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Saudi Arabia Out of the comfort zone

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I find it funny that the biggest threat to Islam and Muslims of the world, India, a Hindu nationalist nation, that have elements in its core that want to wipe out Islam and Muslims from the face of the earth, declare themselves to be the friend of Saudi state and people. Deception at its finest. But who would know that they in their campaign of Islamophobia keep harping about Muslims of practicing "Taqiya" (deception), because according to them, it is obligatory for all Muslims.

On the one hand, I see some Muslims declaring that Saudi monarchs are in bed with AIPAC and then I see others who are actually in bed with zionist islamophobes declare themselves to be the friend of Saudi monarchs, not sure which one is worse, irony upon irony.
Yea. Cos they support western views?

How does supporting western views help to add oil reserves?

I thought main article says Saudi's are uncomfortable!

Where is the link?
I find it funny that the biggest threat to Islam and Muslims of the world, India, a Hindu nationalist nation, that have elements in its core that want to wipe out Islam and Muslims from the face of the earth, declare themselves to be the friend of Saudi state and people. Deception at its finest. But who would know that they in their campaign of Islamophobia keep harping about Muslims of practicing "Taqiya" (deception), because according to them, it is obligatory for all Muslims.

On the one hand, I see some Muslims declaring that Saudi monarchs are in bed with AIPAC and then I see others who are actually in bed with zionist islamophobes declare themselves to be the friend of Saudi monarchs, not sure which one is worse, irony upon irony.

What is worse is that only Indians here have opened their hands in friendship while all others who call themselves "Muslim" keep talking about how they can't wait for all the Arabs to be massacred and genocide.....This is the real irony here.
There is a hole in the road that my car keeps pumping into next to my house its their fault too.
Also I believe the floods that came to Pakistan recently was also their fault in the sense that God is angry at the Muslim world because of Al-Saud and he is punishing us it all makes sense now.

Also I saw a very sad video on National geographic where a small Gazal only a few days old was eaten by leopards :( The moment the leopards locked their jaws I just stood up and screamed "DAMN YOU AL-SAUDS WHY DID YOU LET THIS BABY GAZAL DIE".

Oh man this is epic :cheesy:
I don't like the fake propaganda against the friend Saudi Arabia, specially when its on a right path to progress and development.

I think some people are being over jealous of a strong and developed Saudi Arabia. :tdown:

Best of luck to the friend Saudi Arabia :tup:

It is telling that other friends of Americans come out of under stones to tell us how good Saud family are. It is correct Sauds are good. Good for Indians Israelis and Americans. Fake propaganda yea Indian you would say that:

Unfortunately we live in an era our leaders are foolish, even the ones like Sauds that have money spend it unwisely. The Jews and the Zionist's who have used their money wisely control the media worldwide. There money is spent well because they are able to sell events and people to fool the masses. This Zionist alliance uses propaganda and sells to the world the following

anti-Syria killer thugs are packaged as "innocent peaceful protesters".

Protesters in the UK/US are thug and criminals not protesters

Assad's campaign to protect the nation by eradicating thugs is packaged as "killing his own people".

The death and destruction America spawned in Iraq is "bringing a better life to the Iraqi people".

The 9-11 attack by Saudi Arabians is a "Taliban terrorist attack".

George Bush was successfully marketed as "presidential" and sold to the American people.

of course, America herself is the "Champion of Human Rights".

Today, the Americans/Saudi/Israelis are feverishly dressing up their upcoming attack on Iran.

Oh and Al Saud family are making efforts they are a bastion of security and really benevolent
I find it funny that the biggest threat to Islam and Muslims of the world, India, a Hindu nationalist nation, that have elements in its core that want to wipe out Islam and Muslims from the face of the earth, declare themselves to be the friend of Saudi state and people. Deception at its finest. But who would know that they in their campaign of Islamophobia keep harping about Muslims of practicing "Taqiya" (deception), because according to them, it is obligatory for all Muslims.

On the one hand, I see some Muslims declaring that Saudi monarchs are in bed with AIPAC and then I see others who are actually in bed with zionist islamophobes declare themselves to be the friend of Saudi monarchs, not sure which one is worse, irony upon irony.

The same India helped to give birth to your Muslim nation .. and helped millions of muslims when they came as refugee.
Even your country of residence attacked 3 muslim countries in last 10 years and planning to attack other .. and your and many other muslims tax dollars are helping it . If you have so much hate for India come and blast your self on border near BSF check post.. true worrier never wait for any one .. go alone ...

