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Sexual Harassment in Indian Army

Can u prove it from neutral source ?? if not then I must say you are blindly hating us (Indians) and this is not good thing for you only. why making ours elf dustbin ? you are female and must know how to react on this matter. Few days before there was bomb blast in pakistan and I know your brother was there ... you was very upset and keep on praying for ur brother ....we also have feeling ...our brother ..sisters are also working army .... I mean to say ... Pain is same for both of us but please understand seriousness if such issue and then reply.... Again I am saying you are female and you must know how to react on such topic.

I think i had commented very carefully (instead of levelling any allegations based on hate), pointing out that there are cases that too the reported ones of Indian woman officers' harassment .

NOTE: BTW your comment on me proves that you came with another ID after a ban ;)
Could you all please try and discuss the topic which is 'Sexual Harassment in the Indian Army'. Statistical information on prostitutes, AIDS and other such topics are not required here as they just flame the thread.

i am quoting this from Indian sources updates these came up as background of such incidents after Lt Gen A K Nanda's case

"In an earlier case of sexual misconduct two years ago, an Army court martial held in Bhatinda in Punjab had ordered the dismissal of Major General A K Lal, against whom a woman officer had filed a complaint of harassment.

Lal was commanding 3 Infantry Division in Ladakh when the charges came up. He was later found guilty. "
No Jana .... I am visiting this forum from last few months .... 1st time I am posting something over here. Generally I will not read ur posts just scrolling my mouse button.............
Though i dont agree with many things written by Sajjad Shaukat who is running Mark The Truth BUT if we talk about this harassment issue of women officers in Indian forces then indeed there is something.

Such cases have been reported time to time.

The concerned people know well how to deal with it or how to address it and they may be doing it. So instead of denying there must be some study over the reasons why such things are happening.

There indeed have been cases of sexual harassment in the Indian armed forces and there's no point burying your head in the sand. The problem could be the macho-ism, a lack of sensitivity to the opposite sex and the fact that defending a nation is still seen as a male bastion by many people. I am sure this is same for many Asian countries.

However without defending these incidents or brushing them under the carpet what the Army needs is an increased effort to educate and sensitize the male officers wrt to their female colleagues. Accepting a problem is a first step towards solving the problem and Army as a professional institution would be well aware of that and i am sure would be taking steps to rectify the situation. After all it receives more than 5000 applications by women for barely 900 officer positions.

To the thread starter - The Army is also another professional institution and there would be cases of sexual harassment and misdeeds just like in any other office or workplace. It would be illogical to blame the Indian Army as a morally corrupt and socially deviant bunch of individuals even if thats what your propaganda machine tells you and is that is what corroborates with your vision of an enemy's army. By alleging that the Indian Army is engaging in prostitution by using its female recruits, you dont only show your standard as a researcher (as you care to quote dubious sources) you are showing your standard as a human being devoid of the basic sense of respect.

i am quoting this from Indian sources updates these came up as background of such incidents after Lt Gen A K Nanda's case

"In an earlier case of sexual misconduct two years ago, an Army court martial held in Bhatinda in Punjab had ordered the dismissal of Major General A K Lal, against whom a woman officer had filed a complaint of harassment.

Lal was commanding 3 Infantry Division in Ladakh when the charges came up. He was later found guilty. "

Well yes, incidences of sexual harassment in the Indian Army do seem to be on the rise.
This could be because of increasing numbers of women being inducted in the army, or because the number of women harassed is the same but more women are coming out with their stories.

The point here is that this is unacceptable. No organization, military or otherwise, should tolerate sexual harassment of either sex.

The media has an important role to play here. The guilty, and those who shield them, must be exposed and punished- and example should be made.

Since we have so many news channels in India, all clamoring for eyeballs, this will no doubt happen. In fact, I'm sure a lot of innocent people (read men) will be burned too.

Hope the Army makes some institutional changes soon.
See jana ..I am not saying what is right and what is wrong. you or me or any one of us were not there ... in day to day life every one is making something taking something but all of it not true...... I just want to say you are female please go slow on such issues... I am new and not very good in arguments.

We are debating on the basis of reports and follow ups. So logically at the end you can see if a case reported really happened or not.

I had posted the para wherein the Indian Army probe itself find the officers guilty. Now such probing fairly indeed helps the rooting out of bad apples and reforming the institution and its conduct.

Please read RobbieS' post to have a insight how to mold your comments into a logical argument.
Well yes, incidences of sexual harassment in the Indian Army do seem to be on the rise.
This could be because of increasing numbers of women being inducted in the army, or because the number of women harassed is the same but more women are coming out with their stories.

The point here is that this is unacceptable. No organization, military or otherwise, should tolerate sexual harassment of either sex.

The media has an important role to play here. The guilty, and those who shield them, must be exposed and punished- and example should be made.

Since we have so many news channels in India, all clamoring for eyeballs, this will no doubt happen. In fact, I'm sure a lot of innocent people (read men) will be burned too.

Hope the Army makes some institutional changes soon.

Very well said except for the first few lines i agree with your comments. I always feel that due to seclusion of forces men specially when they are away from women (all kinds of women, Mother, sister, wife, GF any) right from start when they are put into Cadet colleges and then they go to proper training schools of forces so this tendency of attracting towards women is higher than the civilians.
Very well said except for the first few lines i agree with your comments. I always feel that due to seclusion of forces men specially when they are away from women (all kinds of women, Mother, sister, wife, GF any) right from start when they are put into Cadet colleges and then they go to proper training schools of forces so this tendency of attracting towards women is higher than the civilians.

