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Rockets hit presidential palace, police headquarters in Afghanistan


Jul 13, 2009
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KABUL: A Taliban rocket struck the grounds of Afghanistan's presidential palace on Tuesday, just two days before incumbent Hamid Karzai seeks re-election in tense polls that could go to a second round.

Polls show Karzai likely to win Thursday's vote, but not with the outright majority required to avoid a second round. He is relying on the last-minute support of former guerrilla chieftains in a bid to tip the balance.

His main rival Abdullah, an urbane eye doctor, has run an energetic campaign, seeking to garner support from beyond his base in the mainly ethnic-Tajik north.

Several small rockets were fired overnight and a police source said one caused some damage inside the sprawling, fortified presidential palace compound in central Kabul, while a second hit the capital's police headquarters. Neither caused any casualties.

Militants who have vowed to disrupt Thursday's election have fired rockets at the capital twice this month as well as detonated a massive suicide bomb outside the NATO-led International Security Force Headquarters (ISAF) in central Kabul that killed seven people and wounded dozens more.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, in a message sent to foreign news agency, claimed the fighters had fired four rockets, but gave no further details.

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