And SA is very good friend of us .. there are many Indians who are working there and SA is doing large investment in India and vice-versa ...
Every country have to think about its people first .. SA is doing same .. by keeping good relation with USA they are getting good support in infrastructure development and getting good technologies to improve life of their citizens.. and What Royals are doing is open in front of ppl , their investments in western countries are mostly long term strategic, which will gonna help SA in future.
They don't have poverty and rule and order situation like other Muslim countries, ppl are overall happy in entire GCC region. Finally it is not possible to keep every one happy....
I find it funny that the biggest threat to Islam and Muslims of the world, India, a Hindu nationalist nation, that have elements in its core that want to wipe out Islam and Muslims from the face of the earth, declare themselves to be the friend of Saudi state and people. Deception at its finest. But who would know that they in their campaign of Islamophobia keep harping about Muslims of practicing "Taqiya" (deception), because according to them, it is obligatory for all Muslims.

On the one hand, I see some Muslims declaring that Saudi monarchs are in bed with AIPAC and then I see others who are actually in bed with zionist islamophobes declare themselves to be the friend of Saudi monarchs, not sure which one is worse, irony upon irony.

Its quite simple really Zionism and Hindutva are philosophies that have much in common with Nazism, This has been extensively been discussed on this thread


American democracy has been subverted because no American politician dares to go against AIPAC which is controlled by Tel Aviv.

Sauds are worried that their people may rise up and worry about an Iranian type of revolution and they are loyal to no one other than the preservation of the Al Saud family.

The Saud-American relationship is cemented by the fact that worthless US dollars are the only currency Sauds will accept for oil. Making it that other countries have to use US dollar. Giving Americans exorbitant privilege of printing money-the reserve currency.

The Sauds also funded their mates the Taliban who are evil in Afghanistan as far as America is concerned but the same thoughts in Saud land are fine

Indians are scared of getting whacked and relied on Israelis to help them re Kargill, Indians are also scared of China and hope Americans will protect them

So there you go an unhealthy and unholy alliance of evil against the common man everywhere
Its quite simple really Zionism and Hindutva are philosophies that have much in common with Nazism, This has been extensively been discussed on this thread


American democracy has been subverted because no American politician dares to go against AIPAC which is controlled by Tel Aviv.

Sauds are worried that their people may rise up and worry about an Iranian type of revolution and they are loyal to no one other than the preservation of the Al Saud family.

The Saud-American relationship is cemented by the fact that worthless US dollars are the only currency Sauds will accept for oil. Making it that other countries have to use US dollar. Giving Americans exorbitant privilege of printing money-the reserve currency.

The Sauds also funded their mates the Taliban who are evil in Afghanistan as far as America is concerned but the same thoughts in Saud land are fine

Indians are scared of getting whacked and relied on Israelis to help them re Kargill, Indians are also scared of China and hope Americans will protect them

So there you go an unhealthy and unholy alliance of evil against the common man everywhere

Staying in country which was reason to birth of Israel and writing against zionism .. epic ...

You know that your tax dollars are at work in Afghanistan and Iraq ..

and same SA is one of the major aid contributor to Pakistan in last 60 years ... major source of remittance and free or soft loan oil and many more things .. there are 100s of mosques in Pakistan build by SA including Faisal Mosque..
Staying in country which was reason to birth of Israel and writing against zionism .. epic ...

You know that your tax dollars are at work in Afghanistan and Iraq ..

You are a silly man. we use sterling in the UK not dollars. the only useful purpose served by your post is to bump the thread back to the top so that more people are exposed to the poison that is the Al Saud family a model or an example of parasitic corrupt despots in the ME
What is worse is that only Indians here have opened their hands in friendship while all others who call themselves "Muslim" keep talking about how they can't wait for all the Arabs to be massacred and genocide.....This is the real irony here.

Many Indians would like nothing more than Muslims killing each other. As for the "Muslims" who are talking about Arabs to be massacred, not sure what their problem is, is it because of their sect and hatred of another sect of Muslims or is it because they have called the Chinese their master and have to follow the order of the Chinese, because only the Chinese can protect them from big bad India, not sure which one, or is it a mixture of both.

As a Bangladeshi, my stand is quite simple, we acknowledge the help we received from GCC and Saudi's, millions of our people work in GCC, not to mention we got billions in grants for many development projects, we are grateful for all this. But among Bangladeshi's too, there is this element that calls the Chinese their boss and takes their order from them. I am not in that group and I hope this groups gets marginalized within our country.

As for world Muslim population, I see India is the biggest long term threat, not Israel or US, West or any other white christian country. It is in India's interest to see that Jewish people and Western christian countries do not improve and normalize relations with Muslim countries, because it will be a loss for them. If the Jewish and Christians are fighting with Muslims and killing each other, then nothing could be better. Because Indian Hindu nationalists hate both Muslims and Christians and want to roll back and eliminate Islam and Christianity from their region and make it Hindu as it was before, like Muslims were kicked out from Al-Andalus. That is the master plan.

