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Real story of Kargil war

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The Kargil war was a direct result of the Siachen conflict which was started by India. India invaded after a japanese expedition was allowed to scale Rimo 1 an important peak.

Pakistan was caught completely offguard and Indians launched Operation Meghdoot which resulted in the loss of a great amount of territory.

The kargill war was a result of that and was to offset the losses suffered in the Siachen conflict which included the loss of about 1000 sq miles of territory. So in reality Siachen provoked the Kargill war. US put no pressure on the Indians to withdraw from the territory they had captured in this war.

However in the Kargil war we were doing better. Eventually however we had to withdraw because the US put pressure on us to withdraw and we stupidly obliged. We just had to keep the militias and soldiers who had taken Indian check-posts supplied.

But these are the dual standards of the US. Very much like the nuke deal with India and no nuke deal with Pakistan. Being betrayed by our allies has cost us a lot. I wonder when we will learn lessons from it.

bunch of lie. India advanced coz pakistan was planning same. niether india nor pakistan were present at sia chin. pakistan conspired misadventure, india smell it. We send our troops before yours.

Kargil was betrayal by a so called PAK nation. In kargil we had agreement of troop withdrawal, pakistan back stabbed us.

kargil was misadventure hatched by crazy ppl. Kargil pushed pakistan 2 decade behind.
So many factual errors in your post...I hope i am talking to someone who is willing to learn...Anyhow your next reply would give me the answer to my hope...So here we go...

The Kargil war was a direct result of the Siachen conflict which was started by India. India invaded after a japanese expedition was allowed to scale Rimo 1 an important peak.
Pakistan was caught completely offguard and Indians launched Operation Meghdoot which resulted in the loss of a great amount of territory.

Factually incorrect...Anyhow just hypothetically let's assume what you said is correct..However who gave you the right to allow japanese expedition??? By allowing this expedition your army/govt was giving a clear signal i.e. Siachen belongs to Pakistan...May in know why???...and then you say India was the one who started Siachen conflict???

Anyhow let's come back to reality. The truth is we reached just a couple of days before you...Tell's us a lot about being caught off-guard, no??? PA ordered some gears and other stuff from the same company which was supplier to IA as well...It is this incompetency that caused you Siachen apart from instigating Indian response by allowing those expeditions and thereby putting a claim on entire glacier.

The kargill war was a result of that and was to offset the losses suffered in the Siachen conflict which included the loss of about 1000 sq miles of territory. So in reality Siachen provoked the Kargill war.

Siachen happened in 84...kargil happened in 99...Are you saying it took you 15 years to take that revenge??? The practice of leaving posts in winter was a norm all these years...What were you waiting for???? Look dude - The writing is on the wall.....Your establishment has a history of making mistakes...They for some reason always underestimate Indian will and over-estimate International response...In 65 they thought India must be weak after 62 and did the misadventure...In 99 they thought nukes will keep Indian response limited...On both the occasions Indian response was overwhelming and International community backed India....In short this relation with Siachen is just an excuse that your Army gave you so that uncomortable questions can be shunned away....

US put no pressure on the Indians to withdraw from the territory they had captured in this war.
Exactly...This should ring some bells...In 84 we hardly had any relation with US...and Pak-US relations were pretty good. Yet they did not pressure us..Why do you think??? Let me help...I am not sure what has been taught to you but Shimla accord did not clarify position of Siachen...This doesn't mean Pakistan owns the glacier...You try to assert your authority which simply proviked us to assert ours...Period!!!

However in the Kargil war we were doing better. Eventually however we had to withdraw because the US put pressure on us to withdraw and we stupidly obliged. We just had to keep the militias and soldiers who had taken Indian check-posts supplied.
Don't balme us for your stupidity...B/W i am not sure what made you say that you were in better position...IAF was banging those supply lines like anything..There are scores of information which tells how much shortage of food/rations was there...Anyhow i have no intentions to tell you what you can easily read right in this forum...