Your argument is pretty strong as well and I kind of agree with it. But to add to it, I think the strict discipline and moral code of the men in armed forces kind of balance out things and hence the incidents of sexual harassment in the armed forces would be equal or less than those in other professional workplaces like offices, factories etc.
Oh we are discussing sexual harrassment now, goody. I was discussing the cocktail of some facts and lots of fiction used to spread hateful disinformation about indian army, like - 'indian army employs prostitutes' reports of the ahmed qureshi ilk and this wanna be mark the truth guy!

No doubt harrassment happens, it is revealed in my globally reputed super duper MNC a lot more than what we know happens in indian army, and it must be stopped too, so disagreements as far as that is concerned.
Here is another reason why female soldiers in India were being sexually harassed, because they are unwanted.

Women: Unwanted in the Indian Army

A few months back, there was a hue and cry over an attempted Muslim census in the Armed Forces – and more recently, the anti-reservationist campaign showcased the Army as one place where ‘merit' was never compromised by affirmative action because the ‘nation's interest' was at stake. But the suicide of a woman officer (Lt. Susmita Chakravorty) and the subsequent sexist remarks of the Army Vice-Chief gave a rude shock to that picture of the Army as a world where only merit matters – revealing that in the Army, men are indeed preferred over and above well-qualified women!

Since then the Army has claimed that the Vice Chief had been quoted out of context, and the Army Vice Chief has himself since distanced himself from the remarks, ‘apologising' for them, as well claiming that his remarks were ‘misconstrued'.

It is worth closely examining Lt. Gen. Pattabhiraman's original remark, since he was too elaborate to have been misquoted. He had declared, “Ideally, we would like to have gentlemen and not lady officers at the unit level. Feedback from lower formations suggests that comfort levels with lady officers are low. We can do without them.” He admitted that the women were eager and well-qualified, more so than men; yet the Army recruited women with the utmost reluctance: “The right kind of male candidates are not stepping forward. We have to turn to suitably qualified women.” (emphasis mine). Rather in the manner that religious shrines tend to claim that women's presence is a distraction and a liability rather than an asset, Pattabhiraman stated, “The challenge is how best to utilise their services without compromising the army's character and ethos”, adding that steps would be taken to ensure that women are treated “compassionately”. Newspaper articles in the wake of the suicide declared, “Barbie dolls do not belong in the bunker”, with helpful advice from one of the few women in the upper echelons of Indian Army, that women who liked to wear “chiffon sarees” should not opt for the rigorous life of the Army.

The Indian Army admitted women to its ranks fourteen years ago. Women are not assigned combat roles (unlike in armies of many other nations). In an article published in a Services journal, Deepanjali Bakshi, a Captain who retired after six years of service, candidly commented on the patronising attitudes towards women during training, and the fact that women in the Army are “valued for their social presence and their token role rather than for their achievements.” Lt. Susmita Chakravorty's parents revealed that she was depressed because of the nature of the tasks she was assigned: “She had to stay till late at Army parties”. So it seems that the Army expects women to confine themselves to socialising in those chiffon sarees after all? And it is that straitjacketing that causes depression among the woman officers.

And the sexist stereotyping is not all that women in the Armed Forces face: cases of sexual harassment and molestation are rampant. Anjalli Gupta in the Air Force complained that she was being asked to accompany her seniors to parties, accosted by a habitually drunken senior officer, and asked to cover up corruption in recruitment of cooks. Eventually it was she who was punished: court martialled for “insubordination and indiscipline” and dismissed from the Air Force on flimsy charges of having falsely claimed a travel allowance of Rs. 1080! Whopping defence scams keep coming to light – in everything from guns to coffins to rations, and no one is court-martialled or punished; but a woman who complains of sexual harassment is found guilty on a minor and flimsy charge. In the last fourteen years, seven women in the Armed Forces have faced court martials.

‘Discipline', in Army parlance, does not mean that Pattabhiraman and his ilk must learn to find ‘comfort levels' while working with women, and must learn not to resent the intrusion of women into the male preserve of the Army. Rather, ‘discipline' means female subordination to sexual assault and gender stereotyping! One wonders how many women remain silent about sexual harassment in the Army, under pressure to be disciplined. In the police force too, KPS Gill retains his stature and gets away with minimal punishment after publicly harassing Rupam Deol Bajaj and routinely making sexist remarks blaming women for the rise in sexual violence.

Pompous and patriarchal men in uniform like Pattabhiraman or KPS Gill may be occasionally chastised or forced to eat their words – but the attitude is certainly confined to a few individual officers. The “challenge” is not to force women to conform to the Army's patriarchal “character and ethos”, but to transform that character and ethos. And that task cannot be simply to give lessons in ‘gender sensitivity' to the upper layers of officers. The routine Army rapes of ‘subject populations' in the North East and Kashmir non-withstanding, the UPA Government has rejected the Justice Reddy Committee's recommendations to scrap the Armed Forces Special Powers Act. According to Pranab Mukherjee, the Armed Forces cannot “do without” the draconian AFSPA. And Manorama's rapists and killers are yet to be punished. Without a fundamental change in the notion of what the Army's powers and purpose is, gender sensitivity is likely to remain a far cry indeed.

Unwanted in the Indian Army
I agree guys, the army isn't as professional as it was made out to be. This is one instance where I give credit to the increased propensity of the media to find issues with the establishments. the more these issues come to light, the better positioned we will be to rectify them. Thanks to all for helping us see our own army in a realistic light.
Wow..lot of maturity in the last few pages of this thread...Bravo everybody...!
The topic is Sexual harassment in the Indian army. Nothing else.

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