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Sheikh Abdul Aziz Killed - Violence Flares in Kashmir

It is a sad day for Kashmiris where our leaders are killed in "unintentional" police firing. This whole thing will create more violence in Kashmir.
It is a sad day for Kashmiris where our leaders are killed in "unintentional" police firing. This whole thing will create more violence in Kashmir.

Its not like somebody sniped him... the police fired to disperse the crowd... one of these bullets hit him in the head.

It will create more violence though... the *hit will die down once everybody (Muslims/Hindus) that business and thus stomachs suffer.
Hurriyat Conference Leaders to me are same as what Bugti is to Pakistanis.

I am fairly confident that he was not intentionally shot at, though the kind of cheap politics being played out in Kashmir saddens me. For long term Jammu and Kashmir ought to be divided into Jammu, Valley and Ladakh and may be merge Jammu with Punjab and Ladakh with Himachal.

Time has come to finish Kashmir issue once and for all, be it unilaterally, bilaterally or multi-laterally. Pakistan should realize that India wouldn't give an inch of Kashmir and India should realize that Pakistan wouldn't rest till they gain Kashmir so the only solution I see is "good fences make good neighbors" for India.

The support of Jihad in Kashmir is directly and indirectly linked to the emergence of problems in Pakistan as well and Pakistan in the future would have ultimately stop supporting terrorists/freedom fighters/Jihadis.

The continuation of Article 370 in J&K will further isolate Kashmiris from the rest of Indians and that ought to be scrapped too. I don't see why wouldn't Kashmiris embrace modernity and prosperity.

The Kashmiris who want to merge with Pakistan must be allowed to leave for Pakistan, must be compensated and bid adieu with full respect. Those clamoring for freedom be allowed to contest elections and like in a democracy if they have a majority in the parliament they be granted their independence else better luck next elections. The terrorist sympathisers must be jailed and tried for high treason and if found guilty executed.

India should act fast and acknowledge that Pakistani Kashmir is for Pakistan to keep and in turn would expect the same gesture from Pakistan. If Pakistan refuses to recognize this, then this would give Pakistan an even more negative rep than what is enjoying at the moment and if Pakistan agrees, Well and Good.
Political murder; IA killing Kashmiri leaders -- propaganda at work real time.

The guy died in police firing; this was not an encounter.

Yes it is target assasination of Kashmiri leader by POlice as when during the same month and last month when Hinuds from Fanatic Hindu political parties were staging violent protest that too violating the Curfew , The Indian Police did not fire at the Hindu leaders nor any of the protesting leaders were killed, Rather to utter dismay and shock the fanatic Hindu protesters lynch, brutally killed the Indian Policemen.

Now one can see the real difference between the two cases.
Janaji if the Hindus were holding up placards of Jinnah and planned a march to Mirpur than rest assured they would've had to bear a much bigger brunt..

Yes it is target assasination of Kashmiri leader by POlice as when during the same month and last month when Hinuds from Fanatic Hindu political parties were staging violent protest that too violating the Curfew , The Indian Police did not fire at the Hindu leaders nor any of the protesting leaders were killed, Rather to utter dismay and shock the fanatic Hindu protesters lynch, brutally killed the Indian Policemen.

Now one can see the real difference between the two cases.

Jammu burns, 2 dead- Hindustan Times
Janaji if the Hindus were holding up placards of Jinnah and planned a march to Mirpur than rest assured they would've had to bear a much bigger brunt..

Offcourse they would have for reasons to be accused of treason and disloyality to own country being Citizens of India where as Kashmiris are not Citizens of India nor they consider themselves as Citizens of India as Kashmir is not part of India rather its is separate State SO Kashmiris were marching towards their own State from own State.

And Once again i ask you Why your Indian Police did not fire at the Hindus from Fanatic political parties who are the real factor behind all the violence at the moment ?????

Were not these were the same elements who few days back lynched Indian Policemen ????????

Malang atleast i expect acceptence of truth by a person like you i dont expect it from other Indians on the forum as they are never ready to accept the murders and other atrocities against Kashmiris by Indian forces nor they are ready to answer according to their conscience
And Once again i ask you Why your Indian Police did not fire at the Hindus from Fanatic political parties who are the real factor behind all the violence at the moment ?????

Were not these were the same elements who few days back lynched Indian Policemen ????????

see the post above
And Once again i ask you Why your Indian Police did not fire at the Hindus from Fanatic political parties who are the real factor behind all the violence at the moment ?????

I believe that you could have done a little research before trying to prove that protestors are shown bias in this unfortuante scenario....for this is not the pakistani pouplace in front of whom you are making such statements only
Its not like somebody sniped him... the police fired to disperse the crowd... one of these bullets hit him in the head.

It will create more violence though... the *hit will die down once everybody (Muslims/Hindus) that business and thus stomachs suffer.

Though it is very interesting that police will just "fire" to disperse the crowd.. while the bullet (one) will exactly hit the head.

