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RSS weeding out ‘terror’


May 3, 2009
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The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Nation | RSS in ‘terror’ weed-out

New Delhi, June 1: The RSS is on a “rectification drive” that will try to weed out swayamsevaks linked overtly and covertly to organisations such as Abhinav Bharat and with activities that qualify as “Hindu terrorism”.

Top leaders have decided to remain silent on the arrests of those suspected to be engaged in acts of terror as long as the investigations are under way, cooperate with the government and officially condemn the incidents.

The Sangh also plans to put an end to the kind of statements of support that BJP leaders L.K. Advani and Rajnath Singh had issued after sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur and former Lt Colonel Srikant Purohit were taken into custody over their alleged involvement in the Malegaon blasts.

A Sangh functionary explained why. “The organisation’s image might take a beating that can be worse than the bad name we earned after Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination. Terrorism is a dirty word and people are not in a mood to make a distinction between Hindu terror and Islamic terror. A Hindu who indulges in acts of terror will be judged by the same yardstick as a terrorist of another faith.”

The “cleansing” comes after investigations into the Ajmer Dargah, Samjhauta Express and Hyderabad’s Mecca Masjid blasts — all of them in 2007 — and the 2008 Malegaon explosions implicated persons directly and indirectly connected with the Sangh.

Devendra Gupta, arrested recently over the Ajmer attack, was a Sangh vibhag pracharak (section propagandist). Privately, Sangh sources owned up Gupta as one of them, but stressed there was “no question” of giving him legal or financial help. So too with sadhvi Pragya, who was a member of RSS student wing Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad.

Apparently, the RSS took a dim view of the solidarity shown by Goa’s BJP leaders for Sanathan Sanstha, a Hindu outfit that allegedly triggered the pre-Diwali blasts at Panaji in October 2009. The BJP, a source said, should not “play politics” at a time the government is “discreetly” going about the probe and refraining from scoring political points against the RSS-BJP.

Sangh leaders have conveyed to the government that it must “mercilessly” bust the Hindu terror rings, operating through Abhinav Bharat and military training schools in Maharashtra, and arrest Ramji Kalsangra, an absconding Ajmer suspect.

Unlike the Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram and Seva Bharati, the Abhinav Bharat is not a proven arm of the Sangh. But because the RSS does not maintain a record of its adherents — their numbers are estimated by the attendance at the daily, weekly and monthly “shakhas” or camps — sources admitted to the possibility of swayamsevaks also being members of the Abhinav Bharat.

There is another consideration behind the RSS’s defensiveness. “Evidence of Hindu terrorism will weaken our (the country’s) fight against Pakistan. Islamabad can turn around and say search your own house before screaming about cross-border terror,” the source said.
Welcome step from RSS :tup:
The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Nation | RSS in ‘terror’ weed-out

New Delhi, June 1: The RSS is on a “rectification drive” that will try to weed out swayamsevaks linked overtly and covertly to organisations such as Abhinav Bharat and with activities that qualify as “Hindu terrorism”.

Top leaders have decided to remain silent on the arrests of those suspected to be engaged in acts of terror as long as the investigations are under way, cooperate with the government and officially condemn the incidents.

The Sangh also plans to put an end to the kind of statements of support that BJP leaders L.K. Advani and Rajnath Singh had issued after sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur and former Lt Colonel Srikant Purohit were taken into custody over their alleged involvement in the Malegaon blasts.

A Sangh functionary explained why. “The organisation’s image might take a beating that can be worse than the bad name we earned after Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination. Terrorism is a dirty word and people are not in a mood to make a distinction between Hindu terror and Islamic terror. A Hindu who indulges in acts of terror will be judged by the same yardstick as a terrorist of another faith.”

The “cleansing” comes after investigations into the Ajmer Dargah, Samjhauta Express and Hyderabad’s Mecca Masjid blasts — all of them in 2007 — and the 2008 Malegaon explosions implicated persons directly and indirectly connected with the Sangh.

Devendra Gupta, arrested recently over the Ajmer attack, was a Sangh vibhag pracharak (section propagandist). Privately, Sangh sources owned up Gupta as one of them, but stressed there was “no question” of giving him legal or financial help. So too with sadhvi Pragya, who was a member of RSS student wing Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad.

