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Saudi Arabia failed to defeat Yemeni resistance: Ansarallah chief

Shapur Zol Aktaf

Feb 10, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Ansarallah officials says they are preparing attacks on 'strategic, military, and intelligence' targets inside the countries of the Saudi-led coalition if they continue to violate the UN truce

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarallah resistance group, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, says that the Saudi-led coalition has failed to defeat the resistance and assassinate its leaders.

Al-Houthi made his declarations during a massive military parade at Al-Sabeen Square in Sanaa on 15 September, as part of celebrations leading up to the eighth anniversary of the 21 September revolution.

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarallah resistance group, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, says that the Saudi-led coalition has failed to defeat the resistance and assassinate its leaders.

Al-Houthi made his declarations during a massive military parade at Al-Sabeen Square in Sanaa on 15 September, as part of celebrations leading up to the eighth anniversary of the 21 September revolution.

“Our message to the enemies, via this military parade, is to show what the Ministry of Interior has achieved, despite the incessant targeting [it was subjected to] … this clearly shows the failure of the enemies’ efforts to lead this institution to collapse,” Al-Houthi said during his speech.

The Ansarallah leader went on to highlight that “the enemy worked hard, using [Takfiri armed groups] to implement many criminal schemes with bombings, but it failed in most of them,” adding that Saudi Arabia sought to assassinate resistance and political figures.

Interior Minister, Major General Abdul Karim al-Houthi, also spoke during the ceremony, highlighting the resistance’s efforts to guarantee security for Yemenis.

“We are on the threshold of the anniversary of the immortal September 21 revolution, and we need to remember the systematic targeting and destruction of the army and the security establishment by enemies, whether with assassinations or bombings,” the interior minister said.

“We are facing an aggression targeting the people, their security and stability, led by the US and Israel for eight years,” Karim al-Houthi added, stressing that “the security establishment will do everything in its power to advance security work in its various fields, no matter the challenges and sacrifices needed.”

Ansarallah officials have recently stepped up their rhetoric against the US-sponsored war in their country, launched seven years ago by Saudi Arabia and its regional partners.

On 15 September, Arabic media revealed that resistance officials warned the US, the EU, and the UN that Sanaa’s response to Riyadh’s truce violations “will not be limited to the normal military aspects,” but will be commensurate to the suffering being inflicted on the Yemeni people.

A day earlier, Yemen’s Defense Minister said that the army “is ready to respond at the appropriate time determined by the leader of the revolution” to Saudi Arabia’s aggressions.

“We have prepared our plans to inflict great pain by blowing up the targets of the countries of aggression. It has strategic, military and intelligence dimensions,” Major General Muhammad al-Atifi warned.


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