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Simla Agreement - win war at battle field loss at table


Feb 13, 2011
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I have searched for the any thread on it but on google there is not any such thread, the purpose for starting this thread is one to give details of simla agreement of 1972 related to 1971 war. and the failure of India at the political level. as we Loss war on table even we win at battle field. there are also many stories behind it relating to that agreement which I post here now and after. (Courtesy - Safari Gujarati Science Magazine)

Text of the Agreement

Simla Agreement on Bilateral Relations between India and Pakistan signed by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, and President of Pakistan, Z. A. Bhutto, in Simla on July 2, 1972.

The Government of India and the Government of Pakistan are resolved that the two countries put an end to the conflict and confrontation that have hitherto marred their relations and work for the promotion of a friendly and harmonious relationship and the establishment of durable peace in the subcontinent so that both countries may henceforth devote their resources and energies to the pressing task of advancing the welfare of their people.

In order to achieve this objective, the Government of India and the Government of Pakistan have agreed as follows:

(i) That the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations shall govern the relations between the two countries.

(ii) That the two countries are resolved to settle their differences by peaceful means through bilateral negotiations or by any other peaceful means mutually agreed upon between them. Pending the final settlement of any of the problems between the two countries, neither side shall unilaterally alter the situation and both shall prevent the organization, assistance or encouragement of any acts detrimental to the maintenance of peace and harmonious relations.

(iii) That the prerequisite for reconciliation, good neighborliness and durable peace between them is a commitment by both the countries to peaceful coexistence respect for each others territorial integrity and sovereignty and noninterference in each others internal affairs, on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

(iv) That the basic issues and causes of conflict which have bedeviled the relations between the two countries for the last 25 years shall be resolved by peaceful means.

(v) That they shall always respect each others national unity, territorial integrity, political independence and sovereign equality.

(vi) That in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, they will refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of each other.

Both governments will take all steps within their power to prevent hostile propaganda directed against each other. Both countries will encourage the dissemination of such information as would promote the development of friendly relations between them.

In order progressively to restore and normalize relations between the two countries step by step, it was agreed that:

(i) Steps shall be taken to resume communications, postal, telegraphic, sea, land, including border posts, and air links, including over flights.

(ii) Appropriate steps shall be taken to promote travel facilities for the nationals of the other country.

(iii) Trade and cooperation in economic and other agreed fields will be resumed as far as possible.

(iv) Exchange in the fields of science and culture will be promoted.

In this connection delegations from the two countries will meet from time to time to work out the necessary details.

In order to initiate the process of the establishment of durable peace, both the governments agree that:

(i) Indian and Pakistani forces shall be withdrawn to their side of the international border.

(ii) In Jammu and Kashmir, the line of control resulting from the ceasefire of December 17, 1971, shall be respected by both sides without prejudice to the recognized position of either side. Neither side shall seek to alter it unilaterally, irrespective of mutual differences and legal interpretations. Both sides further undertake to refrain from the threat or the use of force in violation of this line.

(iii) The withdrawals shall commence upon entry into force of this agreement and shall be completed within a period of 30 days thereof.

This agreement will be subject to ratification by both countries in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures, and will come into force with effect from the date on which the instruments of ratification are exchanged.

Both governments agree that their respective heads will meet again at a mutually convenient time in the future and that in the meanwhile the representatives of the two sides will meet to discuss further the modalities and arrangements for the establishment of durable peace and normalization of relations, including the questions of repatriation of prisoners of war and civilian internees, a final settlement of Jammu and Kashmir and the resumption of diplomatic relations.​

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto President Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Indira Gandhi Prime Minister Republic of India

Simla, the 2 July 1972.​

— Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Indira Gandhi.​
The treaty was signed in Simla, India, by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the President of Pakistan, and Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India. The agreement also paved the way for diplomatic recognition of Bangladesh by Pakistan. The agreement has been the basis of all subsequent bilateral talks between India and Pakistan.

The agreement did not mention prisoners of war, and a supplementary Simla agreement on repatriation was signed in 1974. Subsequently India released 90,368 Pakistani military prisoners of war, including 195 accused of war crimes or genocide, and a similar number of civilian internees captured in East Pakistan.

The accord converted the 1949 UN "Cease-fire Line" into the Line of Control (LOC) between Pakistan and India which however did not affect the status of the disputed territory:

At time of Agreement there was none Militery personal was present, hence 54 soldiars left at the pak jails. It is hard to say how many of them are alive. the gov. did not keep any person with him for taking any sence. even the meeting was related to the militery that both country should have to "(i) Indian and Pakistani forces shall be withdrawn to their side of the international border." and then also the militery person not kept in any meeting or for their view on it. In 1965 war at Taskand Agreement at Russia Lal Bahadur Shastri had bring the General Mangalam with him"
As P N Dhar had given two weeks article on Simla, It was replied by the 'Humayun Gohar' in 'political and buisness weekly' (of May 15, 1995) that Face it Mr. Dhar, even if we accept what you say, Mr. Bhutto fooled your Prime Minister.'

