wrong as I showed you.
Wrong. I said all the nations listed handled the virus fine. If you want to argue about Taiwan/WHO, do it elsewhere. Stop derailing my thread.
If you don't like being corrected and cant admit you were wrong then you shouldn't have mentioned about Taiwan in your post in the first place.
Wrong. I said all the nations listed handled the virus fine. If you want to argue about Taiwan/WHO, do it elsewhere. Stop derailing my thread.

Wrong. And, you're a liar. WHO and every other expert universally praised China. Stop spreading lies. Many nations are now investigating USA because they see ONLY usa has all 5 strains (the whole family) of coronavirus covid-19.

You're not fooling anyone with your CIA talking points.

Which of my talking point is incorrect?

Did you not destroy the Virus samples?
Did you not silence the doctors in wuhan?
Did you not forces WHO to claim, that there is no human to human transmission, just days before locking down?
Good job.
Why should WHO take US money and cover-up China's criminal mistakes.
All other sane countries should cut funding starting with Japan.

Taiwan sent this email to WHO IN 2019.12.31, is this alarming WHO as US said? picture from Taiwan news
What a nasty vindictive little piece of SH!T that he is.Fvcking pathetic @rsehole.:bad:
Trump halts World Health Organization funding.

President Trump on Tuesday said that he planned to stop United States funding of the World Health Organization while reviewing its role in what he described as “severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus.”

The announcement came as Mr. Trump continued to be angered by criticism of his response to the pandemic and as he sought to gain credit for how he has performed. “Everybody knows what is going on there,” he said, blaming the organization for what he described as a “disastrous decision to oppose travel restrictions from China and other nations.”

Mr. Trump has repeatedly pointed to his decision to impose travel restrictions on China as proof that he responded early to warnings about the dangers of the coronavirus.

He said that decision saved “thousands and thousands of lives,” and the W.H.O. “fought us.” The president blamed the organization for a “20-fold” increase in cases worldwide.

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As recently as February, the W.H.O. had advised against imposing travel restrictions to places with outbreaks of the coronavirus, saying it was not an effective way combat its spread.

On Tuesday, the president said the organization “willingly took China’s assurances” and that it “defended the actions of the Chinese government, even praising its so-called transparency.”

Mr. Trump has been defensive about his decision to institute early travel restrictions on China, crediting himself with saving hundreds of thousands of lives while sustaining criticism for being xenophobic and racist.

But Mr. Trump has not addressed his administration’s inaction after that decision and the gap in the timeline of his response between the travel restrictions announced on Jan. 31 and the declaration of a national emergency on March 13.

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