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Protestors warn of anarchy if blasphemy law changed

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Jinnah played the religion card and unleashed a ghost, 60 years on and Pakistan is still haunted by it.
Well seems like it'll be hard to get it off with so much radicalisation still in the society..

wooh!! only an uneducated bharti will speak like that for straight 50 years before we got involved in wot, we were always a better country then india where there r gujrat massacre and sikh massacre.. wthank god we never got tht sacr
Why aren't these people being arrested? They're a threat to national security

Which people? Those who are calling for anarchy?

You discuss with them... In current times Mr Dance... this is the only safety net left for a lot of people... even though the law itself is faulty... the kind of abuse Muslims are getting all over the world... why should they not feel protected within their own country...

We have all together blasphemed against the prophet anyway... by not doing what he asked us to do and doing exactly what he told us not to do... the only thing left now is the publicly start making fun of the best man that ever walked the planet... This is why some people in desperation are promising anarchy if this law is repealed...

Its easy for the government to impose discipline... if they were serious about blasphemy the first thing they would all do is resign and never come into politics again for they are all thieves and have made a mockery of Islam in a country of Muslims...
Quaid e Azam, Allama Iqbal,Liaqat Ali Khan,Ayub Khan and other great secular leaders would never ever want this law in Pakistan.


Don't write RUBBISH here..... They were not Secular at all... WAKE UP
I knew you were gonna talk about the 11th August speech lol

This is the ONLY speech which contains some sentences which StILL are a matter of confusion.. Anyways..

No one is talking about a theocratic state BUT a STATE which is based on Qur'an and Sunnah..

This is what a Muslim is BOUND to follow.. If you don't want Sharia'ah rules THEN Why the hell are you calling yourself Muslim? Muslim is who submits his will to ALLAH, means obey ALLAH and His Messanger [S.A.W].

Coming back to what Quaid wanted..

Here are some samples of Quaid-e-Azam’s speeches that prove beyond any doubt that he was not a proponent of Western-style secularism This will also prove that no matter what words he has used to describe his vision of Pakistan, at the core, he was very much influenced by the Quran and the character of our Prophet (PBUH).

Quaid-e-Azam said in his presidential address in 1940:

“It is extremely difficult to appreciate why our Hindu friends fail to understand the real nature of Islam and Hinduism. They are not religions in the strict sense of the word but are, in fact, different and distinct social orders… The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, literatures. They belong to two different civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions. Their aspects of life and our life are different.”

In his speech at the Frontier Muslim League Conference on
November 21, 1945, he said:

“We have to fight a double edged battle, one against the Hindu Congress and the British Imperialists, both of them being capitalists. The Muslims demand Pakistan where they could rule according to their own code of life and according to their own cultural growth, traditions and Islamic laws.”

In a message to NWFP Muslim Students Federation in April 1943, he said:

“You have asked me to give a message. What message can I give you? We have got the great message in the Quran for our guidance and enlightenment.”

In an Eid message to the nation in 1945, he said:

“Every Muslim knows that the injunctions of the Quran are not confined to religious and moral duties. Everyone except those who are ignorant, knows that the Quran is the general code of the Muslims. A religious, social, civil, commercial, military, judicial, criminal and penal code; it regulates everything from the ceremonies of religion to those of daily life; from the salvation of the soul to the health of the body; from the rights of all, to those of each individual; from morality to crime; from punishment here to that in the life to come, and our Prophet (S) has enjoined on us that every Muslim should possess a copy of the Holy Quran and be his own priest. Therefore, Islam is not confined to the spiritual tenets and doctrines and rituals and ceremonies. It is a complete code regulating the whole Muslim society in every department of life, collectively and individually.”

Now tell me, if he wanted to create a Secular state then why he always emphasized on Islamic Ideology, Qur'an Islamic values etc etc..

And the point that you raised about why we didn't have any state religion till 1973..

Well.. In 1948, Liaqat Ali khan, who was a "secular" according to you, passed this OBJECTIVES RESOLUTION..

1.Sovereignty belongs to Allah alone but He has delegated it to the State of Pakistan through its people for being exercised within the limits prescribed by Him as a sacred trust.

2.The State shall exercise its powers and authority through the chosen representatives of the people.

3.The principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed.

4.Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives in the individual and collective spheres in accordance with the teachings of Islam as set out in the Qur'an and Sunnah.

5.Adequate provision shall be made for the minorities to freely profess and practice their religions and develop their cultures.

6.Pakistan shall be a federation.

7.Fundamental rights shall be guaranteed.

8.The judiciary shall be independent.

NOW Please answer my dear brother, What in this context our elders wanted ? :yahoo:

Aashiq is a Pakistani Christian. Before lecturing him did you even think for a second about this possibility?

How come you didn't condemn the people who are warning of anarchy? If they beleive in the rule of law then they should let the law to take it's due course but looks like that they want to set things their way.

@ Aashiq
Don't lose your heart. We are with you.
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So finally the lot of self proclaimed saviors of Islam have woken up.
What took you soo long??

