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Shot/Injured SSG Soldier......... Must watch.

i think hes telling how one could have got hurt if they tried to save him, so he pulled himself out of the battle field.... (better to lose one than two)

Wow thats.... Amaing.. One reason why the Pakistan Army is quite strong, is their faith.. Being muslim.. They would rather die than see anything, and they 'love' to die or it is their dream (martyredom). Salutes :)
Where's the Medical Staff?I hope he survived but i am surprised that he got shot yet nobody has put some sort of cloth on his wound to slow down the blood flow...
Where's the Medical Staff?I hope he survived but i am surprised that he got shot yet nobody has put some sort of cloth on his wound to slow down the blood flow...

I think he has already done it.
According to my observations, you can see the medical stuff:


As he was telling the story with open bandages, and then having a drink, seems like he is already given the First aid.
Wow thats.... Amaing.. One reason why the Pakistan Army is quite strong, is their faith.. Being muslim.. They would rather die than see anything, and they 'love' to die or it is their dream (martyredom). Salutes :)

You dont win wars by dying or having martyrdom as your dream. Strategy, training, equipment and supply plays far greater role. Else you will just die, enemy will win.
Yeah right. Thanks for taking it off topic discussion, I will ask the moderators to delete the messages after I clear the facts for you.
Faith was meant Faith in Allah and your firm believes. The believes, which are if you have strong desire for martyredom, you fight on the face of enemy which also gives your victory, by taking the war on their lands. You wont believe in what we say, but that is how it all is.
Yeah right. Thanks for taking it off topic discussion, I will ask the moderators to delete the messages after I clear the facts for you.
Faith was meant Faith in Allah and your firm believes. The believes, which are if you have strong desire for martyredom, you fight on the face of enemy which also gives your victory, by taking the war on their lands. You wont believe in what we say, but that is how it all is.

Martyrdom will be useful if you are a ragtag guerella fighter, fighting a superior army.
Once you become powerful, martyrdom and unnecessary suicidal tendency is a liability for you.

War is won or lost many times by the decisions you take, faith in yourself and your commander is a given.
Faith in god/allah is of limited consequence. Most people volunteer to go to army, they already know what can happen to them.

Unnecessary bravery, too much belief in supernatural help, can make you take bad decisions, and you may lose war. It has happend too.
PS... when my father was training muslims (Iranians and others) in I-HAWK, they would often say it was Allah's will that the radars would not work. Religion is OK, but don't mix it with military readiness
Yeah right. Thanks for taking it off topic discussion, I will ask the moderators to delete the messages after I clear the facts for you.
Faith was meant Faith in Allah and your firm believes. The believes, which are if you have strong desire for martyredom, you fight on the face of enemy which also gives your victory, by taking the war on their lands. You wont believe in what we say, but that is how it all is.

I watched a utube video of a Taliban fellow saying something along similar lines to what you stated above. Only difference is that he was talking about their war against the Pakistani army. It seems like both combatants have their determined faith in Allah. :undecided:
Faith does not only mean faith in Allah, in absolute terms it means a conviction for a RIGHT CAUSE! true that startegy, tactics and technology have their place in warfare, but their is ABSOLUTELY NO ALTERNATE to Faith. You can teach a man the most efficient tactic, give hm the most sophisticated weapons and the most hi tec equipment. he will not win if his conscience doe not support his actions.

Case in point the kashmiri rebels stay undaunted in the face of Indian military might, and the Palistinian boy stand up to face certain death in front of an elite israeli soldier armed with a M-4 rifle. Why does'nt the mighty US cavalary sound the victory buggle after 10 plus years in Afghanistan, and how did Che over throw the Batista regime with his 'rag tag' soldiers???

Human Spirit will Ulmitley defeat the deadliest enemy.

A Soldier fights when he is ordered to, The Mercenary fights when he is payed to, Only a true Warrior fights for a Rightous Cause, which he weighs with his heart and soul. The notion that such a warrior may be defeated is a dangerous notion that empires from antiquity to contemporary histoery has learned the hard way. Unfortunately arrogance is getting the better out of the US in Afghanistan, India in Kashmir, and Israel in Palestine. Arraogance... a trait not adhered by the true warrior.
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