Previously it was decided to also to add Bangladesh into the meeting, because the pak soldiers were surrendered before the Indo-Bangla joint army. As per the Sheikh Mujibur Raheman Pakistan military had killed their 30,00,000 people. Bangladesh wanted to take an action against the 195 pak soldiers. The question is why Indira Gandhi kept aside the Bangladesh and leave all pak soldiers.

There was strong pressure on India (Lal Bahadur Shastriji) of the Russia and no support of US, in 1971 the situation was different, the meeting was only between India and Us. There was only few area and soldiers are in custody of Pak compare to India. Even though India fails on the table.

As per the Simla agreement India release all the 92,753 war prisoners, and 16,279 Sq.KM area. And the 740 km line was to be renamed as Line Of Control. India lost 359 km area (150th compare to Pak including Bangla), the question of the Kasmir was the unsolved.
The Soldiers Situation at Camps in India and Pak

there was extreme different of land and sky, at both the sides, of Pakistan Soldiars at India and Indian soldiars at Pak.

The Pakistan prisoners Situation in India

India had acted in unusual manner (Atithi Devo Bhavah) with the Pak Prisoners (totally 92,753) Lets see some examples.

(1) Bangladesh Mukti-Vahini was made up on its mind to kill the Pak soldiers. But India starts to save them. To those who just day before firing on the Indian soldiers. The surprise is that after their surrendered India did not take their weapons and let them with it. As per the Geneva Accord India had right to seize all the weapons from the prisoners.

(2)India for save the 92,753 soldiers, run 80 special trains with high speed in such action. And also gave security to it. It is true that such action was taken as the humanity, but did pak act in the same manner if Indian soldiers were kept in the same situation.
One technical aspect was that, Lf.General Amir Niazi had surrendered before the Indo-Bangla joint military command. The wordings of document of surrender was clear. as per the such both India and Bangla had equal rights on the Niazi. But India acted discretionary on it. Took him in its own And save him.

(3) The facilities given to the pak prisoners were unbelievable and beyond the necessary as per the Geneva Accord. The Prisoners were treated like the Guest. There were arrangement of totally 49 camps at 13 places. At Alahabad, Mirath, Rudki, Agra, Faizabad, Gaya, Ranchi, Fatehgarh, Dhana, Ramgarh, Bareli, Gwalior, and Jabalpur. Actually they were the militery stations but by Fencing converted into the 'Prisoners of War Camps'.

(4)Indian Soldiers who leave in concrete constructions, with Beds, Chairs, and Fans in the Barracks. When returned after the war start leaving in the Canvas Tents, where such facilities were not provided and remain their in winter and summer for a long time, out side such 'prisoners of war camps' in which the pakis leave after soldiars camps were converted into it.

(5)In the prisoners many were the 'Razakars' who had killed the lakhs of innocent Women, men and children in the Bangla. They did not follow the Geneva Accord rules/ sections 4-A(2) or 4-A(6). And they were the Offenders as they killed the innocents, 'Razakars' were not soldiars as they even did not wear the uniform. India had given those killers the facilities as the 'war prisoners'.

(6)Some soldiers accepted that the food which they had even did not given them in their military. They had given the monthly salary in advance for purchase daily needed things from 'army cantonments/canteens'.

(7)The transistor(Radio) did not taken away from the prisoners, instead for the news of the 'Radio Karachi', loudspeakers were arranged for them.

(8)For their reading the Indian and Pak newspapers and magazines were arranged. The films show had arranged for every odd days.

(9)No lack of the Indoor and outdoor games facilities for them.

(10)For the communication with the family they were given the 'Four Post Cards' and 'two covers' per month free-of-cost.

(11)Some had written that we surprised that in Indian military 'Muslim soldiers' are also serving.

(12)In each camp 'Masjid'(Mosque) had been built for each block. The 'sweats' are in the menu during the religion festivals.

(13)All the Prisoners had given the one copy of the 'Quran'.

As per Geneva Accord these much facilities were not provided in rules, India even did not try to get any military details from any pak soldier. Only the questions permitted by the Geneva Accord were asked.

The situation of the Indian Soldiars at Pak.

The situation of Indian 616 soldiars were worst than the slaughter house.

(1)The army soldiers were kept at the two camps of Layalpur, were as Airforce soldiers were kept at the Rawalpindi camp.

(2)Pak had in each and every step breach the 'Geneva Accord'. On many soldiers eye blindfold by pak. Many soldiers were poling to the soldiars by rifle offenly.

(3)The money, cash, ring, watch etc. had been taken away from the soldiers.

(4)The time of war was the winter. At Layalpur and Rawalpindi, the temperature was the near the degree of freezing. But the woolen sweaters were taken from them.

(5)Only few wounded and injured soldiers had given the medical treatment.

