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Seven Years In Tibet


Mar 17, 2013
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the film may be slow paced, but cinematography's very beautiful. what're your thoughts on it? undoubtedly you'll find it biased, so if you get the time please point out relevant parts and explain what actually happened. we can learn about historical inaccuracies whilst watching a movie, reminds me of 8th grade edutainment.

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the film may be slow paced, but cinematography's very beautiful. what're your thoughts on it? undoubtedly you'll find it biased, so if you get the time please point out relevant parts and explain what actually happened. we can learn about historical inaccuracies whilst watching a movie, reminds me of 8th grade edutainment.

This is a much better movie. Its more realistic. It focus a lot on the Tibetan culture. The acting are pretty good except for the foreigners. The sounds and color may not be as good as this was made in 1996. But the story, the direction, the make up, the scenery are first class.

Enjoy. There are 9 portions of 10mins. You can use your youtube account and put all 9 portions into a playlist for continuous play.

Red River Valley (1996).
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Ah, a good period of Tibet under Republic of China administration.

At the time, Tibet was a rich region. There was freedom and standard of living much much higher than today. Many people at the time have serfs.

I miss that day so much. The communist regime destroyed everything, ban the serfs, no wonder if people in Tibet are not so happy, much poorer and life in difficult condition.

Did you know how much importance the role of serf in Tibet society and economy? Indescribable.
Ah, a good period of Tibet under Republic of China administration.

At the time, Tibet was a rich region. There was freedom and standard of living much much higher than today. Many people at the time have serfs.

I miss that day so much. The communist regime destroyed everything, ban the serfs, no wonder if people in Tibet are not so happy, much poorer and life in difficult condition.

Did you know how much importance the role of serf in Tibet society and economy? Indescribable.

nationalism is such a hilarious thing when you get down to its core. in the name of your nation's pride, a local thousands of years old indigenous culture of himalayas is suppressed to give way to an ideology created in Germany 150 years ago. when China itself abandons that ideology in favour of controlled "free" markets and capitalist sweat shops. protection of the proletariat still remains as the justification for iron-handed rule over tibet? or is it anti-marxist claims of past imperialist invasions and glory few hundred years ago?

whichever way you look at it. China should have the maturity now to realize suppressing any culture is not right just because they had to suffer the cultural revolution. russians don't go and suppress tajiks because stalin killed millions of his own people decades ago. once tibetans are taken into confidence and allowed autonomy of practice, they themsleves will not allow anyone to undermine China's sovereignty over tibet. but until you do that the poison of resentment and hatred only boil higher.
nationalism is such a hilarious thing when you get down to its core. in the name of your nation's pride, a local thousands of years old indigenous culture of himalayas is suppressed to give way to an ideology created in Germany 150 years ago.

Not entirely true. Mao revolution is more based on a Peasant uprising. The first peasant uprising topple the Qin Dynasty and form the Han Dynasty over 2000 years ago. So its a bit of Chinese culture.

when China itself abandons that ideology in favour of controlled "free" markets and capitalist sweat shops. protection of the proletariat still remains as the justification for iron-handed rule over tibet? or is it anti-marxist claims of past imperialist invasions and glory few hundred years ago?

He he he. The Middle Kingdom today do not follow any ideology. It changes as it move forward. It's based on the cat that catches the mice is a good cat. Its results driven.

whichever way you look at it. China should have the maturity now to realize suppressing any culture is not right just because they had to suffer the cultural revolution. russians don't go and suppress tajiks because stalin killed millions of his own people decades ago. once tibetans are taken into confidence and allowed autonomy of practice, they themsleves will not allow anyone to undermine China's sovereignty over tibet. but until you do that the poison of resentment and hatred only boil higher.

Tibet has been part of China for over a thousand years. Today there is still a Tibet. United States has only a 200 years history. Today there are no Indian culture left.

Ah, a good period of Tibet under Republic of China administration.

At the time, Tibet was a rich region. There was freedom and standard of living much much higher than today. Many people at the time have serfs.

I miss that day so much. The communist regime destroyed everything, ban the serfs, no wonder if people in Tibet are not so happy, much poorer and life in difficult condition.

Did you know how much importance the role of serf in Tibet society and economy? Indescribable.

CPC has freed millions Tibetans from a primitive slavery society.

Now listen KMT fanboy, you are now the enemy of China, once we get rid of those right-wing liberals, we will deal with the problems of yours!
CPC has freed millions Tibetans from a primitive slavery society.

Now listen KMT fanboy, you are now the enemy of China, once we get rid of those right-wing liberals, we will deal with the problems of yours!

He is being sarcastic. Or at least I hope so.

Tibet before PRC comes along is a theocracy with very heavy caste system in place. The lives of the ordinary Tibetans are literally worth only a straw rope under old Tibetan laws. There is also the ritual sacrifices and such. Basically, it is a dark age government.
Once my geography teacher point out that the annexation of Tibet was very brutal and refers to this movie "Seven Years Tibet"... are u :hitwall: kidding me 0.o i ...thought. Especially the scene were a soldier point a pistol to the boy who should kill his own father or something was THE highlight:hitwall:
Once my geography teacher point out that the annexation of Tibet was very brutal and refers to this movie "Seven Years Tibet"... are u :hitwall: kidding me 0.o i ...thought. Especially the scene were a soldier point a pistol to the boy who should kill his own father or something was THE highlight:hitwall:

Not only that bro, they tried even something more sneakier during the German classes in high school. Hear me out.