But these are the dual standards of the US. Very much like the nuke deal with India and no nuke deal with Pakistan. Being betrayed by our allies has cost us a lot. I wonder when we will learn lessons from it.

LOL...No matter how much AQ Khan and his so called proliferation racket exposed yet it was US who has double standards...b/w stop comparing yourself with us...When US is going to give us something they sure are going to ask for benefits in return...What do you have to offer them??? There is a term called geo-politics...Learn it or else you will keep making such childish comments...
bunch of lie. India advanced coz pakistan was planning same. niether india nor pakistan were present at sia chin. pakistan conspired misadventure, india smell it. We send our troops before yours.

Kargil was betrayal by a so called PAK nation. In kargil we had agreement of troop withdrawal, pakistan back stabbed us.

kargil was misadventure hatched by crazy ppl. Kargil pushed pakistan 2 decade behind.
:lol: I don't know who feed you with such Holy verses? Ofcourse , Its Brahmins..
Its india who started siachin Matter, In Kargil we just tried to defend our Land, and In bonus we got the most largest ,longest and most Key Position of Kargil known as 5353.. Wat you've done in Siachin you've paid it in kargil. That town of Kargil is now pretty much saved from Indian direct Shelling .. and for your information our just 3000 NLI (Non military organisation) had done that much damage to your Army.. Shot downd 2 jets and 1 chopper too. If it make you ashamed then its another thing but falsifying records ,bringing political statements in it.. One can only feel sorry for you. :disagree:
Bilal you are lying. Of course India demanded withdrawal as we had not captured all the peaks by then. That is obvious, and if our PM had gone to US there was reson to believe that India considered it difficult to win back the posts. But nothing of the sort happened, its well documented we were winning posts and its pakistan that went to US.

Your silly spin is based on pakisani politicians being illogical traitors and pak soldiers being invincible.

Bitter truth is even then it was just NLI being used as cannon fodder.
I think Kargil war in a way is a victory for Pakistan,as they still have Kashmir and their country hasn't been broken into several pieces by India.
Bilal you are lying. Of course India demanded withdrawal as we had not captured all the peaks by then. That is obvious, and if our PM had gone to US there was reson to believe that India considered it difficult to win back the posts. But nothing of the sort happened, its well documented we were winning posts and its pakistan that went to US.

Your silly spin is based on pakisani politicians being illogical traitors and pak soldiers being invincible.

Bitter truth is even then it was just NLI being used as cannon fodder.
Cool! So Now you are deny the fact that the Utal Bihari Vajpayee hadn't gone first to Clintin, and didn't Beg to Clintin to Stop Pakistan, What logics you are try to applying.. its simple even your air forces failed against our NLI.. You can't deny the fact its reality.. No one is lying in our side.. its your own ministry who tries to falsify the records and the fact from you guys..
Cool! So Now you are deny the fact that the Utal Bihari Vajpayee hadn't gone first to Clintin, and didn't Beg to Clintin to Stop Pakistan, What logics you are try to applying.. its simple even your air forces failed against our NLI.. You can't deny the fact its reality.. No one is lying in our side.. its your own ministry who tries to falsify the records and the fact from you guys..

Would you mind sharing something based on which you are claiming that India went to clinton and asked him to stop Pakistan......Apart from the initial losses that our Air-force suffered would you mind telling us how IAF failed??? Look if you have a strong itch for trolling then let me know...i will not do anything to spoil your party...

To say the least it is "Atal Bihari Vajpayee" :))
Dear Pakistanis,

The truth of the matter is that Kargil was an operation that was half-assed. The operation humiliated Indian forces to the point that Indians still feel insecure to this day. Pakistan's biggest mistake was that it did not invest into the operation by 100 percent.
There is a very clear line of action.

Had Pakistani regular forces and formations started direct support to the Pakistani soldiers(disguised as terrorists) in Kargil, India would have crossed the IB and started a full fledged war.