Apparently, the RSS took a dim view of the solidarity shown by Goa’s BJP leaders for Sanathan Sanstha, a Hindu outfit that allegedly triggered the pre-Diwali blasts at Panaji in October 2009. The BJP, a source said, should not “play politics” at a time the government is “discreetly” going about the probe and refraining from scoring political points against the RSS-BJP.

Sangh leaders have conveyed to the government that it must “mercilessly” bust the Hindu terror rings, operating through Abhinav Bharat and military training schools in Maharashtra, and arrest Ramji Kalsangra, an absconding Ajmer suspect.

Unlike the Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram and Seva Bharati, the Abhinav Bharat is not a proven arm of the Sangh. But because the RSS does not maintain a record of its adherents — their numbers are estimated by the attendance at the daily, weekly and monthly “shakhas” or camps — sources admitted to the possibility of swayamsevaks also being members of the Abhinav Bharat.

There is another consideration behind the RSS’s defensiveness. “Evidence of Hindu terrorism will weaken our (the country’s) fight against Pakistan. Islamabad can turn around and say search your own house before screaming about cross-border terror,” the source said.
Welcome step from RSS :tup:

distancing itself from Sadhvi Pragya, and other harline Hindus who are caught involved in terrorism in India, is indeed a step by RSS to save itself from criticism but this is not not enough as long as the ideology taught by RSS and of these Hindu terrorists is the same.

Sadhvi Pragya indeed was NOT a born terrorist but she underwent hate teaching and terrorism training under RSS.

So as we say in other cases that its the ideology that needs to be wiped out here too RSS ideology of terrorism has deep roots so you need to cut those roots
A move by RSS which will have far reaching positive effects in India....This will certainly make an impact and mind change,atleast on a few mislead youths.

Also, it should be noted that in the past yr they have taken quite pragmatic approaches contradicting to BJP's stances on several occasions which is good as being a political party BJP will try to extract maximum mileage on dubious issues.

Guess, Mohan Bhagwat a relatively young leader compared to predecessors is making the difference...Had seen his press conference once and was quite impressed with his answers and handling difficult issues.(Only the second saffron leader after Atal Bihari Vajpaye to have impressed me personally,both are bachelor's :cheesy:).

Here's his profile..
Mohan Bhagwat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abhinav Bharat and RSS are two different organizations. One member's allegation can not be generalized for entire organization. Afterall RSS is not supporting these people in any manner.

I agree that any sort of extremism has to be removed. But I disgree with the statement and the title.
distancing itself from Sadhvi Pragya, and other harline Hindus who are caught involved in terrorism in India, is indeed a step by RSS to save itself from criticism but this is not not enough as long as the ideology taught by RSS and of these Hindu terrorists is the same.

Sadhvi Pragya indeed was NOT a born terrorist but she underwent hate teaching and terrorism training under RSS.

So as we say in other cases that its the ideology that needs to be wiped out here too RSS ideology of terrorism has deep roots so you need to cut those roots

you cant say whole RSS just because of Sadhvi Pragya and india not gonna leave any one who is involved between it ..... if we go from ur concept so all madarse in pakistan teach terrorism to their students .. but just because of some people we cant blame whole organization ... and m also believe in RSS . and believe me in my city more that 20% public has faith in RSS ... please think twice before talking anything about anyone ...
@ Jana

Let me explain with an analogy u can easily understand:

RSS and Abhinav Bharat are like JuD and LeT.

If JuD and LeT are two different orgs then RSS and AB are also 2 diif orgs.

See RSS is a charity organisation.
distancing itself from Sadhvi Pragya, and other harline Hindus who are caught involved in terrorism in India, is indeed a step by RSS to save itself from criticism but this is not not enough as long as the ideology taught by RSS and of these Hindu terrorists is the same.

Sadhvi Pragya indeed was NOT a born terrorist but she underwent hate teaching and terrorism training under RSS.

So as we say in other cases that its the ideology that needs to be wiped out here too RSS ideology of terrorism has deep roots so you need to cut those roots

On the one hand, u are an old associate of peace loving :cheesy: Zaid Hamid and ur blog carries articles penned by Ahmad Qureshi , both of whose credentials in war mongering ,making hate speech against west,Jews & Hindus , pushing blatantly false conspiracy theories are well known.

