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Soon Arab Lands will be Indian Hindu States

This is the hate they breed in their hearts..they dont want temples to be built in muslim countries but want mosques to be built all across non muslim world...hypocrites
Not all of them are like that but some of them are unfortunately like that.
Hate Muslims, Hate Islam India's Jan-Andolan has Resonance in Gulf Countries

My concerns are not unfounded because there are two worrying statements coming from two prominent individuals

Friday April 17, 2020 10:56 PM, Syed Ali Mujtaba, ummid.com




Hate Muslims, Hate Islam India's Jan-Andolan has Resonance in Gulf Countries

My concerns are not unfounded because there are two worrying statements coming from two prominent individuals

Friday April 17, 2020 10:56 PM, Syed Ali Mujtaba, ummid.com

India's former Foreign Secretary M K Rasgotra (1982-85), speaking at the seventh Non Aligned Summit held in New Delhi in March 1983, had said, "The world has become so interconnected that if you touch a flower here, you may disturb the stars."

As a school boy, I heard these words on the black and white TV at my sister’s home in New Delhi. His words still keeps ringing into my ears and now some 37 years later, when I watch the Corona - Tabligue Jamat link debate, on my Sony HD TV his words become prophetic.

This is because the way Islamophobia, communalism and hate mongering against Islam and Muslims is being telecast on the Indian TV sets under state patronage, it definitely has ‘disturbed the stars.’

My concerns are not unfounded because there are two worrying statements coming from two prominent individuals one from the GCC and other from the UAE - making 11 countries in the gulf region.

These statements even though are coming from individuals and not from state heads is a source of worry to the eight million Indian expatriates earning their livelihood in the oil rich gulf region. It is also a cause of concern to their families in India who are living on tax free remittances coming from the Gulf region.

The first statement is made by a scholar from Saudi Arabia Abidi Zahrani who has proposed that Hindus involved in spreading hatred and committing crimes against the Muslims should be sent back to India from GCC countries.

GCC means Gulf Cooperation Council which is a group of six countries in the Persian Gulf region: Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates are its members.

In a tweet Zahrani said, “Gulf States host millions of Hindus, some of whom are infected with COVID-19 and are treated free of charge regardless of their faith while fascist Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu terrorist gangs while following the Hindutva agenda are committing crimes against its own Muslim citizens (sic).”

Abidi Zahrani further said, “I propose to the respected followers of Islam to list out all the Hindus who are working in the GCC region and spreading hate against Islam, Muslims or our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), to track them and initiate the process to send them back to India."

If this is not music for the Indian ruling elite then the second statement that comes from Princess Hend Al Qassimi, a member of the royal family of United Arab Emirates is poignantly haunting. Princess Qassimi said, though the ruling family of UAE is “friends with Indians”, but hate Islam hate Muslims campaign is “not welcome”.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) consists of seven independent city-states: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Umm al-Qaiwain, Fujairah, Ajman and Ra's al-Khaimah. Around 3.3 million Indians are living in the UAE and they constitute roughly 30 per cent of the country's population.

Princess Qassimi while responding to a series of “Islamophobic posts” on the micro blog Twitter said anyone who is “openly racist and discriminatory in the UAE will be fined and made to leave” immediately.

The UAE royal was responding to twitter posts of a Hindu Indian living in UAE targeting Muslims over the March congregation of Tablighi Jamaat in New Delhi. He allegedly used abusive language against the Tablighis, calling them “radical Islamist terrorists”. This micro blogger in his earlier tweet had said, all Islamic organizations “should be kept on vigilant watch or barred” as they only spread violence and unrest.

Taking a note of such unsavory tweets, the UAE royal princess slammed the micro blogger and giving stern warning that such kind of people “will not go unnoticed.”

“All employees are paid to work, no one comes for free. You make your bread and butter from this land which you scorn and your ridicule will not go unnoticed,” she wrote.