Anyways, I have always loved the richness and the simplicity of the German language (anyone who remembers the Merseburger Zaubersprüche? :azn: ) and the outgoing, liberal and rational thinking of Germans. This is why I decided to choose German as an extra foreign language class.
I have not ever regretted choosing this class for a single second but there was there was this ONE single assignment that was retarded as f*ck in my opinion.

I can remember that we were to translate parts of a text concerning Heinrich Harrers expedition to the himalayas. The entire storyline of the text was so freaking vague that you had a hard time guessing what it was actually trying to tell.

Harrer was depicted as some adventurer with a minor role, and the reason why he was sent in the first place by his superiors in Berlin was completely let out. Then we came to the part of where he met the dalai lama at some point and OH BOY, this is where the story became juicy!

The latter twothird of the story was simply a rant on how the Chinese ''barbarians'' invaded and ''murdered'' their way through Tibet. I remember translating a section that said that there were ''reports'' in which ''Chinese communists killed more than 200,000 innocent Tibetans in one day alone, during the invasion.''

The dalai lama and Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme were depicted as f*ckin Jesus and a traitor and a communist puppet, respectively.

Even after my graduation from highschool, at which I have spent 6 happy years with some of the best teachers and friends I can imagine, this particular assignment just kept being stuck in the back of my mind.

I still don't know whether or not I should have handed in a blank page because of all the stupid crap that text contained.
From Chinese Wiki:









Google translate:

Inconsistent with historical facts and reality

Before the Chinese into Tibet, China by plane landed in Tibet by building good airport, participants visit Tibet, the film cursed Tibet "religion is poison" and the overthrow of the sand painting, is not mentioned in the original novel and history, In addition the first airport in Tibet is of Tibet Gongka built in 1956 by the airport, in fact, in 1954 the Dalai Lama's visit to Mao Zedong, or the use of incomplete highway system, the film yet the building of the airport in advance to 1951.

The case of the film mistakenly behavior of the Chinese People's Liberation Army into Tibet after the Cultural Revolution in 1959 the wrong plant, nearly a decade earlier. Another Tibetan customs was not to marry outside, even now there are still a lot of Tibetan maintain this habit of not marry outside, even color similar to the Han is also true, however, the white-skinned foreigners from Austria with Tibetan girls married, at the time, in fact, impossible things can be regarded as misleading, see the the Tibet year and the British reporter Qi Fude written three hundred twelve National Highway (Travel Biography).

In addition, the concept of the film of the Resident Representative Office of the Republic of China "and" Chinese invasion of Tibet "is also very controversial. Since the founding of the Republic of China, the National Government of the Republic of China has maintained a rule of Tibet is nominally the establishment of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission and other institutions to manage Tibetan affairs and the Executive Yuan of the National Government, the Affairs of Mongolia, and so on. Before the Qing government also has maintained the rule in Tibet.

When Harry was said to be German hero, Harry replied: Thank you, but I am an Austrian. This was very dangerous to say such a thing at the time (1938), Austria and Germany combined this argument can be said that at the time no basis.


In the film's production process, the Chinese government and support it has been accused of biased description of the film on the history of deliberately vilify, demonize the Chinese Communist Party's intentions. In addition, the film Dalai Lama portrayed as heroes, while the Chinese government considered a traitor to the people he just imperialism in mainland China was completely blocked. [2] as a protest against the Chinese government banned the film's director Jean - Jacques Arnold, and starring Brad Pitt, David Hugh Aires, immigration mainland China. [3] [4]

The film's another point of contention is the chief negotiator of the Tibetan government Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme portrayed as the one jumped on the bandwagon, take refuge in the power of the villain. Part of the defense, it was sparsely populated Tibet, soldiers who do not understand the tactics, there is not a morale Masamori PLA opponents. Ngawang Jigme, a compromise may be the decisions made from the history and reality of Tibet.
You can never seriously learn real history from a movie.

And I would like to tell all of you, that one of the few good things the CCP have ever done, was freeing Tibet and the people.

Before the CCP has ruled Tibet, unlike the Mongolian, Korean, Kazakh and other ethnics in China are using their own mother languages for their education, Tibetans people don't even have enough vocabulary for science and techology. The CCP had written a Tibetan-Mandarin-English Dictionary in order to help Tibetan to save their culture and improve their knowledge, while Dali Lama the so called protector of Tibetan culture cannot even come up a dictionary and only use English at their schools.

Dali is also a horrible liar:
who claims that there were "1.2 millions Tibetan out of 6 millions Tibetans" were killed by the CCP, yet the facts are
1. there were only 3 millions Tibetans around 1950 (based on the letter Dali themselves sent to the UN), not to mention these 3 millions Tibetans were not all living in Tibet;
2. the population growing of Tibetan people is even faster than the "main ethnic" - Han. Nowadays there are 5.4 millions Tibetan in Tibet.

We are not living in a Black & White world, the CCP is bad doesn't mean that Dali is good.

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