And the other hand u don't hesitate to advise RSS to curb its Hindu nationalist ideology when Pakistan itself isn't secular and accuse it for producing terrorists when there is no such allegation against it.

charity begins at home ,so don't be a pot calling kettle black.
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And the other hand u don't hesitate to advise RSS to curb its Hindu nationalist ideology when Pakistan itself isn't secular and accuse it for producing terrorists when there is no such allegation against it.

charity begins at home ,so don't be a pot calling kettle black.

I have no love to advise RSS to weed-out its decades old terrorist activities.

2. India despite claiming to be secular country have failed to curb RSS type extremists. Being a "secular" country the onus is on India more than on a non-secular country

Its also not a secret that Gandhi was killed by such elements.

Its also a reality that if you check the history these elements have a big share in communal riots and massacre of Non-Hindus and even own Hindus in India.

BTW its a pity you only opted to read selective on write up by Ahmed on my website whereas ignored other write ups
I have no love to advise RSS to weed-out its decades old terrorist activities.

2. India despite claiming to be secular country have failed to curb RSS type extremists. Being a "secular" country the onus is on India more than on a non-secular country

Its also not a secret that Gandhi was killed by such elements.

Its also a reality that if you check the history these elements have a big share in communal riots and massacre of Non-Hindus and even own Hindus in India.

BTW its a pity you only opted to read selective on write up by Ahmed on my website whereas ignored other write ups

For ur info RSS or AB doesnt go into another country and engage on a shooting spree...

So for ur advice..Thanks but no thanks..

As i said RSS is just a charity organisation running schools,clinics etc.
and no case has been proved against them in any Indian court of Law.

If u have any proof give it to us..we ll try them in our courts and acquit them if they are found innocent.
charity begins at home ,so don't be a pot calling kettle black.

Charites? We know how that works that side of the border!

Its a good move that RSS is completely not advocation looking for 'root causes' or explaining terrorism in terms of ill treatment of hindus on mars etc etc, terrorism is a method and it should be rejected.
On the one hand, u are an old associate of peace loving :cheesy: Zaid Hamid and ur blog carries articles penned by Ahmad Qureshi , both of whose are credentials in war mongering ,making hate speech against west,Jews & Hindus , pushing blatantly false conspiracy theories are well known.

And the other hand u don't hesitate to advise RSS to curb its Hindu nationalist ideology when Pakistan itself isn't secular and accuse it for producing terrorists when there is no such allegation against it.

charity begins at home ,so don't be a pot calling kettle black.

See Raghu, extremism, terrorism support is copyrighted by them...

So it is natural that they shout like anything if they even think that somebody is supporting some extreme ideas.... because they don't want competition...

@Jana : Please don't be worried you don't have any competition.... you can continue with your Zaid Hamid, Ahmed Qureshi etc....
it is your right...
I have no love to advise RSS to weed-out its decades old terrorist activities.

2. India despite claiming to be secular country have failed to curb RSS type extremists. Being a "secular" country the onus is on India more than on a non-secular country

Its also not a secret that Gandhi was killed by such elements.

Its also a reality that if you check the history these elements have a big share in communal riots and massacre of Non-Hindus and even own Hindus in India.

BTW its a pity you only opted to read selective on write up by Ahmed on my website whereas ignored other write ups

You mean to say that a non-secular country can kill its minorities ?
I have no love to advise RSS to weed-out its decades old terrorist activities.

2. India despite claiming to be secular country have failed to curb RSS type extremists. Being a "secular" country the onus is on India more than on a non-secular country


U should be the last person to whine about supposedly extreme view points propagated by RSS when ur own views are more prejudiced bordering racism when it comes Indians in general and Hindus in particular. Older posts of yours give ample evidence of ur bigoted mindset and open support and strong admiration for rabid India basher like Zaid hamid.

India is secular country against all the odds, nature of our history ,and partition of this country, since its citizen thats the Hindus majority who take pride living in a secular and freedom loving democracy. As long as Hindus remain in majority in India,I don't see much threat either to India's secularism or lives of minorities whose combined population is bigger than most countries including urs.

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