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101 Friends of China, Intellectuals support China on South China Sea
Posted By: News Deskon: July 11, 2016

ISLAMABAD: (APP) The top 40 intellectuals under the umbrella of 101 Friends of China Assembly supported China’s stand on South China Sea by adopting a Resolution in this regard.

The resolution expressed serious concern over the escalation of tension in the South China and alarm over the military build-up in the recent weeks in the region, which was adopted unanimously.

Expressing solidarity with China, the resolution stressed that the Permanent Court of Arbitration should conduct business strictly within its jurisdiction and that its rulings should not be used as an instrument to fuel tensions and disputes.

The resolution was presented in a meeting of the Islamabad-based senior members of the Supreme Central Committee of the Friends of Pakistan here on Monday, which was adopted unanimously.

It underlined that international arbitral institutions should not be used for political purposes.

Moreover it also urged all parties concerned to avoid provocative pronouncements and actions, exercise utmost restraint and seek peaceful settlement through negotiations.

The resolution also emphasized that a peaceful resolution of disputes through bilateral channels would reinforce the rule of law.

It also appreciated China’s historic and transformative One Belt One Road initiative that is building confidence, fostering peace and prosperity in the region and connecting Asia with Africa and Europe.

It underscored that for the CPEC, the flagship project of One Belt One Road, peace and stability in the region were imperative Underlying the deep-rooted historical and strategic ties between Pakistan and China, the resolution fully endorsed the position taken by China on the South China Sea in regard to its sovereignty over Nansha Islands and the surroundings waters.

It also took note of China’s declaration that it would continue to fulfill regional and international responsibilities, upheld the integrity and authority of the UNCLOS and other international law and safeguard the rule of law.

It expressed hope that no steps would be taken to hurt China’s sovereignty and security interests.

The resolution also called on all nations to work for building common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security for all and urged all powers in the region to take steps to de-escalate the situation, demilitarize the region and in doing so avoid misjudgments that could lead to accidents or unintended conflagration or World War III.

Deputy Head Mission, Embassy of China in Pakistan, Zhou Lijian thanked the 101 Friends of China for supporting the genuine case of China saying that this resolution was very much in time which showed strong support from people of Pakistan to the people of China.

He said, China wanted to resolve the issue of South China Sea peacefully through negotiation with its neighboring countries including Vietnam and Philippines.


A court in The Hague has said China has "no historic rights" in South China Sea. (File photo)

THE HAGUE: A UN-backed tribunal is on Tuesday is delivering its verdict on a Philippine challenge over Chinese-occupied territory in the South China Sea.

The arbitration court in The Hague has said China has "no historic rights" or title to over the waters of the South China Sea.

Beijing views the South China Sea as its own backyard, a place where it is entitled to free, uninterrupted rein and where its growing navy should be able to operate unhampered.|

The five-member tribunal has the power to make a decision that cannot be appealed. However, it has no means to enforce the verdict, with compliance left to the parties concerned.

Beijing has said from the start that the tribunal is invalid and has boycotted its proceedings.

President Xi Jinping said China will never compromise on sovereignty and warned it was "not afraid of trouble".

But it is unclear how aggressively China will react.

Commentators say the 1.2 million square miles of water are a potential flashpoint for regional conflict.

That's because scientists believe that the seabed could contain unexploited oil, gas and minerals. But the sea's key value is strategic.

Shipping lanes vital to world trade pass through it, carrying everything from raw materials to finished products, as well as enormous quantities of oil.

China's land-reclamation programme has been particularly aggressive. Satellite pictures now show inhabited islands where there was once only submerged coral and many have multiple facilities, including some with runways long enough for huge planes.

Beijing insists its intent is peaceful but the US and others suspect China is trying to assert its sovereignty claims and say that it could pose threats to the free passage of ships.

Washington says the waters are international and regularly sends its warships there on so-called "Freedom of Navigation" missions.

China says these missions are provocations and warns the US not to interfere. It regularly stages its own exercises in the area as a show of force.
The Philippines hopes that today's favourable ruling will help to build international pressure on China to make concessions and reverse or stall its expansionist efforts in the sea.

Manila also hopes a win will give it much-needed leverage in any negotiations with China, including on signing a code of conduct for the sea.

Beijing South China Sea claims rejected by court
  • 8 minutes ago
  • From the sectionChina
Image copyrightREUTERS
Image captionChina has accelerated construction on some disputed reefs
An international tribunal has ruled against Chinese claims to rights in South China Sea, backing a case brought by the Philippines.

The Permanent Court of Arbitration said there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or resources.

China described the ruling as "ill-founded".

China claims almost all of the South China Sea, including reefs and islands also claimed by others.

The tribunal in The Hague said China had violated the Philippines' sovereign rights. It also said China had caused "severe harm to the coral reef environment" by building artificial islands.

Waiting for the Chinese and their bandwagon of all weather trolls to run a muck! none the less it's a moral Victory for the ASEAN countries who all stake a claim in the SCS, its a good SLAP on the face for china.
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Hehe, good news.
Question, China care? who will excute the decision?:coffee:
Time to reclaim Huangyan island.

they successfully provocate 1.4 billion Chinese, more support to CCP from Chinese, go accelerate the construction on SCS island, or go to war with any countries there, including USA.

Waiting for the Chinese and their bandwagon of all weather trolls to run a muck! none the less it's a moral Victory for the countries who all stake a claim on the SCS, its a good SLAP on the face for china.
We can tear the judgement like USAhad done, or We do even not receive it, get you so called moral victory, that is only you can get?:coffee:
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It was a predicted case but now comes the real time will they leave or will say F of

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