Blasphemy law my foot, its about keeping the clergy in power.. since their support for the Taliban backfired on them..
they have bought out another ghost from the past to redeem their importance..
and just like a chameleon.. they will change their colours when they see fit.
There is no greater danger to islam.. than from itself..
first from the secularists...
second from these ignorant "goats"..

The blasphemy law needs amendment.. not that it allows the man who genuinely abuses the prophet out of contempt.. to slip away.. but to prevent its misuse..
Otherwise..there is no difference between us and the Nazi's of WWII..
wait..they were better.. they did not target their own kind..

Zia's MQM.. is a minor offense compared to his creations running amok today..
The "shariah" holders..
who would not know Shariah even if the prophet himself came in a dream and told them about it.

Its..animals like these that happen..when the Quran is handed over to them..
people who will tell you to bare your shins with scathing remarks filled with "astaghfirullah"..then proceed to go "aaakhhhh thoooo" on the marble floor of the mosque.. and wipe their mouth with the end of their kameez..

What marvelous reformers..
Kill the pregnant blasphemers.. kill the man who throws a card with the name Mohammad on it.. kill the man who dares say anything against the Shariah
Kill KIll..

Heil Maududi!!
Religions preach that their world view is the right world view and doesn't tolerate any dissenting voices. What do you think happens when such thoughts are mixed with people with a narrow world view?

SCRUMPY my friend religion our religion has taught us tolerance! look at examples of our beloved prophet or of salahuddin or of the muslim conquest of byzantine or of spain!

the problem these days is alot of people who are NOT PRACTISING MUSLIMS & HAVEN'T READ THE QURAN IN TRANSLATION & HAVEN'T UNDERSTOOD IT give out fatwas!!

islam is a religion of tolerance! it always has been hindus in india flourished under moghuls! non muslims flourished in spain and in ottoman empire(initially before the stupid leaders went insane)!

so religion isn't bad people are!
So finally the lot of self proclaimed saviors of Islam have woken up.
What took you soo long??

Blasphemy law my foot, its about keeping the clergy in power.. since their support for the Taliban backfired on them..
they have bought out another ghost from the past to redeem their importance..
and just like a chameleon.. they will change their colours when they see fit.
There is no greater danger to islam.. than from itself..
first from the secularists...
second from these ignorant "goats"..

The blasphemy law needs amendment.. not that it allows the man who genuinely abuses the prophet out of contempt.. to slip away.. but to prevent its misuse..
Otherwise..there is no difference between us and the Nazi's of WWII..
wait..they were better.. they did not target their own kind..

Zia's MQM.. is a minor offense compared to his creations running amok today..
The "shariah" holders..
who would not know Shariah even if the prophet himself came in a dream and told them about it.

Its..animals like these that happen..when the Quran is handed over to them..
people who will tell you to bare your shins with scathing remarks filled with "astaghfirullah"..then proceed to go "aaakhhhh thoooo" on the marble floor of the mosque.. and wipe their mouth with the end of their kameez..

What marvelous reformers..
Kill the pregnant blasphemers.. kill the man who throws a card with the name Mohammad on it.. kill the man who dares say anything against the Shariah
Kill KIll..

Heil Maududi!!

Take it easy santro... its not the end of the world... yet :)
Aashiq is a Pakistani Christian. Before lecturing him did you even think for a second about this possibility?

How come you didn't condemn the people who are warning of anarchy? If they beleive in the rule of law then they should let the law to take it's due course but looks like that they want to set things their way.

@ Aashiq
Don't lose your heart. We are with you.

We have no problems with him being a christian... but that does not give him or anyone else the right to insult anyone (let alone the prophet saw)... Not saying that he is insulting anyone, he is a good member here... we should have a clear line drawn over the issue... That is the point...

Guys before you all become so emotional on this issue please try to understand the current situation in the world... It has nt been long where the prophet saw was insulted by multiple European countries... it has created an environment which is putting Muslims in a lot of distress...

As for this woman... anyone who has read my posts would know that I m all for her to go free because she is denying insulting the prophet saw in anyway... Instead of her, the accusers should now be punished...
Take it easy santro... its not the end of the world... yet :)

The way things are going.. it might as well be..
After all.. the idea of Paleedistan is flourishing..

If I had the choice of taking an action against such.. "anarchists"..

Id nuke em.. Even if it meant taking 5 million innocents with em..id do it.
Call it Chemotherapy if you will.

And it is my fault..
it the fault of my parents.. of my family.. of everybody who came from educated backgrounds.. all those who read more than just the Secondary school history of Pakistan...that these people roam the streets.
We stopped reading the Quran to understand it..
we stopped looking at the world and relating why the prophet said what he said..
Why should we feel anger at the Neo-zionist when he uses the Quran out of context after we ourselves dont even read it in context!!??
Why should we pass scathing remarks about the treatment of the population of Jerusalem by the Crusader..when our own brothers have done exactly the same elsewhere?
Why give a pitiful look to the American society's gratuitous use of sex and violence in everything.. when we dont even understand basic Human rights.... The Shariah.. is first and foremost to protect Human rights and dignity.. ?