According to our government sources, a total of 3,336 Indians tested positive for Covid-19 infection, majority being in the Gulf region. There are 2,061 Indians who have been tested positive residing in Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, UAE, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Most of them are getting free treatment in their respective countries.

India as a matter of policy has decided not to bring back its stranded citizens from these countries. The Indian official sources say that Prime Minister Modi had discussions with leaders of the Gulf countries about the welfare of Indians in the Gulf region.

However, the official sources did not divulge upon what the leaders of the region had told to the Indian Prime Minister. It is on record that the United Arab Emirates has warned of possible action against countries refusing to allow their citizens to return.

Well the other side of the story is always sacrificed in the India media and what is heard is what is being told in this country. It is not true that hate Muslim, hate Islam campaign that is on full throttle scale drummed up in the Indian media is not getting noticed.

TN Ninan, Chairman of Business Standard and a well regard journalist, has boldly said that marginalization of Muslims has become a ‘jan-andolan’ in India.

This statement is somewhat true. Abusing Muslims and denigrating Islam has become the pet theme of the large section of Indian media. This narrative has a cascading impact on the world wide Indians who live on the staple diet and feed on Indian media.

Among them there are many who are living in the Islamic countries. Swayed by the tone and tenor of Indian media’s diatribe against Muslims and Islam they essay their mind on the social media sites, little knowing what damage they are doing to the fellow expatriates living in the gulf region.

The epicenter of the hate mongering is in India. This is because some Indians have labeled the faith of Corona virus to Islam and Muslims are treated as terrorists fighting the Corona Jihad

India’s ruling elite that’s currently gleefully watching the rants of the wounded civilization on their television sets, are taking solace that they are winning the battle in the ‘clash of civilization.’ Little they realize that India rests in the soft belly of the Islam arch, can only survive like a tongue between the jowls.

To cut the story short, the alarming voices have started ringing the bells. The seed of hatred sown in the country in the garb of fight against COVID-19 under the watchful eyes of the current ruling elite will have to be redeemed long after this unseen virus goes into oblivion.

[Syed Ali Mujtaba is a journalist based in Chennai. He can be contacted at syedalimujtaba2007@gmail.com.]
Well bye bye to Indians on Arab lands. MODI cant do nothing.

List of hate-mongers fired for offensive remarks gets longer, despite warnings

16:31 May 2, 2020
Dubai: It seems that the warnings of the Indian mission have fallen on deaf ears as the list of Indian expats facing action over vile Islamophobic remarks on social media keeps getting longer.

Over the weekend, at least three more have been fired or suspended after their offensive posts were brought to the attention of employers by social media users.

The men now join nearly half a dozen hate-mongers who have similarly landed in trouble in recent weeks.

The latest addition to the growing list include Italian chef Rawat Rohit, storekeeper Sachin Kinnigoli and a cash custodian whose name has been withheld by his firm.


Transguard Group responding to Twitter users after they tagged the company seeking action against one of its staff
Image Credit:

Gulf News is refraining from publishing the posts or going into the details of their offensive content.

A spokesperson for Azadea Group that operates Eataly, a chain of high-end Italian restaurants in Dubai, confirmed that Rawat Rohit who was employed with them as a chef has been suspended and is facing a disciplinary probe.

Sharjah-based Pneumics Automation have also said they suspended their storekeeper Sachin Kinnigoli until further notice.

“We have withheld his salary and told him not to come to work. The matter is under investigation. We have a zero tolerance policy. Anyone found guilty of insulting or showing contempt for someone’s religion will have to bear the consequences,” said the firm’s owner.

Similarly, Dubai-based Transguard Group said they have cracked down on an employee who had posted several anti-Islamic messages on his Facebook page under the name of Vishal Thakur.

“Following an internal investigation, the actual identify of this employee was verified and he was stripped of his security credentials, terminated from our employment and handed over to the relevant authorities as per company policy and UAE Cybercrime Law No. 5 of 2012. As of this statement, he is in the custody of Dubai Police,” a Transguard spokesperson said in a statement to Gulf News.

