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PTI's Fawad Chaudhry: Pakistan has Afghan blood on his hand !!!

That is the key issue here. IEA cannot hold its country together. If we attack, then IEA would like to side with TTP and others.
You have to acknowledge that Islo writ is weak in Balochistan and KPK due to territory. Recently, some riff raff attacked Iranian posts from our or Afghan side. Now, Iran should realise our limitations, and we won't tolerate Iran's direct involvement. So, even if we are attacking/bombing, IEA must have leverage (power + money) so that the Afghans can be persuaded.

You have to understand AFG geography. Kabul cannot control far-flung areas like Herat, Khandhar etc. Each city has it's own unique Sardar, culture and effective Militia.
I understand what you mean by them having little control on independent actors which is essentially most of the border regions and territories.

But my emphasis is that their mindset is not any different, the only reason they are relatively calm at the moment is because they are trying to gain international recognition and support.

But after a little stability they will begin the same policies as the previous regimes, all of them are hellbent on this idea as it's reflective of their entire populace's psychee.

Would you rather fight a weak enemy or strong(er) enemy?
Once US general warned Pakistan, since we are here in Afghanistan, cash this opportunity, let finish these talibans (good, bad) together or you will be fuked up onwards … and now generals want to push us into war with zero economy? Kia ghas kha gay hain sab ?
The problem is not just Taliban, were the previous Kabul regimes religious extremists? Nope, they were normal Afghans.

As long as Afghanistan continues to see Pakistan as an enemy and has dreams of Loy Afghanistan, it doesn't matter what ideology they have, religious or nationalist, that goal will always remain and the problems you see today will continue.
Some trolls want to see Pakistan and Afghanistan collide in advantage for the gangus.. This ain't happening.

IEA will eventually outlaw TTP publically just watch and they have already taken distance from them. They have no benefit for IEA geopolitics whatsoever in the long term.

If he is not the one guarding LOC then he is off no use to IEA political calculus..

The only way IEA could start open hostility with Pakistan is if they were to fail to uphold the LOC or to re-inforce it
You missed the Afghan Taliban statement, they won't go against TTP. They provide them food, shelter, and weapon during the war against NATO. Right now too many groups are under the Afghan Taliban umbrella. Also, the majority of Afghan has too much hate against Pakistan even they are religious or not. We need to accept reality and go accordingly. Anyway, it's a long debate and so many other factors are involved. But keep in your mind only Pakistani can protect Pakistan, no other nation will come to rescue you.
All types of terrorism from weapons to financial crimes need to be dealt with iron fist.
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give an alternate strategy..

like maybe open an office of TTP ? Like Imran Khan suggested?

and Afghans have Pakistani blood on their hands. what an idiot this guy become. afflicted by same sickness many dear PTI fans are suffering from
No need to open offices, they already have offices in pakistan under army protection. Taliban HQ in Quetta..who is it who let’s them go, poor soldiers risk their lives catching them and corrupt army leadership and their ISI lot let their assets go free..

They roam around free cos of army leadership either complete incompetent idiots or using them for their own purposes..
Model town killer ke bache. Tu kya bakwas karega. Jaag Punjabi jaag ke tattoo. Bajwa army ke piche chupne waale pitoo. Bara aya Showbaz ka bharwa.

Tujhe aur teri PDM ko ab bataynge ke kis tarah mamlaat ko sidha karna he.

It is you guys who are holding peace talks with the Taliban.
Im sorry but you cant talk bout bajwa, even IK was Bajwas bagal bacha.
Nawaz was zias son while IKs roohani abu is bajwa.

Lol cats are already brought back by uniformed mother sellers…
Is bar awam chutia nhi banny wali
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Aunty maryam and IK both are literally the same thing.

Why this dumb man hyphenating Afghanistan and Pakistan?

Listen from 5:45 till 6:52 - he just openly sided with Taliban against his own country. He supported Taliban/Afghanistan narrative and accused Pakistani leadership for playing with Afghan Blood.

