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Shooting Down the First Soviet Su-25

i only want to say one thing saying of hazrat imam hussain raziallah-o-talla anho . . . .
the longer a nation takes time to wake up . . . . higher the the cost of blood it need pay in getting thing right . . .
i only want to say one thing saying of hazrat imam hussain raziallah-o-talla anho . . . .
the longer a nation takes time to wake up . . . . higher the the cost of blood it need pay in getting thing right . . .


Imam Hussein may have uttered those words truly----but they are a universal truth---at all times of history---now---yesterday or day before yesterday.

You know---you are absolutely right---it is all about the consequences----the taking down of russian planes by the f 16's was to justify the sale of those planes---it was to show the U S that we are capable and trustworthy operators---.

If we had a stronger force backing pakistan right now---paf would take similiar action---alas we are only as strong as our weakest link.

You don't even need PAF for shooting down choppers or even low-flying aircraft (relative to mountain tops) but some Anzas and stingers. What you need is the will to fire them and rest is history.

If Zardari completes a 5 year term or PPP completes it, it only gives them more bragging rights....despicable.
For a moment I thought this thread was about us Shooting down a US fighter or Drone I was so exited just for a second however
hey can any1 post animated air force pics i really liked them
plz can any1 make a separate thread for it
Why can't u guys take down the nato choppers or uavs like this?
Why can't u guys take down the nato choppers or uavs like this?
because back then soviets were not allies of pakistan so decision was simple. Now the concerned party is ally of so called WOT.
Gentlemen and ladies,

It is time to bring this thread back to life----all those who bragged about PAF doing their duty and shooting down the russian aircraft----well---what you got now---. We have a strike inside of pakistan and 26 soldiers have been killed----can we wake up our brave and active air force!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Masankhan - I respect your opinion and understand your anger, but you cannot place any blame, or direct any anger, at the PAF personnel. The only way to "wake up" the Air Force is to wake up your government. Picture your government asleep in a home. The Air Force is a handgun used for defense. The handgun cannot act on its own. Likewise, the PAF is a tool that is subject to the will of the civilians who lead Pakistan.

If the PAF acted without orders, it would be the start of a coup.

Words fail me with regards to this latest incident. I don't know WHY it happened. All I can say with any certainty is that those pilots did not wake up that day hoping to go kill some Pakistani soldiers. It was a horrible, horrible mistake.

USAF A-10's, F-16's and F-15E's have, in past years, killed a number of British and American troops. This was blue on blue fratricide. In war, it's inevitable, moreso in the fog of night operations in a confusing terrain. All we can do is try to minimize them, try very, very hard.

To the PA soldiers - God bless you and keep you, RIP. Their families have my sincere and genuine sympathies.

Thank you for your post---we are finding out that this strike continued for 2 hours and there were requests made to stop the air strikes---.

But that is not my point---I understand that the pilot did his job during the 80's---my problem arise out of all the bragging that is done by my counterparts---as if pak air force has done a miracle----my colleagues are setting their standards of achievement very low---very very low and that is what I am objecting to---.

Paf didnot need the F16 to take out those planes---they could have used their mirages and F7 and those would have done an equally wonderfull job.

These are cheap kills---Chogy, 22 years ago when I got into the car sales---I sold my first car to an american indian and the gross profit was close to $5000----and I was strutting around---my boss---a white guy called me to the office---told me--mk--you done a good job---but don't consider yourself a salesman yet till you make this profit on a white customer---I said what---he said kid wait and see----and he was right----. That is all I am saying---raise your sights---raise your standards---and be ready for the real enemy---when he comes---you won't know what hit you.
Mastan Khan , its not just PAF...I do not know one air force in this world that can stand up to the might of American airforce. PAF ,with or without leadership is helpless with its far inferior equipment.

I think I was discussing the 80's over here.

Let us see---if such wwas the case with israel---then what would israel do in this case---they would have blown the american choppers away first and then started talking---like they sunk to u s navy spy ship longtime ago---.

Chogy---why is it that all the time it is the u s pilots killing other troops in such large numbers----seems like there is a problem somewhere in the line of command---it all comes down to is that the operators are trigger happy---are extremely nervous and ready to blow everything apart---.
MK.. american pilots in Desert storm also took down technologically inferior aircraft like baby seals.It does not take away the credit from them.

The shootdown was an achievement in the very small window of opportunity for a kill.
The Wreckage HAD to fall in Pakistan to avoid an incident.
I acutally like this aircraft and i think it would be great for coin operations & WOT.
MK.. american pilots in Desert storm also took down technologically inferior aircraft like baby seals.It does not take away the credit from them.

The shootdown was an achievement in the very small window of opportunity for a kill.
The Wreckage HAD to fall in Pakistan to avoid an incident.


And you are right---it should be a matter of shame for an american jock to be strutting around with those kills---it should be an equal matter of shame for the u s millitary to be bragging around taking out the iraqi army----well that was the desert---now change the terrain to that of mountains---high mountains----massive mountain ranges----no rescue helicopters can fly in or fly out----see what happens----they can't walk out of their bases freely----they can't walk out in the capitol city of kabul----.

American men used to be men of honor and integrity and character----they seeked an aggressor equal to them with a fighting spirit and weapons behind it---like the german---like the japanese---like the russians----now they have become so cheap and shallow----that they praise their invasion of GRANADA---they praise their invasion of that country----what you may call it----whose president was known as pineappleface---they praise their invasion of iraq----they put that third rate iraqi army on a massive pedastal through their media campaigns---and kill them by the millions through their first rate weapons----.

What a day of shame for such a great and honorable nation and for its men and for its warriors---. I cannot for ever fathom out how this great a nation have learnt to hate other small and weaker nations like other ordinary nations----I cannot begin to understand how this great a nation has gotten itself thinking about petty little disputes---and sinking lower and lower in character---that great magnanimous american is no more---the current american is a pathetic reflection of what a great nation that america was---now it is a nation that has becoome un-predictable.

There is a reason that the japanese banned the use of firearms in japans in the end of 16th century----it was characterless to be shot to death---.

Yes---the cureent american pilots can take credit for their shooting in iraq----but they can't see their forefathers in the eye and claim the same credit, dignity and honor----.

You see how cheapness evolves---that is the begining of it---you kill something ordinary and then you and your colleagues brag about it and make it extra ordinary----like you have done something extra ordinary----.

The american warriors of 2nd world war would not talk about what they did---they confronted the enemy who was better or equally well equipped as them---they saw the enemy in the eye and conquered the enemy and rarely ever talked about the affair----these modern day american warriors kill a pathetic miserable soul who can't even see out of his canpoy and then claim themselves to be the warriors that their fathers and forefathers were----sinful that is what it is.

And that is what I am trying to tell you my pakistani colleagues---have some character left in you---you did your jobs taking out these planes---and that is fine---that is all in a days work---that is your job----but to strut around---that is shameful----that is what I am saying---.
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