Sad case.. but the intentions are very clear.
I believe that you could have done a little research before trying to prove that protestors are shown bias in this unfortuante scenario....for this is not the pakistani pouplace in front of whom you are making such statements only

Actually the bias shown between Hindus and Muslims protesters is very clear. It can be clearly seen on your national T.Vs if you look at it closely. Sooner or later the Muslims will realize this.
Though it is very interesting that police will just "fire" to disperse the crowd.. while the bullet (one) will exactly hit the head.

Sad case.. but the intentions are very clear.

You know those bullets when fired in the air do come down and are lethal then?

Its an effin unfortunate incident.

There were no intentions therein.
Curfew imposed in IoK ahead of Aziz’s burial
OCCUPIED SRINAGAR (updated on: August 12, 2008, 11:00 PST): Occupation Indian troops fanned out across Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) on Tuesday to enforce a curfew ahead of the burial of a key Kashmiri leader martyred in the growing conflict, officials said.

Sheikh Abdul Aziz was martyred by occupation Indian security personnel while marching Monday in a protest near the Line of Control, which divides the Indian and Pakistani parts of the disputed region.

Four other protesters were also martyred in police firings on Monday, while more than 200 were injured in fierce clashes in IoK valley.

"We have imposed curfew to ensure the peaceful burial of Sheikh Aziz," the region's police chief, Kuldeep Khuda, told reporters overnight.

Large numbers of police and federal paramilitary, carrying rifles and batons, patrolled the occupied Srinagar and adjoining areas, including Aziz's hometown of Pampore.

His body was kept in Srinagar's Mughal-built Jamia Masjid, the biggest masjid in the region. Hundreds of mourners stayed with the body overnight chanting, "We want freedom" and "Long live Sheikh Aziz."

The latest tensions stem from an order by the IoK government in June to donate land to a Hindu pilgrimage trust in the valley. The decision sparked a series of protests that left six people dead.

The land transfer was then cancelled, leading to riots in Jammu Kashmir, where Hindu hardliners began blocking the only road access to the valley -- a move that has badly hit Muslim traders.

The blockade has led to shortages of essentials, such as medicines, and prompted Monday's protest march by about 100,000 Kashmiris to Pakistan so fruit growers and traders can sell their goods on the other side of the border.

Khuda, the police chief, said his men were investigating why security personnel opened fire on protesters.

"We are trying to ascertain what forced security personnel to open fire," said Khuda, as he appealed to people "to help us in restoring peace."

The mourners have said they will not bury Aziz until two other Huryat leaders -- Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, and Syed Ali Geelani, -- were allowed to lead the funeral. The two men are under house arrest.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Indian forces kill 13 more Kashmir protesters; APHC leaders attend Sheikh Aziz’s funeral

SRINAGAR, occupied Kashmir, Aug 12 (AP) Government forces fired at Muslim protesters for a second day Tuesday as they defied a curfew in Indian-administered Kashmir, killing thirteen and injuring scores others, police said. Thousands of government forces enforced the indefinite curfew, which was imposed across Muslim-majority areas of the state after Sheikh Abdul Aziz, a leader of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, and seven others were killed Monday during a protest by tens of thousands of Muslims opposing a blockade by Hindus of a key highway that has stranded hundreds of trucks carrying food and other supplies in and out of the region. Six protesters were killed in several incidents Tuesday in Srinagar, police said. Two died in Nagbal village on the city's outskirts and three others were killed in Paribal, a village 40 miles to the north, they said. Two protesters died in Jammu, the only Hindu-majority city in the region, when police opened fire at an angry Muslim mob. A protester injured in Monday's violence also succumbed to his injuries Tuesday, his doctor, Ajaz Mustafa, said. Tens of thousands of mourners chanted “We want freedom” as they defied the curfew and attended the funeral Tuesday of Sheikh Abdul Aziz at Srinagar's main mosque. Two other APHC leaders, Syed Ali Shah Geelani and Mirwaiz Omer Farooq, defied house arrest and the curfew to attend Aziz's funeral. “Our struggle for complete independence from India will continue. No power on earth can deter us from achieving this,” Mirwaiz told the crowds. The federal government said Tuesday it was open to the idea of traders exporting their products across the border to neighboring Pakistan. “However, a decision in the matter can be taken only through mutual arrangements between India and Pakistan,” India’s Home Ministry said in a statement. (First Posted @ 11:55 PST Updated @ 19:35 PST)

You would think that by now they would have figured out that 'bullets fired in the air were coming down and killing people by hitting them in the head'.

Good to hear that Geelani and Farooq attended the funeral.

There were proposals being floated last year on setting up AK and IK trade links, with the Kashmiri Traders and transporters quite excited about the idea. I think with the blockade, that proposal has taken on even more importance.

This wasn't some random act of marching towards the LoC - a lot of spadework has been done on the feasibility of trade links between the two Kashmir's.
Cripes...this is pretty bad. The hindu and muslim leaders will have to come to some sort of agreement...that's the only way this is gonna end.

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