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Saudi Arabia offers to buy Russian arms to stop Russian support to Syria

PressTV = Iran's
Front page mag = David Horowitz's an Islamophobe
Pravda = Kremlin piece of crap
Global Reserach = Israeli baised site

Before you post something, please try to make sure that someone like yours truly won't make you half naked :rofl:

PissTV??? Yzd never mind him he is one of those people who rented out his brain to be used and molested by the Mullas.

We're Saudis, %75 of the world is mad at us for no apparent reasons :coffee:

Mullas when i give you proof you say i m brain washed by mullah when you cant say any thing you start personal attacks , Still for your attack i think the worst situation in Muslims are only bcz of these so called mullahs and biggest terrorist mullahs are in K S A

It's imperative to KSA to assist the Free Syrian Army to throw Assad into the Dead Sea.

press tv

Well done.
Mullas when i give you proof you say i m brain washed by mullah when you cant say any thing you start personal attacks , Still for your attack i think the worst situation in Muslims are only bcz of these so called mullahs and biggest terrorist mullahs are in K S A

There are no Mullahs in KSA :)

And as Yzd said your sources point out to the truth that you hate Saudi Arabia and Saudi people so much that you are willing to qoute the most biased sources imaginable and claiming them to be "proof", this automatically make you someone not worthy of having a debate with as you are just mud slinging to mud sling and that's it.
There are no Mullahs in KSA :)

And as Yzd said your sources point out to the truth that you hate Saudi Arabia and Saudi people so much that you are willing to qoute the most biased sources imaginable and claiming them to be "proof", this automatically make you someone not worthy of having a debate with as you are just mud slinging to mud sling and that's it.

Happy Eid homie, welcome back to KSA…
PressTV = Iran's
Front page mag = David Horowitz's an Islamophobe
Pravda = Kremlin piece of crap
Global Reserach = Israeli baised site

Before you post something, please try to make sure that someone like yours truly won't make you half naked :rofl:

It's imperative to KSA to assist the Free Syrian Army to throw Assad into the Dead Sea.
In your words Every channel which is not Arab its the enemy of K S A strange , But the thing is 80 of media is owned by zionist lobby you cant teach a idiot or you cant teach someone who dont want to learn as i said when you guys cant reply you can only troll
who was the biggest fonder of al qaeda KSA, and U,S now tell me thats also a lie :D
Free Syrian Army ? what a noble men these are Destroying Schools Hospitals Killing children even you accepted in your words You guys are supporting Free Syrian army I dont hate arabs or any one, Its the place Where Our holy prophet ( PEACE.BE.UPON.HIM) was born Only i dont like wrong actions which are effecting million lifes
Go and do some readings. I'm in the Gov't, and trust me we won't propose such offer to the Russians under any circumstances. Such proposal was made on Sep 2011, but we won't forget the blood of the Syrain civilians, Turkish civilians.

Khalifa, Be some realistic and truthful, SA & Qatar's Involvement in Syrian conflict was never humanitarian & nor about human rights. These are all political maneuvers by SA & Qatar. Its all about dominance of ME, a short Oil & Gas supply root to EU & Turkish O&G market and limiting Iranian access to the same markets. So in market terms, SA & Qatar are investing in Syria to reap hefty dividends after Assad. Failure of Assad regime is a necessity for both.

For EU & US, primary target is Iran and their energy resources, achieving this target would help them to control global energy market more efficiently. So its about controlling global energy resources and containing China (and may be India, but not sure) by limiting their access to energy.
Well said,if the west wanted the war would be over by now(Libya).
The west doesnt care for just human life only for oil/gas.

First you guys complain that West always gets involved in Muslim lands and then you complain that they are not getting involved.

Personally, I am glad USA and NATO are not getting involved in Syria's Civil War. Let the Arabs fight it out, its their conflict.

