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South Azerbaijan's fight against Iran

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Dec 18, 2011
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Edit: What the *uck!!! I was trying to post this

Racism against Azerbaijani Turks in Iran - YouTube

Sorry about that people, I was trying to post this video above and not the other one. Although I see nothing wrong with people expressing their emotions I didn't want to post an emotional video about something I find important.

This video is very informative.

Edit2: Don't turn this thread into ridiculus troll feast...

Edit: Found how to change the name of the title.
Dear deno, wanting some internationally accepted rights is not meaning that somebody fighting against his/her country. Unfortunately there is a big misunderstanding about race and nationality in middle-east. If you want to understand the Feeling of a Persian when somebody talking about separation, Imagine a PKK member, standing in front of you and talking about ... (lal olsun dilim.). Millions of mixed families of Turks and Persian are living here. I am sure the case is true for Turkey, too.

Never judge about Persian on the bases of some rare racist posts, you see here. Most of them are very bright and friendly people, respecting every races and has the strong idea of living in peace.
Dear deno, wanting some internationally accepted rights is not meaning that somebody fighting against his/her country. Unfortunately there is a big misunderstanding about race and nationality in middle-east. If you want to understand the Feeling of a Persian when somebody talking about separation, Imagine a PKK member, standing in front of you and talking about ... (lal olsun dilim.). Millions of mixed families of Turks and Persian are living here. I am sure the case is true for Turkey, too.

Never judge about Persian on the bases of some rare racist posts, you see here. Most of them are very bright and friendly people, respecting every races and has the strong idea of living in peace.

I wouldn't attack any Kurd who wants have the right to learn their own language or name their child the in his/her mother language. Believe me if AKP didn't lifted the ban on Kurdish language or Kurdish education I would support separete Kurdish state with my whole heart.

If a nation of 15-35 million gave more sons than any other ethnicity including majority Persian for their country in Iran-Iraq war to protect their lands than they have every right for education in Azerbaijan Turkish or naming their child in Turkish language.

P.S: I posted the wrong video so I named the thread wrong, normally I was going to name the thread Racism against Azerbaijan Turks in Iran but I don't know where can I change the name of the thread.

Soon or later Turks of Southern Azerbaijan- Iraqi Turkmenistan & Eastern Turkistan will gain their independence :angry:

kurds ? :coffee:

desperate tork, you post some random bs and want us to believe that?
Iran will help PKK to allow kurds in Turkey to separate.
we arrested their leader and made a deal with him, and you jokers still have not managed to touch him.

You poor "khars" don't have any history and want to steal others, pleaseeeeeeee

just a bark !

ignore them

One of the few policies that I agree with AKP that they made great progress on Kurdish rights, so they don't have any problem with naming their children in Kurdish language or getting Kurdish education and now that there is a work in Parlement about Kurdish language education in primary schools :)

And we are not talking about indepence here, we are talking basic human rights of largest minority population of Iran.
Soon or later Turks of Southern Azerbaijan- Iraqi Turkmenistan & Eastern Turkistan will gain their independence :angry:

Ohhhh no what is Iran gonna do?
kid, no one in Iran wants independent, however the kurds in your country want independent and we will help them.
as I said we already made a deal with the leaders of PKK to split turkey.:guns:
Ohhhh no what is Iran gonna do?
kid, no one in Iran wants independent, however the kurds in your country want independent and we will help them.
as I said we already made a deal with the leaders of PKK to split turkey.:guns:

just for syria :rolleyes:

got it ? ;)
just for syria :rolleyes:

got it ? ;)

This is not Iran vs Turkey and don't try to make it into one. If you are so heartless to be silent about racism against your fellow citizens than atleast be silent and don't try to change the subject.

You propably have Azeri Turks as friends or maybe even family but you are trying to troll this thread when you can contribute something possitive even as counter argument.
I have said that they call Turks as "donkey" and Kurds as "cockroach" ...

Kurds are happy at Turkiye. You have helped pkk since 1980 what could you achieve Iran? Nothing... But you will pay your humanity crimes.
Iran and iranians are the most racist people and country on this world. I have said that they call Turks as "donkey" and Kurds as "cockroach" ... $hit race Iranians !!!

Kurds are happy at Turkiye. You have helped pkk since 1980 what could you achieve Iran? Nothing... But you will pay your humanity crimes.

My friend this statement also counts as racist... You can't blame who Persian nation for crimes of Shah and Islamic regime. Turkey was also responsible for this kinds of treatments against Kurdish population of Turkey and in time we passed that misirable times in our lifes and hope that times like this never came back again.

Lets not call each other names and show support for Azerbaijan Turks for their quest for basic human rights.
it is so interesting to see that Iranians act as if the PJAK does not exist and does not fight Iran. They may not fight Iran today, but it does not mean they quit fighting and do not want to be independent from Iran. Same goes for the Iran about the kurds, but there are a lot of differences in my opinion in terms of their rights.
Poor you, you are probably in tears now. you slag our language?
when you talk it is like a horse on a tranquillizer trying to sing.:lol:
Guys i suggest you, do not argue with this donkey king. He is the most antipathetic user. He gets banned weekly. So do not argue with this atheist, don't waste your time.

I hope you will understand why Sauds don't accept them as Muslim...;)
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