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Senate Approves Bill that Legalizes Sodomy and Bestiality in U.S. Military

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Sep 4, 2011
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The Senate on Thursday evening voted 93-7 to approve a defense authorization bill that includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, it also repeals the military ban on sex with animals--or bestiality.

On Nov. 15, the Senate Armed Services Committee had unanimously approved S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes a provision to repeal Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

Article 125 of the UCMJ makes it illegal to engage in both sodomy with humans and sex with animals.

It states: "(a) Any person subject to this chapter who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy. Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense. (b) Any person found guilty of sodomy shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said the effort to remove sodomy from military law stems from liberal Senate Democrats' and President Obama’s support for removing the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy.

“It’s all about using the military to advance this administration’s radical social agenda,” Perkins told CNSNews.com. “Not only did they overturn Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, but they had another problem, and that is, under military law sodomy is illegal, just as adultery is illegal, so they had to remove that prohibition against sodomy.”

Perkins said removing the bestiality provision may have been intentional--or just “collateral damage”

“Well, whether it was inadvertent or not, they have also taken out the provision against bestiality,” he said. “So now, under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), there’s nothing there to prosecute bestiality."

Former Army Col. Bob Maginnis said some military lawyers have indicated that bestiality may be prosecutable under another section of the military code of justice – the “catch-all” Article 134 for offenses against “good military order and discipline.”

But don't count on that, he said.

“If we have a soldier who engages in sodomy with an animal – whether a government animal or a non-government animal – is it, in fact, a chargeable offense under the Uniform Code? I think that’s in question,” Maginnis told CNSNews.com.

“When the reader stops laughing, the reader needs to ask the question whether or not this is in the best interests of the government, in the best interests of the military and the best interests of the country? I think not.”

He added: “Soldiers, unfortunately, like it or not, have engaged in this type of behavior in the past. Will they in the future, if they remove this statute? I don’t know.”

Perkins said there was no attempt to remove the UCMJ repeal provision from the bill, which Perkins had expected the Senate to approve.

Now that it has passed, however, the Senate version will have to go to a conference committee, and Perkins predicts there will be several sticking points with the House.

“The House in their version of the defense authorization, reinforced the Defense of Marriage Act, saying that there is a military DOMA as well, prohibiting same-sex marriage on military bases – something the Department of Defense is pushing for,” he said.

“And now this is an added concern, that sodomy has been removed, and as we have discovered, that bestiality--the prohibition against it--has been removed from the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So yes, the House will have problems with this bill.”

Senate Approves Bill that Legalizes Sodomy and Bestiality in U.S. Military | CNSnews.com

The US is doing down the Greek empire route..when Pompei was uncovered..an average person was found enjoying sodomy!
Now many American soldiers will be "Legally" proud of their rear end bigger than my window.
And now Iraqi sheep and Afghan Goats will be running away from American soldiers.

What and achievement...
America should be proud of it.
Yeah...US military personnel will be committing bestiality left and right while their civilian counterparts look on with envy. The desperation that some people has to go to just to make US look bad, but there is nothing wrong with their societies at all, it is 'tribal' and 'not Islamic' and so on...:lol:
Come to think of it. May be this thread is a desperate response to all those global news items about little girls asking for divorces, women with their noses cut off for some imaginary sins, women beaten for exposing an ankle, and so on...
Come to think of it. May be this thread is a desperate response to all those global news items about little girls asking for divorces, women with their noses cut off for some imaginary sins, women beaten for exposing an ankle, and so on...

No this is news which shows the morality of the US nation who run around the world trying to force others to follow their version of democracy.
Am willing to bet that if IF Afghanistan make it legal for men to have their 'dancing boys' because the men consider their women to be 'unclean', there would be a rush to get pubescent boys far greater than any US military personnel getting his jollies with animals.
Is bestiality being offered here as an alternative to rape within the us army? :lol: Americans have made too much progress that they are reverting to medieval times. :bad:
Is bestiality being offered here as an alternative to rape within the us army? :lol: Americans have made too much progress that they are reverting to medieval times. :bad:
Sure beats diddling little boys and girls. Ya think?
Am willing to bet that if IF Afghanistan make it legal for men to have their 'dancing boys' because the men consider their women to be 'unclean', there would be a rush to get pubescent boys far greater than any US military personnel getting his jollies with animals.

Fox news link please?

Why don't you deal with the topic at hand?
Sure beats diddling little boys and girls. Ya think?
That happens every where........ are u suggesting that there are no pedophiles in America? But, the matter at hand is about legalizing such malpractices? So far, AFAIK only Americans have done that.
tell that to american catholic priests :whistle:
Small minority and the acts are illegal.

---------- Post added at 06:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 PM ----------

That happens every where........ are u suggesting that there are no pedophiles in America? But, the matter at hand is about legalizing such malpractices? So far, AFAIK only Americans have done that.
This thread is stupid because you do not understand how laws are made. Americans do not approve of bestiality. But tell me, what kind of knife do you prefer to cut off your women's noses?
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