It is depressing.. that instead of asking a review of the blasphemy law.. even by court to see if there is a mistake in implementation.
People..nay.. goats.. are defending it with high pitched bleats.

There is no Islam there.. its a degradation of society at work..
Peace.. is the last thing on the minds of these "saviors".
Islam is ridiculed, Muslims prosecuted across the globe.. because we no longer no who and what we are.. and when you cease to be a flock, and when what is left of all the sheep is led by a sheep itself.... the wolves will come..
this law must be changed yes thats true but should the punishment be reduced no i belive that this law is the most abused law beause of its ambugity and confution that alone render it useless the asia bibi did wrong to disrespect our prophet yes thats true but she shouldnt be proscecuted unless and untill they have a prove a video or her confesstion just because some one says that she is saying that i belive its unjustice to her next thing some one said that this is our law if u cant live with it leave this country or similler things i just want to say that if going by this logic then u dont have any right to say any thing to french ppl against there banning of burqa if u cant live with it leave the country and shame on us we muslims the hypocrite
and as to changing of law is concerned the loop holes must be covered
We have no problems with him being a christian... but that does not give him or anyone else the right to insult anyone (let alone the prophet saw)... Not saying that he is insulting anyone, he is a good member here... we should have a clear line drawn over the issue... That is the point...

Guys before you all become so emotional on this issue please try to understand the current situation in the world... It has nt been long where the prophet saw was insulted by multiple European countries... it has created an environment which is putting Muslims in a lot of distress...

As for this woman... anyone who has read my posts would know that I m all for her to go free because she is denying insulting the prophet saw in anyway... Instead of her, the accusers should now be punished...

Are you trying to say that Muslims have become touchy about religion and that's why they are acting like this?

PS. The post was not directed towards you rather to that Rajput who was telling Aashiq that what it means to be good Muslim.
I KNOW! None of our founding fathers wanted any secular state..

Even none of them ever used the word "Secular", quote one speech of Quaid where he even used the word "Secular".

And apart from this, Are we NOT a Muslim Nation, came into being in the name of Islam? Pakistan ka mutlub kya La ILLAhA ILALLAH! :)

A Muslim can NEVER support this theory of separation of State and Islam BECAUSE Islam is NOT a Religion, it's a complete code of LIFE, The way of Life.

How many times am I going to post this reply to you.

This ‘Pakistan Ka Mutlab Kya’ slogan only become famous during Zia’s rule because he used religion as a political tool.

It wasn’t a popular slogan during the creation of Pakistan and Jinnah was infuriated when he first heard it.

It is said that Pakistan was created with the use of the slogans “Islam in danger” and “Pakistan ka matlab kya, La illaha ilallah”, both slogans which — ironically — were never used by Quaid-e-Azam himself. Indeed Jinnah ruled out “Pakistan ka matlab kiya, La illaha illallah” when he censured a Leaguer at the last session of the All India Muslim League after partition in these words: “Neither I nor the Muslim League Working Committee ever passed a resolution — Pakistan ka matlab kiya — you may have used it to catch a few votes.”

Today, the most funniest thing secularists come up with is Quaid's 11th August speech where his words are misunderstood, Quaid never used the word "Secular" in his any speech, his every speech contained "Islamic Ideology", "Muslims" and other words like these..

Well he said that religion will have no role in state affairs, he said that Pakistan was not going to be a theocracy, he said it was not the business of state on what religion someone is.

He said we should all be Pakistani’s and that is it. Sounds secular enough or not.

How about this.

Iskander Mirza once asked the Quaid, “Sir, we all agreed to go to Pakistan, but what kind of polity are you going to have? Are you going to have an Islamic state?” The Quaid replied, “Non-sense! I’m going to have a modern state.”

Or this

In 1943 Dr. A H Kazi of Bombay presented a resolution saying that the future constitution of Pakistan should be based on Islam. Jinnah vetoed it and declared it as nothing less than censure.
Jinnah played the religion card and unleashed a ghost, 60 years on and Pakistan is still haunted by it.
Well seems like it'll be hard to get it off with so much radicalisation still in the society..

Perhaps a lesson in history would be wise, Jinnah never played the religion card and this is why religious groups like Jamaat-e-Islami-Hind, Khudai Khitmatagar, Majlis-e-Ahrar and the Deobandi's in general opposed him.

Had he wanted to use the Muslim card, he would been able to get the above mentioned fanatics on board. Similarly he would have gave into their demands of removing certain sects from the Muslim league and other demands that console the religious element.

Gandhi on the other hand introduced religion into politics, he supported the Khilafat movement while Jinnah opposed it.

Pakistan was meant to be a Muslim majority state compromising of the upper provinces of India. Even Iqbal said that the nation would not be an Islamic one, Jinnah himself vetoed Islamic constitutions and the 'Islamic' identity.

When he did mention Islam, it was to evoke the righteous things Islam tell us, to be equal, kind and all the other components of being on the right path.

Read my above post and if you need more, let me know, because Indians in general do not know much about what the purpose of Pakistan is and its foundations. You are just following the old line fed to you.
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