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Rafael wins Brazil MMRCA competition


Mar 28, 2009
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Brazil, France in advanced talks on fighter jet deal: Lula

Sun Sep 6, 2:44 PM
PARIS (AFP) - Talks between Brazil and France on a major deal to buy Rafale combat jets are at a "very advanced" stage and headed toward agreement, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said Sunday.Made by France's Dassault Systems, the Rafale fighter is in competition with the Swedish-made Gripen and Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet for a contract worth four billion dollars (2.8 billion euros) to supply Brazil with 36 fighter aircraft.
Lula told RFI radio and TV5Monde that negotiations were showing progress, as French President Nicolas Sarkozy traveled to Brasilia for a two-day state visit starting Monday.
"What I can say is that our discussions are at a very advanced stages and I think that we will reach a good understanding with France," said the Brazilian president.
"The talks with President Sarkozy are progressing very rapidly. We are on the right course, the right path. We have a relationship of trust," he added.
If France's Dassault does sell its Rafales to Brazil, it would be the first time the jets have been sold abroad.
Analysts said France's offer to give Brazil the technology behind the multi-role combat aircraft as part of the sale of 36 planes could give it the edge over the rival bids from the United States and Sweden.
France is also holding talks with the United Arab Emirates for the sale of 60 Rafale fighters jets in a bigger deal that could be worth between six and eight billion euros.
man u almost give me a shock.........lolz.........i was thinking about Indian MMRCA competition.

I didnt know that Brazil too had smiliar competition tho. seems like its a good pick.
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