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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Hearing that a certain Pakistani who is in the UK might be meeting Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy soon.
This makes sense, considering that
a) they’re both in London
b) PakMil is funnelling weapons to Kyiv and
c) Pak has an old habit of fighting other’s wars
War is business and is an opportunity to make money
Pakistani generals are best at filling their pockets and getting big mansions build abroad and home since like eygptians they believe that they will take these big mansions to heaven with them

Ukrainians are living in a fools paradise on the internet and this war only ends one way. Complete Russian victory.
If Pakistan providing military aid to the Ukrainians it is another grand example of the incredible smarts of the military leadership. Betting on a losing horse. Primarily because it score these idiots at the top some personal good points. The institution, and country be damned. Weak, pathetic minded leaders.

It is also disheartening to see Ukraine and it's people getting slaughtered.
I guess they are learning the lesson most West's non-white allies (usually) have learned for generations.
The West will fight the Russians to the last Ukrainian and in the process sow a multi-generational hatred among people.
Just sad all around.
The fact that u don't know how smart Pakistani generals are shows what's the problem with Pakistani public..
Our generals are smart they won't let such an opportunity to make money for their retirement

Russia has defined it's objectives ..I e take donbass call it a day and negotiate ukriane neutrality..

If west refuses to that take ukriane in stage II by force

It initially planned to take all ukriane and install puppet govt
That's not an argument. No, I do not consider western media reporting nor claims by western statesmen about Iran to be reliable. I have very good reasons for that.

Don't get me started on the constantly self-contradicting, Orwellian narrative coming out of the (pro-)NATO camp in regard to Iranian weapons and the Ukraine war - from "Iran's weapons are fake and photoshopped" to "Iran is supplying advanced UAV's to Russia" via "Iran has been selling heaps of ammunition to Ukraine". This alone should make any objective observer adopt a critical stance towards whatever western sources may publish on the subject.

Zero proof this suggestion, hence no grounds for imposing such an opinion on anyone (even proven matters are open for discussion on the forum considering applicable rules). Will keep reminding the facts and am definitely not going to get intimidated by attempts at hectoring.
The fact that Russia didn't use them until long after the war started is highly suspicious.

Initially, Iran denied ever selling the drones in the first place, so we have no reason to trust Iran's narrative.

also, Iran does have a history of faking weapons programs, but when it comes to UAVs I've always thought Iran was and is quite capable.

Again, we both know this. It suits your narrative to deny it, but the truth remains the same.
Wow, Iranians are bad liars.

Not one piece of my information has been factually incorrect.

There is no reason to respond to the long list of straw man responses by Iranian members.

Iranians on this forum are cheering for/defending Russia (Russia is annexing parts of Ukraine). Therefore on the side of Russia. Yet "Iranians are not supportive of the Russian annexation of Crimea." This is two faced lie. Or Iranians are retarded.

When an indian sexually assaults a woman, that indian going back to the same woman and feeling her up is a continuation of the sexual assault on that woman. Russians continue their genocides of persecuted people they previously genocide. Russians have no right to touch let alone injurer or kill Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Chechens, Circassians, who were genocided by Russians. There is no time limit to this. When Russians return to killing those they previously genocide, IT IS GENOCIDE. This is divine law.

Those genocided by genociders must be free. There is no time limit on that. And free forever from their genociders. That is ethics. That is morality. Only the barbarians/evil and the evil disagree.

Greeks were subjected to perscutions by Ottomans and demanded freedom. Yet, the Greeks were not genocided or even ethnically cleansed. If you cannot manage a moral empire, then you have no moral privilege to empire. The EU is the path to have an empire, free associations. Leave when you want.
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Not one piece of my information has been factually incorrect.

Claims such as that Iran supported Russian military operations in Chechnya for instance are plainly counter-factual.

There is no reason to respond to the long list of straw man responses by Iranian members.

Iranians on this forum are cheering for/defending Russia (Russia is annexing parts of Ukraine). Therefore on the side of Russia. Yet "Iranians are not supportive of the Russian annexation of Crimea." This is two faced lie. Or Iranians are retarded.

Or the author of the above lines didn't fully get what they read and mixed up different topics.

The Iranian government has not recognized Russia's annexation of Crimea - no need to put this into brackets to suggest it isn't factual because it is. Random Iranian users of an internet forum aren't government spokespersons, they're representing their own individual views.

Russians continue their genocides of persecuted people they previously genocide. Russians have no right to touch let alone injurer or kill Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Chechens, Circassians, who were genocided by Russians. There is no time limit to this. When Russians return to killing those they previously genocide, IT IS GENOCIDE. This is divine law.

Equating genocide with other types of crimes represents a potentially dangerous amalgamation. Likewise, to postulate the culpability of a nation at all times is also wrong.

For this reason, whilst the Russian empire's excessive violence in Circassia during the 19th century was entirely unjustified, the present situation in Ukraine is a much more ambiguous one, with responsibility for the ongoing conflict falling on the outside powers read NATO, whose interference provoked the current crisis and the violence.

Those genocided by genociders must be free. There is no time limit on that. And free forever from their genociders. That is ethics. That is morality. Only the barbarians/evil disagree.

Be free yes, initiate renewed hostility by collaborating with foreign powers (NATO i.e. USA) to destabilize their neighbor on grounds that the latter oppressed them when it was governed by a different political regime, no.
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Do the genocidal Russian settler colonists get to keep Crimea, get to keep the North Caucasus. Iranians say yes.

Iranians on this forum are opposed to Ukraine winning. Iranians in Iran are opposed to Ukraine winning.

I never lied.

