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ROC reaffirms Spratly Islands claim


Nov 4, 2011
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ROC reaffirms Spratly Islands claim
Sunday, April 1, 2012 0:08 am TWN, CNA

TAIPEI -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on Saturday reaffirmed its position on the South China Sea amid reports that the Philippines will build a wharf on one of the islands in the disputed Spratly Islands chain. Reports said the Philippines would build the pier on Thitu, the second largest of the Spratly Islands and the largest one occupied by the Philippines, in an act aimed at exercising its territorial sovereignty.

The MOFA issued a news release to say that regardless of whether the issue is looked at from the perspective of history, geography or international law, the Nansha Islands (Spratly Islands), the Shisha Islands (Paracel Islands), the Chungsha Islands (Macclesfield Islands) and Tungsha Islands (Pratas Islands) as well as their surrounding waters, sea beds and subsoil, are all an inherent part of the territory of the Republic of China.

The R.O.C. government reasserts that it enjoys all rights over the islands and their surrounding waters, and that it does not accept any claim to sovereignty over, or occupation of, these areas by other countries.

Taiwan, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei have all claimed large parts of the South China Sea, including the Spratly Islands, which are believed to sit atop vast deposits of gas and oil.

The ministry strongly urged the countries concerned to exercise self restraint so that peaceful resolutions to the disputes can be reached through consultation and dialogue.

Taiwan remains willing to participate in dialogue that seeks to find resolutions to disputes and to promote regional peace, stability, and development, it said.

The ministry reiterated that it upholds the basic principles of “safeguarding sovereignty, shelving disputes, peace and reciprocity, and joint exploration” and remains willing to work with other countries on exploring resources in the South China Sea.
PRC and ROC are the two top far ahead naval powers in this region,other countries are far behind them in terms of naval prowess,we should work together to safeguard our ancestral waters.
the People's Liberation Army Academy has repeatedly called for cooperation with Taiwan in protecting "common ancestral rights" in the region's disputed waters. At the same time, China has regularly invited retired Taiwanese military brass to cross-Strait symposiums where cooperation in the South and East China Seas as well as over the disputed Diayutai Islands .

From a Chinese perspective, as long it is firmly placed under the "one China principle," the offer of such cooperation is plausible, and not only because the territorial claims made by Beijing and Taipei are all but identical. With confidence growing on the Chinese side that unification will eventually come about, for Beijing.

a KMT think tank has already proposed cross-Strait cooperation on energy in the South China Sea, as well as the joint use of Taiwan's facilities on Taiping. Moreover, in a book recently jointly published by scholars belonging to China's Foreign Ministry-affiliated National Institute for South China Sea Studies and Taiwan's National Chengchi University, both sides strongly argued for joint efforts to safeguard sovereignty over disputed territories. Intriguingly, both sides also question the legality of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the very regulation cited by Washington to support Southeast Asian countries' claims in the region.

China has huge naval advantage to others in S. China Sea
According to Indonesian Center of Democracy, Diplomacy and Defense executive director Teuku Rezasyah, Malaysia has two battleships, the Philippines one, China 27 and Taiwan 26 operating in the South China Sea.
He said Vietnam had several escort vessels operating in the area, while no data was available for Brunei’s operations there.

“China’s 27 naval vessels do not even include the aircraft carrier and submarines [it operates in the South China Sea],” he told The Jakarta Post recently.

He said a Type 093 Shang class nuclear-powered attack submarine was observed at the pier under construction.

Significant construction is still underway at the Yalong Bay Naval Base on Hainan Island, including a fourth submarine pier at the southern section of the base, increased camouflage over the submarine pen and a bunkered rail line on the eastern side of the basin peninsula, he said.

“China has successfully massively reclaimed shores on Nam Yit Island and Southwest Cay Island, which borders the Philippines. China has made those hubs for its aircraft carriers based on satellite imagery,”
Rezasyah said.

He said that China was likely preparing for a worst-case scenario, with Nam Yit Island able to support three aircraft carriers.
The MOFA issued a news release to say that regardless of whether the issue is looked at from the perspective of history,
The Nansha Islands (Spratly Islands), the Shisha Islands (Paracel Islands), the Chungsha Islands (Macclesfield Islands) and Tungsha Islands (Pratas Islands) as well as their surrounding waters, sea beds and subsoil, are all an inherent part of the territory of the Republic of China.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...irms-spratly-islands-claim.html#ixzz1ysQdsLfV
Really? Sea beds and sub soils too? :woot: Even the area below the South China Sea right down to the center of the Earth? How about the airspace above it? And that part of the Milky Way Galaxy above the South China Sea?

Of course! It all formed part of the ancient Han Dynasty! (There are astronomical paintings and drawings of the ancient Hans to prove it!) The whole galactic firmament above, below, and around the South China Sea belongs to China. Period! Now, no argument on this please. It's the word of God! Case closed. Move on. :P
Well Taiwan knows they don't have much say in this dispute because for one thing, PRC is pressuring her to keep claiming the same as itself (as part of One China policy), and two, Taiwan isn't part of UN (position that PRC took over).

As for me, I don't mind Taiwan presence in Spratlys. But I condemn military actions from any claimants against any other claimants. And Taiwan does favor the Philippine suggestion of just making a multinational body composed from each claimant to make the Spratlys into a peaceful region for benefit of all. And if I recall Vietnam also agreed on that. Oh wait, oh, yeah I forgot. PRC didn't like the idea of sharing and shot it down. How... sad.

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