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Saudi crown prince: Israel and Saudi Arabia moving closer to normalization ‘every day’

The billion dollar question. The elephant in the room. What will Pakistani generals do when KSA decides to recognise Israel? After all, KSA has a lot of influence on many domestic and foreign policies in Pakistan.

PS. This question is strictly for Pakistani members.
Nothing. Our generals have been in bed with Israel for a long time covertly. It's at this point a open secret. Why does Israel only cry about Iran? When Pakistan is actually the only muslim country with nukes.
The billion dollar question. The elephant in the room. What will Pakistani generals do when KSA decides to recognise Israel? After all, KSA has a lot of influence on many domestic and foreign policies in Pakistan.

PS. This question is strictly for Pakistani members.

Pakistan will be blackmailed in to recognising Israel. Pakistan is slave to Saudis without a doubt.
The billion dollar question. The elephant in the room. What will Pakistani generals do when KSA decides to recognise Israel? After all, KSA has a lot of influence on many domestic and foreign policies in Pakistan.

PS. This question is strictly for Pakistani members.
Not surprised that Saudi Arabia would do this. Personally I think two state solution with Jerusalem as the international city. lol.

If Saudi Arabia recognizes Israel, then Pakistan should do that as well. LOL, this Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not our problem.

The Saudis probably realized that by now that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is also not their problem as well.

Time to smell the coffee and realize the reality, Saudi Arabia will probably recognize Israel.
The billion dollar question. The elephant in the room. What will Pakistani generals do when KSA decides to recognise Israel? After all, KSA has a lot of influence on many domestic and foreign policies in Pakistan.

PS. This question is strictly for Pakistani members.

No Way.

Pakistan is the last man standing to defend the Muslims.

Allah (swt) gave nukes to Pakistan and Pakistan only for a reason.
There’s a ways to go before normalisation. IMO the Saudis are throwing up trial balloons at this stage to gauge reactions - within and without. The last guy who tried to do this with Israel, didn’t end up so well for him. Look up Anwar Sadat, I’m sure Salman has. So it’s going to be slow and steady shuffle towards normalisation with plenty of reality checks, rather than anytime soon.

As for Pakistan, the country’s leaders will follow what Saudi Arabia does eventually. I don’t think Pakistan has the strategic heft right now to make an independent decision, and it’s leaders (maybe even the country) are too beholden to the Saudis for any independent thinking on a matter this important. So I believe Pakistan will get in line.
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Israel wants submission. No self respecting nor proud nation will be submissive to them. General population of region , Arabs, Turks, and Iranians, are not submissive to Israel. Their govts are, including Iranian one, which gets help by usa and Russia in region is given tacit approval to destabilize gulf region, and is ordered to keep Palestine arena quiet. Iran cannot control Hamas, however, so military resistance continues. If Iran could control Hamas, then US/Israel would make clear to Iran to subdue them too.

There is nothing to gain from Israel. Look at Egypt and Jordan. Have peace treaties and both countries are struggling with economy and lack of resources. Only these Hindu radicals try to suggest otherwise due to their blind polytheist worship which extends to worships of Jewish master(to them) race.

It is inevitable. The 'palestinians' have held the region back for long enough. The Arabs are fed up with them and all they get for the billions they've poured into the 'palestinians', is being spat on when they visit Al Aqsa.
"Arabs are fed up with them":




Anyhow, here is Saudi foreign ministers statement on the position of his country. Which is far from what Nutyahoo is presenting.


The Foreign Minister #السعودي did not mention #إسرائيل in #الأمم_المتحدة and said: “A solution must be found for the Palestinians.”Unlike Netanyahu, who referred to #السعودية several times during his speech before #الجمعية_العامة_للأمم_المتحدة , #فيصل_بن_فرحان did not mention contacts with Israel at all.Gilad Erdan was sent as a representative of #نتنياهو to attend the speech he delivered on #السبت , but the Saudi minister focused on #القضية_الفلسطينية : “An independent state must be established for the Palestinians - with its capital east of #القدس .”


Indoctrination rule?

Why i can't contact with the moderator that deleted that post? Its ok, but at least, allow us to ask for the reason behind deletion.
The billion dollar question. The elephant in the room. What will Pakistani generals do when KSA decides to recognise Israel? After all, KSA has a lot of influence on many domestic and foreign policies in Pakistan.

PS. This question is strictly for Pakistani members.

then they will stop dragging religion in every matter, country will be "Republic of Pakistan" instead "Islamic Republic of Pakistan"
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Saudi prince is going against islamic ummah and will face backlash from middle eastern countries. But if ask me Israel should be very careful because Saudi prince is ruthless.
It is inevitable. The 'palestinians' have held the region back for long enough. The Arabs are fed up with them and all they get for the billions they've poured into the 'palestinians', is being spat on when they visit Al Aqsa.
Disagree with you, ISrael through their proxies has held back the Middle East. HWat you fools forget today is that it is Palestine today and Jordan, Syria, Iraq tomorrow. That have already started softening up Syria and Iraq for colonisation. as for Jordan it is well controlled and ready for assimilation.
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