India's interest in you is simple, oil, once its gone they will show their real face, which we live with everyday.
You are a silly man. we use sterling in the UK not dollars. the only useful purpose served by your post is to bump the thread back to the top so that more people are exposed to the poison that is the Al Saud family a model or an example of parasitic corrupt despots in the ME

same applies to Butto family why are you not shouting for it ...
and I used "dollars " in term of we use "rupee" in general for all financial transaction .. so you agree that your tax MONEY are at work in Afghanistan and Iraq ... BTW how many times you did protest against House of Commons against it .. or you are supporting it by not protesting ..
Saudi Arabia
Out of the comfort zone

Growing unemployment and political tensions are buffeting the kingdom


CUSTOMERS arrive at a 24-hour supermarket in the centre of Riyadh, the Saudi capital, shortly before midnight, but little shopping takes place. Small groups of young men and women cruise the aisles eyeing each other. Interest in items on the shelves is cursory at best. In the car park outside they continue their flirtation until the police show up. Mingling between the sexes is discouraged in Saudi Arabia yet impossible to ban. “We chat online, but if we want to meet face-to-face we come here,” says a man in his early 20s.

The kingdom’s larger cities are brimming with social friction and furtive action of this kind. Much of it is not explicitly political, but it hints at the strength of discontent bubbling below the surface. Growing wealth has raised the aspirations and political awareness of the country’s 25m people. Some rail against corruption, echoing the complaints of demonstrators in Egypt and Tunisia, whereas others strain at social rules imposed half a century ago when the country was rural and poor.
In this section

So far Saudi Arabia’s rulers have escaped the Arab spring largely unscathed. A “day of rage” in March last year fizzled out, and there has been no concerted effort by opposition groups to organise another. Nonetheless, the troubles afflicting the kingdom’s Arab neighbours are a warning.

Even some royals read events that way. “The Arab spring has changed people’s expectations and the government needs to evolve,” says Prince Abdulaziz bin Sattam, a senior member of the ruling family. “The problem is well-understood but the solution is not yet defined. We have the resources, but we still have to perform in terms of services, education, health, employment and justice.”

The royals mainly see discontent as an economic problem. Their subjects would like a larger share of the oil wealth, they believe. They are partly right, but rare opinion polls show that unemployment and inflation are the deepest public concerns.

The official jobless rate is 10.6%, but informal estimates put that figure at 35% among young men in their 20s. With 60% of the population under the age of 21, urgent action is needed; yet the government has done little more than make grand promises. In January it announced plans to create 3m new jobs over the next three years, with a further 3m by 2030. This would be a mammoth task even for a country with a broad industrial base, which Saudi Arabia does not have.

Creating jobs is complicated by the failure of previous employment laws. To stem the widespread use of cheap foreign labour, the government forced companies to fill at least 30% of their positions with Saudis. But employers complained bitterly about the lack of skills among young locals; years of rote-learning and religious instruction fail to prepare them for the job market. The quota has now been dropped and replaced with a more flexible system.

At the same time the authorities try to minimise discussion of economic problems. Three young Saudi film-makers were arrested in October for making a short film about poverty in the kingdom and posting it online. Some news organisations were banned from reporting the recent case of a Saudi man attempting to sell his son on Facebook to raise money for the rest of his family. The authorities like to point out that incomes are rising. According to the Brookings Institution’s annual MetroMonitor report, the Washington-based think-tank’s ranking of global cities by economic performance, the only city worldwide to outperform the kingdom’s two largest last year was Shanghai. Riyadh recorded a 7.8% rise in incomes.

But not all problems are economic. Public anger is mounting at the religious police poking their noses into private lives. Activists for women’s rights are calling loudly for better treatment and internet scribes are testing the limits of free speech.

In some cases the authorities give a little ground. The head of the notoriously invasive Haia, the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, was sacked following public protests. The new chief, Abdullatif al-Sheikh, is a known reformer and has pledged to overhaul the organisation. Women have also won marginally more freedom in the workplace. “Companies that started with two women in a separate office now employ 200 because they find them more productive and more loyal,” claims Mofarrej al-Hoqubani, the deputy labour minister.

Women are still not allowed to drive, though privately officials accept that the ban is untenable. The kingdom will never develop a dynamic economy if husbands spend hours every day ferrying wives to and from work. A royal order in February stipulated that women who drive should not be prosecuted by the courts.

But the general trend is toward a hardening of rules. Prince Nayef, the crown prince and power behind the throne, believes this is no time to show weakness. Dissidents are detained or given travel bans, a favourite tactic of the regime in Syria until it started to use harsher methods in the past year. Media rules have also become tighter.

No fly appears too small to warrant swatting. Hamza Kashgari, a young blogger, fled to Malaysia after posting provocative comments about the Prophet Muhammad. The government applied all available diplomatic pressure to have him returned. Emboldened senior clerics are asking for Mr Kashgari to be executed for blasphemy.