To be in the trying to have it both ways without supporting Ukraine, puts you in the camp of not supporting Ukraine winning and not supporting the defeat of Russia.


So yes, Iranians are bad liars.

My information I posted is 100% factual. Iranians deviously try to bait the conversation with Russian propaganda and then say, Iranians do not support Russia. All the while cheering for Ukraine to lose and NATO Europe to lose. Wanting a Russian-Iran disorder to the globe.

Iran, Russia looking for new world order

So, do Iranians want us to believe that Iranians want Russia to lose and then have a new global situation with Russia (we never said that, says Iran, we are neutral yes spouting talking points of Russians).

Or is Iran two faced, trying to have it both ways. As has been known since the General Assembly vote last year.



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the present situation in Ukraine is a much more ambiguous one, with responsibility for the ongoing conflict falling on the outside powers read NATO, whose interference provoked the current crisis and the violence.

Russians harming Ukrainians is genocide. For Russians are genociders of Ukrainians. Genocide is an eternal crime.

If this war was against Finland, then no it would not be genocide. It would be thousands and perhaps millions of warcrimes.

Circassians, Chechens, Crimean Tatars, Ukrainians are to be protected from genocidal Russians. That is the MORAL obligation of every innocent human being. So humanity HAS TO SUPPORT UKRAINE.
Literally the basis of humanity and human decency is the innocent genocided need liberty from their oppressor genociders.

The worst physical violence is genocide.

That is the starting point of morality and ethics of physical human to human interactions. Without that anything goes. Without mankind defending the genocided (Ukrainians)... You have a dark age of barbarism non stop.

Saying don't touch my wife she's mine, goes out the window. Street gang violence is acceptable. The kill or be killed becomes the norm.

So those that believe Russia can/should rule over Chechens, Crimean tatars, Ukrainians, and Circassians have no ethical protection. Have no moral protection.

Iranians not supporting ukraine make themselves equal to Bush Sr and Jr. Perhaps worse, if Iranians continue to defend Russia in light is the facts.
Do the genocidal Russian settler colonists get to keep Crimea, get to keep the North Caucasus. Iranians say yes.

Iranians on this forum are opposed to Ukraine winning. Iranians in Iran are opposed to Ukraine winning.

I never lied.

You're performing two extrapolations here.

1) Amalgamating the views of Iranian users of an internet forum, with Iranian state policy. Passing judgment on Iranian state policy based on comments of Iranian forum users. This is disingenuous. The Iranian government has not recognized Russia's annexation of Crimea, end of story.

2) Trying to present the Iran's recognition of the Russian Federation's territorial integrity as something unique, when in reality there's not a single country in the world which doesn't recognize Northern Caucasus as part of Russia. This is absurd.

To be in the trying to have it both ways without supporting Ukraine, puts you in the camp of not supporting Ukraine winning and not supporting the defeat of Russia.


So yes, Iranians are bad liars.

No lie detected on the part of Iranians.

My information I posted is 100% factual.

No it's not. You claimed Iran backed Russia's military efforts in Chechnya, that's untrue. Claimed Iran is lending support for the purported "persecution" of Crimean Tatars, again a made up contention.

Iranians deviously try to bait the conversation with Russian propaganda and then say, Iranians do not support Russia. All the while cheering for Ukraine to lose and NATO Europe to lose. Wanting a Russian-Iran disorder to the globe.

Mixing up topics. Iranian forum users are not government spokespersons.

Iranian policy is clear and has been outlined in my previous posts.

Iran, Russia looking for new world order

Iran and Russia are cooperating to put an end to unipolar USA dominance. The world has had enough of permanent destabilization and aggression by Washington and its lackeys.

So, do Iranians want us to believe that Iranians want Russia to lose

I don't remember stating such a thing.

and then have a new global situation with Russia (we never said that, says Iran, we are neutral yes spouting talking points of Russians).

A government can be non-belligerent in a war, all the while of highlighting where the ultimate political responsibility for the conflict lies. There's no contradiction here at all.

Or is Iran two faced, trying to have it both ways. As has been known since the General Assembly vote last year.




Votes which perfectly reflect Iran's position as described by me earlier. No contradiction with being a non-belligerent.
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Literally the basis of humanity and human decency is the innocent genocided need liberty from their oppressor genociders.

The worst physical violence is genocide.

That is the starting point of morality and ethics of physical human to human interactions. Without that anything goes. Without mankind defending the genocided (Ukrainians)... You have a dark age of barbarism non stop.

Saying don't touch my wife she's mine, goes out the window. Street gang violence is acceptable. The kill or be killed becomes the norm.

Ukraine's plight in the 1930's under a no longer existent USSR does not give Kiev a blank cheque to oppress its Russian-speaking citizens nor to associate itself with NATO in their attempts to destabilize Russia.

Soviet crimes have no bearing on this, nor do far fetched constructs on morality.

So those that believe Russia can/should rule over Chechens, Crimean tatars, Ukrainians, and Circassians have no ethical protection. Have no moral protection.

Interesting, so no government in the world can lay claim to ethical standards. Because not a single government is disputing Russian sovereignty over Circassia. By your own logic, NATO regimes are no better than the ones you like to rant against.

Iranians not supporting ukraine make themselves equal to Bush Sr and Jr. Perhaps worse, if Iranians continue to defend Russia in light is the facts.

Yes sure, the Islamic Republic which has never started a war is "worse" than warmongering regimes such as Bush's USA.
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>>> Sunak "It take 3 years to train a fighter pilot"
>>> Zelensky - "we will send you pilots with 2.5 years of training.."


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