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South Africa set to cut diplomatic ties with Israel

South African people brace yourself for ISIS African wing , Al Qaeda Africa , and weapons of mass destruction been found ...
South African people brace yourself for ISIS African wing , Al Qaeda Africa , and weapons of mass destruction been found ...

I don't really blame the wolves for this dirty game. I blame the UN which allows this dirty game.
I can, Germany's GDP is way higher now than when it was in the hands of the Nazis
Who cares what you think you are a racist and took over racism where Nazis left it. Even black jews suffer dire racism in Nazi Israel. But where is your grandfather buried.. ..Poland Russia. You are not goinvto live in that land in peace ever. Always will sleep with one eye open until it's taken from you again. Nazi Germany was very powerful as was apartheid south Africa and it's your turn

The nazis burn 6 millon jews and somehow its bad

But jews and white colonials oppressing millions of palestinians and south Africans thats good

This is the zionist mind
Perfectly said bro
All Israel cares about is its immediate neighborhood. It has good relations with Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey. And relations are warming with Gulf states as well. Then of course, is US, which will always be in Israel's corner.

So who cares if South Africa cuts diplomatic ties with Israel. South Africa is not any more important to Israel than Pakistan. Two countries that are so far away that they barely pose an existential threat to Israel. So no worries.
All Israel cares about is its immediate neighborhood. It has good relations with Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey. And relations are warming with Gulf states as well. Then of course, is US, which will always be in Israel's corner.

So who cares if South Africa cuts diplomatic ties with Israel. South Africa is not any more important to Israel than Pakistan. Two countries that are so far away that they barely pose an existential threat to Israel. So no worries.
Bro whenislam started there were greater powers than America and when we return to Islam they will not stand up to us.
Didn't you hear...they are cutting all ties with the fascist terrorist zionist regime with worst human rights violations in recorded history.

Israel is certainly not the worst regime in the world.
Slowly but surly everyday i read more and more news articles against Israel in the western media. 5 years ago they were non existent . I think the world is finally waking up to what these sympathy seekers have been up, under the covers. Israel's has had a nice run by manipulating the world into thinking they were the victims as always. But guess what truth comes out sooner or later. D.Trumps own son in law (Jared Kushner)show'ed what kinda snakes these people are, He bit his own father in law. Hence being his security clearance revoked.

Those were some good days, South Africa...
I'm sad that they're done with all of your white population dropping, and your inevitable end due to it.

Lmao. As if Israel is all Caucasian population? and anything done by any other race other then Caucasian is a crime? Haha. Specially coming from someone who was a victim of such discrimination. My only advice to you is open history books! Caucasian's weren't always world leaders and won't be forever.

Nigeria is Africa's best economy with gdp of
406.0 billion and it doesn't have Caucasian people as a majority.
Another fun fact this might shock a raciest person like your self that world's second best economy isn't Caucasian as well! It's China

Gee's How did another race become the worlds second best economy with out having Caucasian people as a majority? Mind Blow
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All Israel cares about is its immediate neighborhood. It has good relations with Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey. And relations are warming with Gulf states as well. Then of course, is US, which will always be in Israel's corner.

So who cares if South Africa cuts diplomatic ties with Israel. South Africa is not any more important to Israel than Pakistan. Two countries that are so far away that they barely pose an existential threat to Israel. So no worries.

It's all about a trend my friend. One country speaks against you others will be forced to rethink their stance/policy. It's more like a chain reaction. Before the chain was Israel is a victim everyone who helped it felt good about them selves helping the one in need. Now the chain reaction is reversed. It took years and years before your cover is blown but it is... Israelis are doing same thing to Palestinians that was done to them. I think we are at a point where most countries agree that you aren't a victim anymore , With the exception of U.S of course but how long is that going to last? The American public will sooner or later get their facts straight and where will that leave you?

After all we are all human beings we have feelings. We can only ignore injustice for so long before we speak out.
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It's just the beginning. A rainstorm starts with a single drop!
Lmao. As if Israel is all Caucasian population? and anything done by any other race other then Caucasian is a crime? Haha. Specially coming from someone who was a victim of such discrimination. My only advice to you is open history books! Caucasian's weren't always world leaders and won't be forever.

Nigeria is Africa's best economy with gdp of
406.0 billion and it doesn't have Caucasian people as a majority.
Another fun fact this might shock a raciest person like your self that world's second best economy isn't Caucasian as well! It's China

Gee's How did another race become the worlds second best economy with out having Caucasian people as a majority? Mind Blow
The Apartheid wasn't white supremacist, it was anti black.
Nigeria also has 186 million civilians.
And who has the best economy? A caucasian country with a quarter of the population of China, and that's not a rant against it.

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