Transguard said their long-standing social media policy complies UAE’s stringent cybercrime regulations.

“It is enforced through regular monitoring, evaluation and, if necessary, disciplinary action, including fines, termination and deportation, as per federal law,” the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson also clarified that an individual reportedly posting hateful comments under the name of Prakash Kumar doesn’t work with them. “Twitter user Prakash Kumar” has falsely claimed that he works for Transguard. As mentioned multiple times, we have handed the matter to the authorities and since this individual is not a Transguard employee we have no further comment on the matter,” the spokesperson added.

Warnings fall on deaf ears
The new sackings and suspensions come days after both the former and current Indian Ambassadors to the UAE cautioned their countrymen about the UAE’s strict hate speech laws. Similar warnings were issued by missions in other GCC countries.


In a tweet last month, the Indian ambassador to the UAE, Pavan Kapoor reminded expats that discrimination is against moral fabric and rule of the law
Image Credit:
Of late, there has been an alarming increase in the number of highly offensive, Islamophobic posts by some Indians living in Gulf countries. Several of these people have lost their jobs while others have swiftly taken down their posts or deactivated their accounts after being called out by other social media users.

Many have tagged the employers of such people in their complaints, who in turn have taken swift punitive action.


Last month Former Indian ambassador Navdeep Suri shot off a series of tweets in what he described as his “effort to provide some context on the ongoing controversy.”
Image Credit:
The issue also gained prominence after some GCC citizens on Twitter entered the debate, and raised their voice against the spread of bigotry online.

Much of the vitriol can be traced to an atmosphere of blind hate against Muslims who have been blamed for the spread of COVID-19 in India.

Strict laws
The UAE outlaws all religious or racial discrimination under a legislation passed in 2015.

The anti-discrimination/anti-hatred law prohibits all acts “that stoke religious hatred and/or which insult religion through any form of expression, be it speech or the written word, books, pamphlets or via online media.”

The legislation mainly aims to fight “discrimination against individuals or groups based on religion, caste, doctrine, race, color or ethnic origin.”

Post at your own peril
Here is the list of some other Indian expats who have landed in trouble for their social media posts:

  • April 18: Prominent Sharjah-based Keratlite businessman and filmmaker Sohan Roy is forced to apologise for a video which depicted Islamic clerics leading blindfolded men in skull caps in an adaptation of his poem on religious bigotry.
  • April 6-15: Technician Rakesh B. Kitturmath, chief accountant Bala Krishna Nakka and finance analyst Mitesh Udeshi are fired for derogatory social media posts that violated the UAE law while a police complaint is filed against Sameer Bhandari, CEO of Future Vision Events & Weddings’ after he asked an Indian Muslim job seeker to “Go back to Pakistan” in text message
  • March 2020: Indian chef Trilok Singh who worked at a restaurant in Dubai is fired for making an online threat to rape Delhi-based law student Swati Khanna over her views on the controversial Citizen Amendment Act.
  • January 2020: Indian expat Jayant Gokhale draws flak for asking Keralite job seeker Abdulla SS to joining protestors in Shaheen Bagh in New Delhi.
  • March 2019: Indian safety and security officer at Transguard Group in Dubai is sacked and deported for posting a comment on Facebook celebrating the terror attacks on New Zealand mosques.
  • June 2018: Rigging supervisor at an Abu Dhabi firm is fired for threatening to kill Kerala chief minister in a facebook video.
  • June: 2018 JW Marriott Marquis Hotel in Dubai terminates contract with Michelin-starred chef Atul Kochhar after he puts up a post on twitter saying that followers of Islam had “terrorised” Hindus for 2,000 years.
  • April 2017: 33-year-old Indian is sacked for sending offensive Facebook messages to Indian journalist Rana Ayyub.

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