Seriously...No one has any lost love with that shithole country.

IK is primarily responsible here. People rightly called him Taliban Khan. When he was in government, his *** was still used to be found in Afghanistan, I still remember that.

Why do I think that recent hot situation b/w Afg and Pakistan was deliberately created by Taliban to send a message to Pakistan that "look we are not happy - bring our boy back in power or border will remain destabilised"

This is nasty stuff......

Wow so was it IK who accepted Taliban Govt in the 90s? Was it IK who allowed millions of Afghan refugees in Karachi? Was it IK who established Afghan madrasas all over Pakistan?

Is it now IK that is sending Taqi Usmani and others to Kandhar and earlier to Kabul? I firmly believe Afghans are inherently anti Pakistan but blaming IK for everything is factually incorrect.

Murad saeed has been shouting his lungs out for Swat and he was dismissed.

Please be reasonable.
No need to open offices, they already have offices in pakistan under army protection. Taliban HQ in Quetta..who is it who let’s them go, poor soldiers risk their lives catching them and corrupt army leadership and their ISI lot let their assets go free..

They roam around free cos of army leadership either complete incompetent idiots or using them for their own purposes..
Dont insult our martyrs.. ive lost friends, my father, 2 brothers shed sweat and blood.
Capt Fahd, who embraced martyrdom just a few days back is my neighbor. Fine young man..
Dont insult our heroes for your chutiya IK.
Ask the families of the soldiers you abuse for your idiotic politicians and their daddys like Bajwa.

Wow so was it IK who accepted Taliban Govt in the 90s? Was it IK who allowed millions of Afghan refugees in Karachi? Was it IK who established Afghan madrasas all over Pakistan?

Is it now IK that is sending Taqi Usmani and others to Kandhar and earlier to Kabul? I firmly believe Afghans are inherently anti Pakistan but blaming IK for everything is factually incorrect.

Please be reasonable.
No, but this clown passed legislation to legalize millions of afghanis.
Dont insult our martyrs.. ive lost friends, my father, 2 brothers went shed sweat and blood.
Capt Fahd, who embraced martyrdom just a few days back is my neighbor. Fine young man..
Dont insult our heroes for your chutiya IK.

No, but this clown passed legislation to legalize millions of afghanis.

Ok, just as GHQ got NAB laws, Overseas votes, and EVMs reversed why not reverse this too?

Your beef should be with all knowing and genius GHQ. For 25 years they floated this myth that Afghan Taliban are pro Pakistani and everything will be alright. Durand line, smuggling religious extremism and baloch rebels will end.

You used to defend the Afghan Taliban. When some of us used to say that Afghan Taliban will inspire groups here, we were called dumb liberals.

Uzair Baloch and Peoples' aman committee are now great innocent soul, but IK is a TTP terrorist.

Bajwa makes billions but dont talk about that talk about tosha khana.

I never voted for IK but now I will because of GHQ's utter arrogance and outright lies. You have polarized and radicalized Pakistanis.
and Afghans have Pakistani blood on their hands. what an idiot this guy become. afflicted by same sickness many dear PTI fans are suffering from
PTI has become a contagious disease that makes you worship Taliban Khan through persoanlity politics. Will any of them criticise aspects of his policies. All of them are sheep and repeat the same line of Bajwa, Bajwa, without looking at the entire picture in this region.

They are no different to Nawaz Sharif worshippers now.

Literally only good thing he has going for him is the ability to give speeches due to his charm and national support.
Ok, just as GHQ got NAB laws, Overseas votes, and EVMs reversed why not reverse this too?

Your beef should be with all knowing and genius GHQ. For 25 years they floated this myth that Afghan Taliban are pro Pakistani and everything will be alright. Durand line, smuggling religious extremism and baloch rebels will end.

You used to defend the Afghan Taliban. When some of us used to say that Afghan Taliban will inspire groups here, we were called dumb liberals.

Uzair Baloch and Peoples' aman committee are now great innocent soul, but IK is a TTP terrorist.