The precise reason why it took so long to clear the terrorists and the losses of IA was that GoI clearly and unambiguously ordered the IA and IAF to not cross the border - which is the FIRST thing that the Indian military(combined) wanted to do - cross the IB/LoC and start an full scale war, surround the mountain. The political order however constrained in the worst way possible - a frontal attack on mountains with an enemy dug in bunkers.

So had PA invested 100%, they would have had to face much more problems than they finally did. Pakistani military was not in any shape then or now to counter a full fledged war with India.
There is a very clear line of action.

Had Pakistani regular forces and formations started direct support to the Pakistani soldiers(disguised as terrorists) in Kargil, India would have crossed the IB and started a full fledged war.

The precise reason why it took so long to clear the terrorists and the losses of IA was that GoI clearly and unambiguously ordered the IA and IAF to not cross the border - which is the FIRST thing that the Indian military(combined) wanted to do - cross the IB/LoC and start an full scale war, surround the mountain. The political order however constrained in the worst way possible - a frontal attack on mountains with an enemy dug in bunkers.

So had PA invested 100%, they would have had to face much more problems than they finally did. Pakistani military was not in any shape then or now to counter a full fledged war with India.

LOL....... another Kargil thread where Pakistani claiming they won and give example of one useless peak they "control". Kargil War gave India a SOLID justification why India needs a big troop mass in Kashmir.

Anyway... India control the most important places ie Sri Nagar Jammu. Pakistan has nothing to do with freedom of Muslims but simply wants the land otherwise they would have called ALL Kashmiris in Pakistani Kashmir.
Bilal you are lying. Of course India demanded withdrawal as we had not captured all the peaks by then. That is obvious, and if our PM had gone to US there was reson to believe that India considered it difficult to win back the posts

I do not know why you are accusing me of lying, I have given you evidence from an Indian source, quoting the Clinton aide, & another impartial source to support my claims. Vajpayee did not visit the US to put pressure on them, so they'd take action against Pakistan. Even though Vajpayee did not go to the US, the US was in constant contact with him. The Clinton administration intervened for India, & eventually, the Nawaz government buckled under pressure, & succumbed to the US/India's demands to withdraw the troops. That's when India started recapturing its lost territory. Nawaz Sharif's memoir was a face saving tactic, both from the Pakistani public & the world (world opinion was against Pakistan), & he was afraid what the reaction of the Pakistani public would be when he buckled under US pressure.
guys lets finish it by saying that india won but pakistan scored well and killed enough indians to be proud of.
That guy in the Pakistan War History video on page 1 proudly says he ALONE killed 300 Indian soldiers with his LMG whilst the rest ran for their lives! (Massive and wild clapping from the audience! Hear! Hear!) Wow! That's Kargil history for you! :cheesy:
Would you mind sharing something based on which you are claiming that India went to clinton and asked him to stop Pakistan......Apart from the initial losses that our Air-force suffered would you mind telling us how IAF failed??? Look if you have a strong itch for trolling then let me know...i will not do anything to spoil your party...

To say the least it is "Atal Bihari Vajpayee" :))
My mistake It is Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee... :tongue:
Ofcourse, Vajpayee asked Clintin for that, You know when Clintin summoned Shareef They had done an agreement of withdrawal.. At then Wikipedia with using indian refrences claims that they managed to take 70% of Kargil , But shows only 5 to 7 position which india managed to capture. :lol: Kargil consist 100+ positions, and these 6 or 7 positions are not the 70% of kargil for sure.. Claiming is much easier then proving.. By the way your own wikipedia show the story of shot down indian jets and a chopper.. your side claims that one of them was downd because of some technical failure.. :lol: BUt wikipedia don't shows the claims of our side, Where we interviewed those NLI members who shot down your jet fighters and after that your pilots won't encourage theirselves to came down and bombared the right position.. Its reality which is undiscribed by wiki.. which you guys mostly follows..
General Pal who commanded the indian troops in the war, says that india lost the war.
General Pal commander of indian forces says india lost the war.
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