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Russia charges Chinese man with smuggling military equipment

Like your indigenous Buran right? At least this one actually works unlike your failed copy.


and crappy copy of the F 22


1. U.S. space shuttle has no any relation to the Russian «Buran».
Completely different system.
2. «Buran» designed as a cargo / combat ship (to perform both functions). The Cold War ended. The military capabilities of the spacecraft are redundant. Russia has a large selection of cheaper launch vehicles (for transport).
3. «Buran» was a good ship. Unlike the U.S. space shuttle, «Buran» could fly in fully automatic mode. «Buran» made his space flight and proved its reliability. The flight was carried out in fully automatic mode.
China on such systems can only dream of.
I do not understand why you brought in as an argument «Buran» (in our little dispute.) You deliberately wanted to show the insignificance of all the Chinese space capabilities? And thus like to see you I was sorry? You did it I could barely hold back tears.
1. U.S. space shuttle has no any relation to the Russian «Buran».
Completely different system.
2. «Buran» designed as a cargo / combat ship (to perform both functions). The Cold War ended. The military capabilities of the spacecraft are redundant. Russia has a large selection of cheaper launch vehicles (for transport).
3. «Buran» was a good ship. Unlike the U.S. space shuttle, «Buran» could fly in fully automatic mode. «Buran» made his space flight and proved its reliability. The flight was carried out in fully automatic mode.
China on such systems can only dream of.
I do not understand why you brought in as an argument «Buran» (in our little dispute.) You deliberately wanted to show the insignificance of all the Chinese space capabilities? And thus like to see you I was sorry? You did it I could barely hold back tears.

You take external experiences as key to actual content so I'm only using your own logic. The Buran looks almost exactly like the US space shuttle so therefore it is a copy.

Yes one test flight is enough to prove that it was worthless to pursue.

In space technologies manned flight is more technologically advanced then unmanned ones. Many countries can send robots into space. Not many can send men.
1. Despite the being the "skeleton" of the aircraft, modern day air to air combat rely almost wholly on its internal capabilities and components. Even then, the J-11B and J-15 airframe are extensively modified from their original Sukhoi counterparts.

2. Funny thing is, China is not using Russian engines on their J-11B and J-15 fighters, and even the airframes were extensively modernized. The WS-10, WS-12, WS-13, and WS-15 do not use Russian components or design, buddy. Why don't you stop stereotyping and do some research for a while? You are embarrassing yourself here.

1. They are not trying to replace "some items". Everything has changed. The J-11B is a new plane in a Su-27 skin. The J-15 is a new plane in a Su-33 skin. The J-10A's airframe has proved to be much more agile than the Su-27SK. Why did they stick with the Su-27SK airframe? Because they find it to be much cheaper.

2. Yes you can. That's why they built the Su-35 from the Su-33 airframe. That's why the T-50's airframe was modified from a Flanker one.

China is not engaged in "illegal copying and licensing" because the J-11B and J-15 are not copies of anything. The airframe is the only component that remains similar. But even that has been modified.

1. No such thing in the air (just take the skin of another aircraft). This is a Chinese invention (to justify their borrowing).

2. I already told you. It is foolish to borrow someone else's aviation design, if you can create your own (this is not economics, it is nonsense). The dimensions depend on the design capacity engine and internal equipment. If you wear shoes size 41. You do not buy the shoes 38 or size 45.
China has all the elements fit into the dimensions of the construction of the Su-27 (which in principle not possible). Only one conclusion. The Chinese equivalent of the Su-27 (a product of modernization of the Su-27). The Chinese do not design a new aircraft. They are trying to adapt its capabilities to the project Su-27.
China needs to call his plane Su-.. J. It would be more fair.
I am glad that they have started to recognize the adoption of aircraft structure. At least some - that progress.

The problem is not how many items are replaced with the Chinese on its Su-27. The problem is that it is impossible to be using, other people's ideas and hard work (and presenting them as your own). It's not beautiful. You sling mud at Russia. But do not miss the opportunity to borrow the missing technology you. Thus, you spit into the well from which drinking.
This behavior is not worthy of a great nation.
You take external experiences as key to actual content so I'm only using your own logic. The Buran looks almost exactly like the US space shuttle so therefore it is a copy.

Yes one test flight is enough to prove that it was worthless to pursue.

In space technologies manned flight is more technologically advanced then unmanned ones. Many countries can send robots into space. Not many can send men.

I understand your desire. However, your slip was (the selection of targets for their attacks). Why give the enemy a dispute additional trump cards? At the time of his flight «Buran» is the only system in the world. That could make a separate flight. The flight was carried out using on-board computer systems (including landing). Without any intervention from the ground. Drones and rover have manual control of the earth (self-study is limited). Therefore, your statement is not appropriate.
Your remark about one flight (which is not what does not prove). What do you suggest I say? That China does not contain any chance to make such a flight.
I understand your desire. However, your slip was (the selection of targets for their attacks). Why give the enemy a dispute additional trump cards? At the time of his flight «Buran» is the only system in the world. That could make a separate flight. The flight was carried out using on-board computer systems (including landing). Without any intervention from the ground. Drones and rover have manual control of the earth (self-study is limited). Therefore, your statement is not appropriate.
Your remark about one flight (which is not what does not prove). What do you suggest I say? That China does not contain any chance to make such a flight.

So no remarks on the fact that Buran is a copy by your own standards.
So no remarks on the fact that Buran is a copy by your own standards.

I thought that you have recognized the absurdity of that statement (in his last post). Perhaps I was mistaken (in We interpret your statement) and you continue to persist? I am a bit disappointed with you.
I thought that you have recognized the absurdity of that statement (in his last post). Perhaps I was mistaken (in We interpret your statement) and you continue to persist? I am a bit disappointed with you.

Absurdity? If the J11 was turned into a automated drone like many of China's older planes it would be different?
Absurdity? If the J11 was turned into a automated drone like many of China's older planes it would be different?

When China goes to the production of aircraft (based on full development of their own). This will remove all the questions. If you can do it. Then do it. "Man said. The man has done."
I speak not against China. Annoys me the ingratitude of some Chinese representatives. If I borrow something, and then watering it with dirt. I show a complete lack of respect above all to himself personally. If that does not like something, just do not use it.
When China goes to the production of aircraft (based on full development of their own). This will remove all the questions. If you can do it. Then do it. "Man said. The man has done."
I speak not against China. Annoys me the ingratitude of some Chinese representatives. If I borrow something, and then watering it with dirt. I show a complete lack of respect above all to himself personally. If that does not like something, just do not use it.

Do you know what you're actually saying through Google translator?
Do you know what you're actually saying through Google translator?

Why only a by Google? I use just three of an interpreter (for writing and testing). If I use only one Gogle (we do not understand each other).
So you have to understand the complexity of answers (especially on some stupid questions.)


Yes, you are right, this is the most indigenous developments that China ever came up with.:tup:

You Chinese can call it whatever you want, but the j-11b or J-15 will always be known as the Flanker ripoff.:blah:

*Sigh... some people will never learn. :rolleyes:

I've repeated myself many times. ONLY THE AIRFRAME IS RUSSIAN STYLE. That's why its appearance looks similar to that of the Su-27SK. Everything else is different. And since capability rely on the internal technologies, yes, the J-11B and J-15 are in fact indigenous fighters.

An apple is still an apple even if it is covered with an orange peel.
Are you finally admitting that the j-11 "B.S." is infact a 50 cent Chinese copy of the mighty flanker?

Nope. At least you are revealing that you are an ill informed idiot who thinks he has the knowledge to say stuff regarding this matter.

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