Bajwa makes billions but dont talk about that talk about tosha khana.

I never voted for IK but now I will because of GHQ's utter arrogance and outright lies. You have polarized and radicalized Pakistanis.
You will vote for IK, but at the same time complain about the Afghan Taliban and the Durrand line?

That's not really logically consistent.

It was IK's poor optics by publicly blaming Pakistan for terrorism internationally, and compromising national security that got him taken out. I support him but with these policies he's not a viable candidate and neither are the rest.

Military should just declare martial rule, do a press conference and clear everything up.
If IK was such an angel why was he sitting in Bajwas lap for all those years?
Suddenly Bajwa is the bad guy, bcoz IK was tossed out like a fly democratically?

PTI has become a contagious disease that makes you worship Taliban Khan through persoanlity politics. Will any of them criticise aspects of his policies. All of them are sheep and repeat the same line of Bajwa, Bajwa, without looking at the entire picture in this region.

They are no different to Nawaz Sharif worshippers now.

Literally only good thing he has going for him is the ability to give speeches due to his charm and national support.

You will vote for IK, but at the same time complain about the Afghan Taliban and the Durrand line?

That's not really logically consistent
Hes an idiot for fks sakes. But like patwaris and jiyalas… youthias are the same just more rabid (online).
1 Afghan as a Nation never had any Goodwill for the Muslims of this region, this started long before even Pakistan existed might wanna check what they did with Muslim Refuge in 1912 - 1913

2 After the Independence Afghanistan tried to interfere in NWFP Region but Pakistan was able to manage it, Pakistan only earned some goodwill after Soviet-Afghan War.

3 Army tried to build its depth in Afghanistan it has some Pros in short term but it has backfired now in a spectacular way, no point in going back to this.

4 Afghanistan has around 40Mil Population and shares over 2500KM borders with Pakistan, so you can't just ignore it like it used to be nor can you go openly hostile. Unless Pakistan has enough resources to go all the way, Pakistan is not Uncle Sam, where you can put billions on security for this region but it also gives you the benefit that you are close to home, Pakistan needs to show Carrot and stick policy here.
Afghan dependence on Pakistan is a lot higher than what Pak has on the Afg side, What Pakistan can do at this stage?
Limit and control the trade is going via Pakistan, or what Pakistan is exporting to Afghan, Also control and petrol the border properly, Pakistan needs to stop the flow of smuggled goods between 3 countries, Pakistan/Iran/Afghanistan.
Start a process for the return of refugees Sudden deportation of 50K+ Population into Afghanistan, will actually show Where Tali Gov stand, Western Media will talk big to counter that narrative and invest in Media that if other countries are interested they are more than welcome to take these refugees.

5 In Pakistan sadly there are no national interests. so parties will keep using Paksitani and these people are barging for chips.
I dont give a spare flying fk about any of them.
Come back when you send your son, your brother to war. Come back and talk to me.
And dont even talk about Bajwa, we all know whose cock IK was suckin in his container to come to power. Meetha meetha hup hup, karwa karwa thoo dont work.

If anything, I supported IK.. but whats the difference btwn him and those who is shits on? Us nay kam corruption ki, kisi nay ziada.

You have no moral high ground or a horse to ride.

All you have is a shit for brains, politician who cant sort out his own life but wants to fuk the country, no matter whose dick he gets to ride to power.

Personal insults and thats it. Why are you refusing to call out the elephant in the room. You and I didnt float this myth of Afghans being brothers.

Afghanistan has chosen us an enemy from day one when Nepal and Myanmar signed friendship treaties with india, Afghans were attacking us.

Who unilaterally dissolved the Pak Afghan border in the 80s? Telling people afghan are brothers and alqaeda are mujahideen then supporting the Afghan taliban while giving away bases to US to bomb the the so called earlier mujahideen then coming back to people to say we will fight ttp, then claiming terrorism is defeated then again supporting Afghan Taliban then again fighting with TTP.

