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Revival of Mess Culture

Many people have tried establishing mess culture again, no food served in BOQs by order etc, but those steps are temporary because they are against the natural order of things, brigade meses except for family functions have started becoming obsolete, It's been a while since I ate a proper meal in a mess, simply because it's not possible.
How can a person, who woke up at 5 am and came back to room at 5-6 pm be expected to come to room, change again and go to mess.
It's not possible, work load increased manifold, offrs personal lives suffer.
Times and technology change and they automatically change the way you live.
Fair enough, and very right and understandable. None of your points are false, ofc. It's just a bloody shame though, and I think you'll agree.
BTW, just out of interest, which unit do you belong to?

Mess is not needed

Military folks should focus on running 10 km per week , and do similar amount of Swimming , that is how you groom

Need more grooming , start weight lifting
We've traditionally focused on endurance, which much better serves our purpose and requirements with reference to climate and terrain etc.
The Americans learned this lesson the hard way when many of their gym freaks didn't show the performance you'd expect, so no huge requirement for Arnold types. Will agree that fitness should be worked on overall, however.
Mess is not needed

Military folks should focus on running 10 km per week , and do similar amount of Swimming , that is how you groom

Need more grooming , start weight lifting
10 km per week?! Nice joke!
You do realise that a normal morning PT run is atleast 2 Miles.
The military knows how to train, thank you.

BTW, just out of interest, which unit do you belong to?
As much as I would want to, I rather not, the internet is a scary place!
But may I know your fathers? Unit?
Your sentence phrasing makes me think you might be from a mil family.
As much as I would want to, I rather not, the internet is a scary place!
But may I know your fathers? Unit?
Your sentence phrasing makes me think you might be from a mil family.
I am, indeed!31 Sqn, Avn. Proud Panzer
Hope to join up myself, inshallah!

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