(6)The Indian soldiers were taken at the camps from trains and trucks, at that time intentionally they show them to the people, the people of pak were angry on the India as they lost the war and area. People used abuse words and attacked with stones. That was the breach of the 'Geneva Accord' there were duty of the pakis to give them the security.

(7)The food which was given to soldiers were of worst quality as given to the hardcore criminals.

(8)Looking to the winter season senior officers had given the blanket, but for the other soldiers two blankets between three had been arranged.

(9)Since the 'International red cross' visit the camps there were lack of the other facilities after their visit the 'national geographic' magazines old prints, 'pakistan times' and 'daily jang' were given to them. On visit of the red cross, on april 13th 1972 (on day of Baisakhi) pak arranged for the 'football match' for gurkhas, for which the game was absolutely unacquainted. For the visitors satisfaction posts 'two letters' were given to them but only once in the month those were sent to the India. The first letters were sent after the two and half months on 5th march 1972.

(10)The soldiers were divided into the different groups, in Hindu, Sikh, Christians, Gurkha, Mizzo. For the getting the information from sikhs they were given the proposals for separate khalistan country. Even company commander denied the visit of 'Gurudwara' at the Lahor's 'Nanakana Saheb Gurudwara' . Mizos were told to separate their country from India and they will supply them weapons.

(11)The most cruel and wild behavior had been done with the Indian senior officers. As per the Geneva Accord the questions regarding military stations, radar centers, number of fighter planes, the design of weapons, the military tactics etc. cannot be asked. However pak asked about the capacity of the military factories to produce the weapons, the design mainly of the Russian Weapons. The most informations are lying with the squadron leaders, flight lieutenant, and senior officers. For getting the secret details. The pin poking, and beaten by lathis(sticks). For no. of hours they keep soldiers standing in the Ice-water. And other tortures. This was the routine schedule. Once the health is improved again soldiers were tortured for the same.

(12)On december 1st 1972 soldiers were exchanged in which 54 soldiers were not in it. Pakistan had announced that the lost soldiers were never captured. Hence there was no question to returned them. The evidences of these were then found from different sources.
I don't quite understand what you are trying to say.

India knew that she won a war that even a child could win, they were facing an opponent who was surrounded by all sides, was in hostile land and has no back up or a place to go.

Indra was wise enough to know that launching a full scale invasion of West Pakistan was a completely different story.
Sure India might win, but the cost would be exponentially higher then in East Pakistan.
I don't quite understand what you are trying to say.

India knew that she won a war that even a child could win, they were facing an opponent who was surrounded by all sides, was in hostile land and has no back up or a place to go.

Indra was wise enough to know that launching a full scale invasion of West Pakistan was a completely different story.
Sure India might win, but the cost would be exponentially higher then in East Pakistan.

I am just trying to say that, even India win the war, there is apparently no benifit to India.
(1) yes bangla got the independence but in future it was going to the supporter of pak rather than India. hence the relation ship of India or any benefit is not got by India.

(2) The issue of Kasmir didn't solve. as per agreement as India did not say that India not claim on Kasmir. the area won by India is returned to Pak. why? the Area captured by India was 16,279 sq km, wher as india had only loss 359 sq km.

(3) there was chances that both the country will pressured by other countries to returned the soldiers to each other. looking to the number of prisoners there was more burden on Pak rather than India. pak had 616 Indian soldiers where as India has 92,753. the treatment given by both country with them are extremely diffrent, on the contrarary even Indian soldiars leave in tents and better facilities provided to pakis why?

(4) the cease fire line renamed as line of controll. why? In politics there are no value of the symapathy or heart. yes Hindus are yet believe their religion virtues to give respect to all humans irrespective or behaviour of other which is not practical now a days. India need to be tit for tat.

Bro I do not claim that India had to war at western pak. But even we won the war contrarary we gave all facilities to pak soldiers which were not required, did not claim for 54 soldiers which are kept by pak militery and Gods know how they behave with them and how we can reply their family? its not question for pak, but yes for all India Members. India return all the land which it won. then ultimately what india got on table? militery win the Land, War, lots prisoners. which all are returned where as we loss the 54 great soldiers.

the question was asked and raised on it later, as there were number of evidences found that 54 soldiers are kept by phence and on simla the D P Dhar gave the article in 'times of India" on which the comment is made by 'humayun Goher"

"Face it Mr. Dhar, even if we accept what you say, Mr. Bhutto fooled your Prime Minister.".

this sentence of Pak person clearly shows that India loss the war on table..........as per accounting term india is in debit rather than credit. and thats too 54 Great Soldiers and others.

(buddy just made up your mind I personally believe that the claim of Pakis on Kasmir is not baseless, looking to the reason that Muslim majority leaving their might be reasonable reason, but what about the Killing of Innocent Bangladeshis and also innocent kasmiris?; Plz do not say that 'Every thing is fair in love and war' cause.................)
some videos and photos

videos are of not much better to watch.but have historic value.
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when the bhutto arived at India the Journalists were taking more photos of the Benzir as the meeting was not going to be over immediately and decision should take time.

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