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Something to consider.


Oct 13, 2006
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I would like to draw attention to the following excerpts of the above article....

"It would be nice if everybody was so easy-going, but the sad fact is that trolls do discourage people. Established posters may leave a message board because of the arguments that trolls ignite, and lurkers (people who read but do not post) may decide that they do not want to expose themselves to abuse and thus never get involved.

Another problem is that the negative emotions stirred up by trolls leak over into other discussions. Normally affable people can become bitter after reading an angry interchange between a troll and his victims, and this can poison previously friendly interactions between long-time users.

Finally, trolls create a paranoid environment, such that a casual criticism by a new arrival can elicit a ferocious and inappropriate backlash."
One thing, I've seen people confused with is, trolling. What is trolling, in your opinion?
lol well apparently there are several types ............
Give me a few and I will post all the examples....(just listening to the end of the test match!:tup: )
I have a few days back been accused of being on weed by a member on another forum for lamenting the fact that Pakistani doctors are not as good due to the type of education and the providers of their education. I was told I knew nothing about the topic. After all I only have FCPS and 2 FRCS plus 20 yrs of experience in teaching and training medical students and registrars. Well I guess I can still be educated a bit more!!!
I have a few days back been accused of being on weed by a member on another forum for lamenting the fact that Pakistani doctors are not as good due to the type of education and the providers of their education. I was told I knew nothing about the topic. After all I only have FCPS and 2 FRCS plus 20 yrs of experience in teaching and training medical students and registrars. Well I guess I can still be educated a bit more!!!

Well Araz the difference is that you have put your experience out here for others to see. Most of the "experts" won't even do that. They "snipe" from the sidelines yet never tell you where their expertise comes from.
I have a few days back been accused of being on weed by a member on another forum for lamenting the fact that Pakistani doctors are not as good due to the type of education and the providers of their education. I was told I knew nothing about the topic. After all I only have FCPS and 2 FRCS plus 20 yrs of experience in teaching and training medical students and registrars. Well I guess I can still be educated a bit more!!!

yea the same thing was happend with me on orkut when I was playing games after signing inn. when I come back on okut, I have been accused of doing some bad arguments with my friend but I didn't do these idiotic things.:wall:
I've been called a troll more than probably anyone. Where do you draw the line? Posting something critical, isn't trolling IMO. Descending down to insults and commenting on another member of a board, now that's trolling for me.

No matter what happens, people should comment on the subject. Who a person is on the internet, should not matter. What can he prove through the show of links and established and already proven data in the real world, that matters. I post with my real name, no point in hiding who I am in real life any more. But still I wish I had kept my privacy a lot more secured. Posting my credentials ended up in a workplace related humorous incident when colleagues got a hold of some of the hate mail. There are psychos out there and they'd go through extreme lengths to make life difficult.

My advice keep as much about yourself hidden as possible. That goes double or tripple if you're a journo of any capacity.

So my official declaration of credentials would be: A big mouth with a smart *** :D
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