1 lac Pakistan civilians have been killed with over 100 billion USD lost and GHQ cannot make its mind who to call a terrorist. PTM or TTP, MQM or Peoples aman committee or PTI or Afghan Taliban.

Mohtaram - good luck with Zaradari Bilawal and pro hindutva nawaz league and of course Najam sethi and Hussain Haqqani. The GHQ's dream team is all set to fight terrorism with glory.
3 Army tried to build its depth in Afghanistan it has some Pros in short term but it has backfired now in a spectacular way, no point in going back to this.
In my opinion it didn't backfire.

An internationally recognised government, especially one that had American backing would negotiate things that are harmful to Pakistan. America also intended to keep a base in Afghanistan to be close to the Chinese and be close to Pakistan, supposedly in case of an "emergency". (Likely hinting towards capturing nukes)

Afghanistan no matter what government, nationalist, religious, it doesn't matter as their personal goals and feelings are strictly against Pakistan. They despise the "Punjapi murtads" in their own words, and want to create Loy Afghanistan.

What we currently have in Afghanistan is probably the least shit of all the shit options we had on the table. But it's still not a permanent solution.
Personal insults and thats it. Why are you refusing to call out the elephant in the room. You and I didnt float this myth of Afghans being brothers.

Afghanistan has chosen us an enemy from day one when Nepal and Myanmar signed friendship treaties with india, Afghans were attacking us.

Who unilaterally dissolved the Pak Afghan border in the 80s? Telling people afghan are brothers and alqaeda are mujahideen then supporting the Afghan taliban while giving away bases to US to bomb the the so called earlier mujahideen then coming back to people to say we will fight ttp, then claiming terrorism is defeated then again supporting Afghan Taliban then again fighting with TTP.

1 lac Pakistan civilians have been killed with over 100 billion USD lost and GHQ cannot make its mind who to call a terrorist. PTM or TTP, MQM or Peoples aman committee or PTI or Afghan Taliban.

Mohtaram - good luck with Zaradari Bilawal and pro hindutva nawaz league and of course Najam sethi and Hussain Haqqani. The GHQ's dream team is all set to fight terrorism with glory.
I didnt abuse you, nor am I a youthia like you, a patwari like tameem, a jiyala or a bajwa supporter.

God has given me enough brain cells to understand, that all of them are class A bastards whose suck the devils dick for their own benefits.

But tell me how in the name of G.d can you support a chutiya like IK?
Can you contradict what I said about IK and Bajwas love affair?
PTI has become a contagious disease that makes you worship Taliban Khan through persoanlity politics. Will any of them criticise aspects of his policies. All of them are sheep and repeat the same line of Bajwa, Bajwa, without looking at the entire picture in this region.

They are no different to Nawaz Sharif worshippers now.

Literally only good thing he has going for him is the ability to give speeches due to his charm and national support.

You will vote for IK, but at the same time complain about the Afghan Taliban and the Durrand line?

That's not really logically consistent.

It was IK's poor optics by publicly blaming Pakistan for terrorism internationally, and compromising national security that got him taken out. I support him but with these policies he's not a viable candidate and neither are the rest.

Military should just declare martial rule, do a press conference and clear everything up.


Who should I vote for GHQ perhaps?

I was told Afghan are brothers in 80s. I was also told Afghan Taliban and Arab mujahideen are true soldiers of islam.

After U turn of 9/11 I am now told Alqaeda are terrorists, Afghan Taliban are stubborn but we need them. I was told TTP are bad tribals then I was told they are supported by RAW then I was told we need to negotiate with them then I was told we need to fight them. Then I was told when US leaves Afghanistan everything will be ok. Now I am told nothing is OK. Everyone is bad except GHQ.

I was also told Zardari Nawaz are corrupt with links to RAW. Now I am told they are good and Uzair baloch is innocent. Now I am told IK is bad and people like Arshad Shareef are a menace.

Cult of GHQ needs to mentally organize itself first and come up with a policy rather than being a bull in a China shop.

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