Religion is at the heart of many conflicts. The volatile but oil-rich Eastern Province, home to many of the Sunni kingdom’s sizeable Shia minority, has witnessed frequent bouts of violent unrest in the past year. Two men were killed and several injured when police opened fire on a demonstration in February. In Qatif, the provincial capital, the walls of the main street are covered with graffiti insulting members of the royal family and asking, “Where is the oil money?”

The government accuses Iran of funding the protests. Shia leaders claim this is a convenient excuse to exclude them from politics. “The official story is always like this,” says Tawfiq al-Saif, a prominent Shia leader. “It just shows their failure to grasp the core problem.” The rhetoric on both sides is growing more poisonous. Hassan al-Saffar, a Shia cleric, denounced the royals for decrying the slaughter in Syria while repressing their own people and aiding a crackdown in neighbouring Bahrain. Meanwhile the interior ministry called protests a “new terrorism” and vowed to respond with an iron fist. It smells like springtime.

And these Sauds are going to assist and provide human rights and freedom for Syria

There is no freedom of speech, people get arrested for making documentary on poverty and unemployment, and certain minorities are being suppressed, so what right does the Saudi government have to be concerned over Syria?

This is just hypocritical at best.
same applies to Butto family why are you not shouting for it ...
and I sued "dollars " in term of we use "rupee" in general for all financial transaction .. so you agree that your tax MONEY are at work in Afghanistan and Iraq ... BTW how many times you did protest against House of Commons against it .. or you are supporting it by not protesting ..

dude this man doesn't represent our pakistani brothers i would recommend you to neglect his posts > take my words

"If you stop every time a dog barks, your road will never end"
The same India helped to give birth to your Muslim nation .. and helped millions of muslims when they came as refugee.
Even your country of residence attacked 3 muslim countries in last 10 years and planning to attack other .. and your and many other muslims tax dollars are helping it . If you have so much hate for India come and blast your self on border near BSF check post.. true worrier never wait for any one .. go alone ...

And SA is very good friend of us .. there are many Indians who are working there and SA is doing large investment in India and vice-versa ...
Every country have to think about its people first .. SA is doing same .. by keeping good relation with USA they are getting good support in infrastructure development and getting good technologies to improve life of their citizens.. and What Royals are doing is open in front of ppl , their investments in western countries are mostly long term strategic, which will gonna help SA in future.
They don't have poverty and rule and order situation like other Muslim countries, ppl are overall happy in entire GCC region. Finally it is not possible to keep every one happy....

Please don't remind Saudi's that India with its masterful deception created bad blood between two estranged Muslim brothers and make them fight and as a result millions died. Their biggest weapon was one family of Mir Jafar (traitor) and the party he created, which is still being used by India to control our idiotic nation, yes we can only blame ourselves not you, because we have so many Mir Jafar's among us.

And please don't talk to me about dumb white man, they were fooled by the Chinese and now you Indians are trying to pull another fast one on them. But we Muslims will still stay with the simple white folks, we will not trust you or the Chinese with our future, no Sir, that is not going to happen.

And when did I say Saudi's made a bad decision about investing in white countries, they know what is best to do with their money. Of course if they could invest with us Muslims a little more we would be more grateful, it would be surely be better than investing in India, the biggest enemy nation of Muslims of the world.
The same India helped to give birth to your Muslim nation .. and helped millions of muslims when they came as refugee.
Even your country of residence attacked 3 muslim countries in last 10 years and planning to attack other .. and your and many other muslims tax dollars are helping it . If you have so much hate for India come and blast your self on border near BSF check post.. true worrier never wait for any one .. go alone ...

And SA is very good friend of us .. there are many Indians who are working there and SA is doing large investment in India and vice-versa ...
Every country have to think about its people first .. SA is doing same .. by keeping good relation with USA they are getting good support in infrastructure development and getting good technologies to improve life of their citizens.. and What Royals are doing is open in front of ppl , their investments in western countries are mostly long term strategic, which will gonna help SA in future.
They don't have poverty and rule and order situation like other Muslim countries, ppl are overall happy in entire GCC region. Finally it is not possible to keep every one happy....

You with your Islamophobia- care to explain the bold part with credible sources???
Why dam you need to bring religion into everything? We are a peace loving nation, we have people from all religion and sects living here peacefully. Unlike your country where in the day of Eid ul Azha, you need to deploy para-military so that hindus don't fight with muslims for sacrificing cows. Where as we celebrate together-all religious festivals and live in harmony.

BSF- what a joke and their chowks, they are always busy watching porns and counting the loots and bribes from the surrounding villages and border traffickers.

Back on topic- Best of luck to Saudi in the road to shaping their country's policy according to their peoples choice.
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