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Resistance Bands vs Weights?



New Recruit

Aug 14, 2018
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Does anyone exercise using resistance bands at home? I have taken to it recently because i got frustrated waiting around for gyms to open, they finally opened gyms in Toronto in August but have shut them down again because of the rising number of cases, my prediction is that the gyms will remain shut till the end of the Winter i.e. May 2021 because this virus is most effective during the cooler weathers.

Surprisingly i have found the Resistance bands to be pretty decent, the only exercises i have not been able to do are the legs i.e. leg extensions, leg press machines and will have to find a creative way to do it. Using the resistance bands in my opinion is mostly about creativity and practice.

Just wanted to know if anyone over here is using this mode of exercising and what are their views on it?
They are not a bad option at all, however if you want to improve your strength then weights are the way to go. I always use bands for warming up / cooling down , helps greatly if you don't want to do cardio for warming up.
Does anyone exercise using resistance bands at home? I have taken to it recently because i got frustrated waiting around for gyms to open, they finally opened gyms in Toronto in August but have shut them down again because of the rising number of cases, my prediction is that the gyms will remain shut till the end of the Winter i.e. May 2021 because this virus is most effective during the cooler weathers.

Surprisingly i have found the Resistance bands to be pretty decent, the only exercises i have not been able to do are the legs i.e. leg extensions, leg press machines and will have to find a creative way to do it. Using the resistance bands in my opinion is mostly about creativity and practice.

Just wanted to know if anyone over here is using this mode of exercising and what are their views on it?
Tbh they are not as good as weights (personal experience) instead of resistance training your should try doing bodyweight/calisthenics
Does anyone exercise using resistance bands at home? I have taken to it recently because i got frustrated waiting around for gyms to open, they finally opened gyms in Toronto in August but have shut them down again because of the rising number of cases, my prediction is that the gyms will remain shut till the end of the Winter i.e. May 2021 because this virus is most effective during the cooler weathers.

Surprisingly i have found the Resistance bands to be pretty decent, the only exercises i have not been able to do are the legs i.e. leg extensions, leg press machines and will have to find a creative way to do it. Using the resistance bands in my opinion is mostly about creativity and practice.

Just wanted to know if anyone over here is using this mode of exercising and what are their views on it?
Disagree with their effectiveness. Free weights force you to work muscle groups and accessory muscles (because free weights force you to stabilise the movement as well as generate pure force) to actually create a more rounded definition. I guess it depends what your goal is. I personally think you cannot beat a barbell.
I have been weight training now for 25 years since I was in my mid teens

Resistance bands are great to really tone up your body

My routine now has changed where I hit the weights really hard, do my sets and reps as quick as possible and then finish and get on with life

I then use the resistance bands to tone up the muscle group and it's working great

resistance bands on their own however will not build big muscles but they will keep you in shape

when I was younger I used to make the mistake of spending hours in the gym, trying to lift crazy heavy weights as if I was going to the Olympics or something when I only really wanted to attract the chicks 😱😱😱🐥👯
Depends on what you want.
If it’s strength and mass, stay away from them.
If it’s endurance and muscle fatigue, they work well.
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