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Rapidly Extending indian nuclear inventory- a threat to world security.

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May 17, 2009
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India rapidly adding to their nuclear arsenal. India is pretending the world that it has only around 100 nuclear warheads or bombs but under curtain it is making great nuclear inventory. It is measured by some international experts that india has developed or has raw material or capability to develop around 2300 nuclear warheads. It is a serious matter for world security. India and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India will develop icbm that will reach america around 2016. This will also have anti abm capability and capability to create decoys.
I can not understand why america is helping that nation which is great risk to its national security.
India is far from being bankrupt in 2009.....get the facts right.....look at the rise of the indian economy in the last decade.......btw,this reports are biased US articles bout india to divert the world's view towards india or pakistan(similar reports),to cover their shamefull activities in asia......how many wmd does US possess? Why does active n-weapons are allowed to hover over cities? They sd first clean their own backyard,they are THE GREATEST NUCLEAR THREAT TO MODERN WORLD
India will develop icbm that will reach america around 2016. This will also have anti abm capability and capability to create decoys.
I can not understand why america is helping that nation which is great risk to its national security.

India is decades behind the ICBM technology judging from thier current missiles inventory nothing to worry about atleast give it 2 decades you should be more concern since your drone attacks has provoked us to make ICBMs :) :pakistan:
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India is decades behind the ICBM technology judging from thier current missiles inventory nothing to worry about atleast give it 2 decades you should be more concern since your drone attacks has provoked us to make ICBMs :) :pakistan:

Just few months ago we sent a satellite to the Moon.

And u r saying we 2 dedaces behind ICBM technology??

I know responding to ur trolls is waste of time,but i have do it,to for the sake of despelling ur misinformations.
I know india developing an icbm is against your regional interests but you cannot close your eyes. You have to see everything happening around you.
I know india developing an icbm is against your regional interests but you cannot close your eyes. You have to see everything happening around you.

India does not need anything as far reaching as ICBMs to strike pakistan, and on that basis them developing such a missile should not concern us, rather it is a concern for other countries.

Having said that, India is lagging behind in missile technology, and currently Pakistan has several missiles ready for use that can go further than any Indian missile.
What are you talking about mujahid. You are out of informationIntercontinental ballistic missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your reliance wikipedia is very amusing Indeed.

If you ever handed in a report, and had the word "wikipedia" in the bibliography your respective university professor will probably slap you one!

Anyway, in the link it states “Agni v” – I wonder if you know that recently India test fired the Agni II – the test was not declared a success! In fact, Indian reports even suggested that it was a fail, due to the missile loosing complete control…the Agni II is supposed to have a range of about 3,000-3,500 Km.

And you would have us believe that India is on the brink of mass producing missiles with a range of over 5,000km?
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