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Saudi Arabia, Indonesia Sign Defense Cooperation Agreement

I am with both of you @Wahhab2701 and @Indos

Now when you both are here how is the cooperation between Indonesia and the regional countries? Who is the biggest military partner/ally of Indonesia in the region and in general? Maybe we could get those countries on board?
I am with both of you @Wahhab2701 and @Indos

Now when you both are here how is the cooperation between Indonesia and the regional countries? Who is the biggest military partner/ally of Indonesia in the region and in general? Maybe we could get those countries on board?

Well, in term of military exercises, I think Australia and USA, but we also have it with China....recently.

In term of military hardware technology partnership, of course South Korea is our biggest partner. We have joint partnership in KFX/IFX program and also South Korea will help Indonesia to build Indonesian made submarine by using their technology, the building will kick of as soon as the infrastructure ready within 2015, insyaALLAH. South Korea is also the biggest buyer for our CN-235,,,even they buy more of our CN-235 than our Army/Navy/Air force combined.

China is a country that might become another strategic partner because China has a willingness to share very sensitive technology in missile and rocket. The partnership is to make C-705 anti ship missile in Indonesia....and make a joint cooperation for a new variant of missile in 2017. But...it is still on the plan...for the mean time...our rocket and missile technology is developed by our engineers like from LAPAN, PT DI, BPPT etc

Russia is another strategic partner for us as it has supplied us with a very latest hardware like Su-30 SKM....and now the submarine

USA also supply us with a sensitive technology like AMRAM, Javelin and APACHE Guardian (the latest version)

Jerman supplies tanks....and help us in satellite technology....we can make our own satellite now...thanks to Jerman

Jerman also help us in warship building since long time ago.....

India and China also help us in Sukhoi training (simulator)....and now we have decided to buy / or make Sukhoi simulator

In term of war situation....Pakistan and Indian Muslim helped us in 1945 war....and we helped Pakistan in the1965 and 1971 war by sending our submarine there......just a pressure move for India (we had 12 during that time).

I believe that Muslim Nations including Saudi is our importand ally
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