USA should not take sides because the loser will blame the USA for their loss and thus became a cause for more terrorist attacks against the USA.
First you guys complain that West always gets involved in Muslim lands and then you complain that they are not getting involved.

Personally, I am glad USA and NATO are not getting involved in Syria's Civil War. Let the Arabs fight it out, its their conflict.

USA should not take sides because the loser will blame the USA for their loss and thus became a cause for more terrorist attacks against the USA.

First,who is. You guys?
Secondly,why. Interfere in Libya. but not in Syria.
Isnt Libya an Arab country?
So,what you talking about?
In your words Every channel which is not Arab its the enemy of K S A strange , But the thing is 80 of media is owned by zionist lobby you cant teach a idiot or you cant teach someone who dont want to learn as i said when you guys cant reply you can only troll

I in now way never mentioned a thing about Zionism or whatever. I was countering a claim like that we supported radical elements in Syria, and I know as a matter of fact that we don't. The only issue we had had with Al-Nusra was the Qatari shipment to them, and since Qatar happens to be a sovereign state then I would assume that KSA has nothing to do with it. We are indifferent to the Jewish people or their lobby as long as they keep distance from us :).

who was the biggest fonder of al qaeda KSA, and U,S now tell me thats also a lie

Sorry, the only group we created was the Taliban, we might help paving the way to the scum Arab Afghans.

Free Syrian Army ? what a noble men these are Destroying Schools Hospitals Killing children even you accepted in your words You guys are supporting Free Syrian army I dont hate arabs or any one, Its the place Where Our holy prophet ( PEACE.BE.UPON.HIM) was born Only i dont like wrong actions which are effecting million lifes

Assad started mobilizing tanks to crush the skulls of civilians, we waited for 7 months but Assad never stopped killing the Syrian people destroying their schools and houses.
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Khalifa, Be some realistic and truthful, SA Involvement in Syrian conflict was never humanitarian & nor about human rights. These are all political maneuvers by SA.

Hey there,

Man, our intervention wasn't about the abuse of human rights or for humanitarian reasons. Our intervention was about principle, Assad kept butchering his own people for 7 months, and KSA WILL NOT STAND FOR THAT, period.

I don't know about other countries though, my country patiently waited for 7 months, but Assad never put his knives down.
First you guys complain that West always gets involved in Muslim lands and then you complain that they are not getting involved.

Personally, I am glad USA and NATO are not getting involved in Syria's Civil War. Let the Arabs fight it out, its their conflict.

USA should not take sides because the loser will blame the USA for their loss and thus became a cause for more terrorist attacks against the USA.

Americans and british are knee deep in this and cannot possibly deny their involvement.
Hey there,

Man, our intervention wasn't about the abuse of human rights or for humanitarian reasons. Our intervention was about principle, Assad kept butchering his own people for 7 months, and KSA WILL NOT STAND FOR THAT, period.

I don't know about other countries though, my country patiently waited for 7 months, but Assad never put his knives down.

Brother Khalifa, what about KSA intervention in Bahrain?????? was that also based on principles????
Brother Khalifa, what about KSA intervention in Bahrain?????? was that also based on principles????

KSA did not intervene in Bahrain, Bahrain exercised its right as a GCC member for PSF deployment to protect vital infrastructure, any GCC member nation at any time can request PSF deployment in their territory and PSF will have to oblige as it is lead under the mantle of GCC and not under any specific country.

So yes it was based on principle of honoring our treaties and MoUs.
Brother Khalifa, what about KSA intervention in Bahrain?????? was that also based on principles????

Last time I checked, I found out that Bahrian is member of the Peninsula Armor Shield, and every member of the Gulf Cooperation Council is bound to fulfill every agreement they signed including the deployment of troops to restore stability, security, law and order.

Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, the UAE, and KSA deployed troops in there during the violent protests, and after being warned about the identification of a sleeper cell of Hezbollah - Militia wing - therefore, their intervention is legit and legal.

Kuwait sent medical teams, but didn't take a military role back then.
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