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Revival: The Muslim Response to the Crusades

Its our beef with them. I think you as a south asian can see both points of view far better than as an italian or as an arab. Because you stand outside and can see both aspects.

I'm aware of Arab attacks on Italy and the ''Sack'' of Rome by Arab raiders. But on the other hand Crusaders were hardly liberators, they massacred Orthodox Christians in Jerusalem. Later Crusaders wrecked havoc on Byzantium Empire. Sounds more like some powerful lords of Europe used religion to gain land and wealth. They got the opportunity when the Pope called for the Crusades. That's my view on the whole Crusades thing, you may wish to disagree or agree. :)
I'm aware of Arab attacks on Italy and the ''Sack'' of Rome by Arab raiders. But on the other hand Crusaders were hardly liberators, they massacred Orthodox Christians in Jerusalem. Later Crusaders wrecked havoc on Byzantium Empire. Sounds more like some powerful lords of Europe used religion to gain land and wealth. They got the opportunity when the Pope called for the Crusades. That's my view on the whole Crusades thing, you may wish to disagree or agree. :)

no, its ok. But you cant denie that for Italy and Europe in general it had mostly a positive effect.
no, its ok. But you cant denie that for Italy and Europe in general it had mostly a positive effect.

I don't deny that at all. At the end of the day it was Arabs raiding your country, I can understand your views and anger. Its one of the reasons why I guess people of Italy, Spain and Eastern Europe in general have more harsher views towards Islam as compared to West Europeans who only interaction with Muslims once they started colonising their countries.
I don't deny that at all. At the end of the day it was Arabs raiding your country, I can understand your views and anger. Its one of the reasons why I guess people of Italy, Spain and Eastern Europe in general have more harsher views towards Islam as compared to West Europeans who only interaction with Muslims once they started colonising their countries.
Wrong you were teached wrong history north africans who raided europe was to get back their ancestors homeland they did not do it for fun to oppress or to force their faith), north africans are the descendant of the arians who are mainly from the vandal tribe(germanic tribe) who followed the bishop arius a true follower of issa(jesus) who refused to follow the innovations of paul (the cross ,divination of jesus) they were chased out of europe because of it
Wrong you were teached wrong history north africans who raided europe was to get back their ancestors homeland they did not do it for fun to oppress or to force their faith), north africans are the descendant of the arians who are mainly from the vandal tribe(germanic tribe) who followed the bishop arius a true follower of issa(jesus) who refused to follow the innovations of paul (the cross ,divination of jesus)

Bro most North Africans do not decent from Vandals, maybe some Tunisians, Moroccans and Algerians on northern coastal areas decent from them.
Bro most North Africans do not decent from Vandals, maybe some Tunisians, Moroccans and Algerians on northern coastal areas decent from them.
The descendants of the vandals were the one who conquered vandalucia(andalucia), you will tell me but they have arabic name right well before islam europe sent their hordes to force their innovations on the vandals they were called back then the byzantines the vandals faced a genocide at their hands at that time islam appeared in the arabian peninsula the prophet muhammad told the compagnions to go to north africa when they arrived they found arians being prosecuted so they defeated the byzantine and the arians and muslims had the same faith and arians being saved from muslims saw it as a sign of God they switched automatically to islam (technically it's the same religion it's not a conversion) well the rest i think is clear
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The descendants of the vandals were the one who conquered vandalucia(andalucia)

So they went back and conquered their own people? Vandals were ruling most of Iberia before the Arab/Berber invasion.
So they went back and conquered their own people? Vandals were ruling most of Iberia before the Arab/Berber invasion.
its not really a conquest they were chased out of their homeland europe so they wanted to get back

Again this story is an untold truth even in islamic history books to this day they don't tell them about it i guess you known why
I agree. For 800 years muslims constantly attacked Italy, mostly small coast villages. Those constante attacks were the reason the Pope finally demanded a great war. The goal was to bring the war to their lands. Which was effective and in the end let their system collapse. When you look at it, they never recovered there.

Was attacking italian coast villages, murdering all people there humane from muslims? How long should italy accept this before it can strike back?


The crusades saved Europe. It was a defensive war which allowed us to be free.
How about first you go and read about Roman Empire of yours which you surely would take alot of pride in?? How about reading more about your roman empire wars on different lands? you think after romans converted to christainity they stopped waging wars on others? You seriously need to READ YOUR HISTORY MATE before you point finger at others. and crusade was not a defensive move but rather an ofensive one, after crusades European went to every corner of the world and started colonising and forcefuly converted the natives everywhere they went to. So stop embarrasing yourself by making stupid excuses for the barbarism of crusaders.
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How about first you go and read about Roman Empire of yours which you surely would take alot of pride in?? How about reading more about your roman empire wars on different lands? you think after romans converted to christainity they stopped waging wars on others? You seriously need to READ YOUR HISTORY MATE before you point finger at others. and crusade was not a defensive move but rather an ofensive one, after crusades European went to every corner of the world and started colonising and forcefuly converted the natives everywhere they went to. So stop embarrasing yourself by making stupid excuses for the barbarism of crusaders.

I think i made already clear, that i only care about my own people? Of course crusade was offensive. It was necessary to give us free space in our movements, end the islamic danger of constant attacks and gave us security.

As i said, evrything is ok as long it guarantees the security of my people. And you say it yourself, after crusades we had excellent conditions.

its not really a conquest they were chased out of their homeland europe so they wanted to get back

Again this story is an untold truth even in islamic history books to this day they don't tell them about it i guess you known why

this is absolute nonsense and rubbish. They constantly attacked italian coastal cities, killed people, enslaved other and stole evrything they could get. They were disgusting pirates and nothing else.
Wrong you were teached wrong history north africans who raided europe was to get back their ancestors homeland they did not do it for fun to oppress or to force their faith), north africans are the descendant of the arians who are mainly from the vandal tribe(germanic tribe) who followed the bishop arius a true follower of issa(jesus) who refused to follow the innovations of paul (the cross ,divination of jesus) they were chased out of europe because of it

Only the Kabyle Berber have Vandal blood among all North African and even in them its not a lot
The thing with the crusades is that it was only one part of the Christian world that participated. Truth is the barbarity of those Christians did not end at Muslims in fact it started with their own orthodox Christian brothers and sisters on their way to the holy land.

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