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Russian military: Turkey entering Syria soon

Greece (NATO) fighting together with Iran against another NATO state, only possible in the small world of Superboy aka. Ultron. :)

NATO doesn't care about a Mongol country like Turkey. The US might use Turkey to fight Russia, but the US will never fight Russia.

I think if Turkey officially participates in the Syria war then Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Russia, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria will declare war on Turkey. These countries all hate Turkey. In addition, Kurds will start open revolt against Turkish occupation.
NATO doesn't care about a Mongol country like Turkey. The US might use Turkey to fight Russia, but the US will never fight Russia.

I think if Turkey officially participates in the Syria war then Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Russia, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria will declare war on Turkey. These countries all hate Turkey. In addition, Kurds will start open revolt against Turkish occupation.
Oh no everything but not Bulgaria. :fie:
Would it be a fault if Turkey enters Syria ? Instead of Russia who are already there ? Or Iran ? Why People are seeing this as Problem , but welcome anything if it comes from Russia ?

I would say that Turkey & Russia working together, they are just playing a big Game with some secrets.
Neutralize Kurds " Kurdistan" . Kurd got green light from somewhere for new state. Now the mess is building up.
Oh no everything but not Bulgaria. :fie:

Bulgaria and also Georgia and Serbia and Belarus and Ukraine. These are Orthodox countries that hate Turkey for taking over Constantinople. They would both declare war on Turkey if Turkey fights in Syria. Turkey does not have a single ally in its neighborhood. It would be suicide to fight Russia, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia, Cyprus, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine, Lebanon, Kurds. It would lose Istanbul and the Kurdish southeast.
I think if Turkey officially participates in the Syria war then Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Russia, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria will declare war on Turkey. These countries all hate Turkey. In addition, Kurds will start open revolt against Turkish occupation.
Wasn't the last time Cyprus had a kebab with Turkey, Turkey drew a new border?
Wasn't the last time Cyprus had a kebab with Turkey, Turkey drew a new border?
Bulgaria and also Georgia and Serbia and Belarus and Ukraine. These are Orthodox countries that hate Turkey for taking over Constantinople. They would both declare war on Turkey if Turkey fights in Syria. Turkey does not have a single ally in its neighborhood. It would be suicide to fight Russia, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia, Cyprus, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine, Lebanon, Kurds. It would lose Istanbul and the Kurdish southeast.

Being an Orthodox country doesnt automaticly mean they are sworn enemies of Turkey, same for Serbia, Ukraine Georgia and etc. Infact most of these countries heavely oppose Russia and rather be allied with Turkey. Russia invaded Georgia and created 2 non-recognized states, Bulgaria joined the EU and NATO and Russia also invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea.

Your political views are extremely unrealistic, Constantinople hasnt been the capital of Christian Orthodoxy for many centuries. Infact that seat has shifted to Russia more then anything else, something Russia cant lose to afford.

but the border it's not internationally recognized

Right, but so isnt the 2 break away states of Abkhazia and South Össetia yet Georgia cant do anything about it. Just like how Crimea was annexed by Russa, nobody is doing anything about it. Northern Cyprus already is a de facto state. The borders are still very much there, just look at the UN buffer zone.
If Turkey fights in Syria it will go up against Georgia, Armenia, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kurds :o:
If Turkey fights in Syria it will go up against Georgia, Armenia, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kurds :o:

You can join the party to, we got for you VIP tickets...

We are cleaning mine fields and they are al ready scared.
Bulgaria and also Georgia and Serbia and Belarus and Ukraine. These are Orthodox countries that hate Turkey for taking over Constantinople. They would both declare war on Turkey if Turkey fights in Syria. Turkey does not have a single ally in its neighborhood. It would be suicide to fight Russia, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia, Cyprus, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine, Lebanon, Kurds. It would lose Istanbul and the Kurdish southeast.
If Turkey fights in Syria it will go up against Georgia, Armenia, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kurds :o:

Seriously? First of all it's 2016, and nobody, at least in Serbia gives a **** about Constantinople, Turkey is certainly not the favorite country for many Serbs, but that has nothing to do with the fall of Constantinople. During that time, Serbian despotate was vassal state to the Ottoman empire, which means that Serbian troops particpated in the siege on the Ottoman side (around 1500 cavalry and miners from Novo Brdo). We had our own reasons not to like the Turks through most of our history, but that doesn't mean that Serbia would participate in some kind of a future war with Turkey. Let me give you some facts:

- we don't even share a border.
- we have nothing to gain from that war
- even if you ignore facts from above, Serbian army is not capable to engage in any kind of offensive actions against Turkey. Most of Balkan states armies are small defensive forces, with old equipment and small budgets. Not to mention that some of the countries you named are in NATO just like Turkey. For example Croatia. Why the **** would Croatia declare war to Turkey. And Russia and Ukraine on the same side against Turkey :woot:

There is no way in hell that Serbia is going to declare war on Turkey. And we don't really care that much about wars in Middle East. You are either trolling or you dont know anything about this topic.
Turkey is trying to bring back ottoman empire which will bring wrath of many countries upon turkey including Iran, Russia and china. Not a wise move which seems is going to happen anyway.
Everyone want to take something or revenge turkey in a way: Greece looks for Byzantine empire, Cyprus want to take back lost lands, Kurdistan wants independence and Armenia looks for revenge. Other players are involve like Iran and Russia which Iran doesn't have a specific problem with Turks but Russia...
Russia can't take on Turkey in Syria alone. It's only bet is if NATO denounces Turkish moves. Most likely Turkey will make buffer zone in the area. Worst case scenario is Saudi Arabia-Turkey construct no fly zone in Aleppo or something along those lines.

Is Turkey going to attack where thousands of Iranian , Iraqi , Syrian and Lebanese forces are directly operating ?


I forgot to mention Russians .

I don't know what is wrong with Turkey but some sane people should control Erdogan , He seems to be unable to digest the truth .

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