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Spain's 2017 Terror Attack was a False-Flag Operation


Feb 15, 2021
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Secret service behind Barcelona terror attacks, says ex-cop

A FORMER senior officer in Spain’s National Police Corps has said the 2017 terror attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils were organised by the country’s secret service in a bid to destabilise Catalonia before the independence referendum there.

However, Jose Manuel Villarejo said the attacks in August that year – which included a truck running over pedestrians on La Rambla in Barcelona – “were a serious mistake” on the part of former National Intelligence Service (CNI) director Feliz Sanz Roldan.

Ahead of the October 2017 indyref, the former commissioner said the CNI boss “wanted to give Catalonia a fright, but miscalculated the consequences”.

A total of 16 people died in the attacks – known as 17-A – including a woman who died as five members of the jihadist cell launched a knife attack on the beachfront at Cambrils, having driven there the day after the Barcelona attack.

All five men were shot dead by police. Three men who helped in the attacks were last year sentenced to jail terms of between eight and 53 years.

It later emerged that the alleged mastermind of the attacks, an imam in the city of Ripoll, was a CNI informant.

Villarejo is something of an “off the reservation” figure and has been involved with numerous “secret” operations with the CNI.

He has spent more than three years in custody and his remarks were made in court during a case involving police spying allegations.

The former commissioner said he could prove everything he had claimed: “All the evidence is in my archives. I authorise their release.

“We must think that the citizenry is not a minor and the law of secrets cannot be used to hide everything. It is an obsolete Francoist law from 1968.”

His claims triggered anger in Catalonia, where the government was considering a legal response.

Catalan President Peres Aragones said on social media: “17-A was a barbarity that has marked us forever. And if Villarejo’s words are true, explanations are needed now.

“We know very well how the state sewers work, so we demand that they be investigated in order to clarify the truth.
“I have also asked the legal services of the Generalitat [government] to study these statements and the relevant legal actions that can be taken. For the truth. For the victims, for the Catalans and for all those who are on the side of peace and democracy.”
In radio interviews, his vice-president, Jordi Puignero, said the Spanish state wanted to clarify Villarejo’s allegations over the CNI and the terror attacks, and has urged them to mount an investigation.
He also expressed concern that no-one from the state had so far contradicted his statements, or said they would be investigated.

Villarejo is a proved corrupt cop and he can't be trusted.

But the terrorist attack happened at the same time than a separatist color revolution in Catalonia (the zone where Barcelona belongs to), and it was the greater terrorist attack happened in Catalonia.

So, there are suspicions since the first moment.

As curious thing, exactly 2 months later than the terrorist attack, Oct 17 2017, a Spanish F18 crash down, 5 five days later than a Spanish Eurofighter crashed too (Oct 12 2017, the day of the national military parade)

ie: 2 Spanish fighters jets crashed in 5 days exactly 2 months later than the terrorist attack.

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Villarejo is a proved corrupt cop and he can't be trusted.

But the terrorist attack happened at the same time than a separatist color revolution in Catalonia (the zone where Barcelona belongs to), and it was the greater terrorist attack happened in Catalonia.

So, there are suspicions since the first moment.

As curious thing, exactly 2 months later than the terrorist attack, Oct 17 2017, a Spanish F18 crash down, 5 five days later than a Spanish Eurofighter crashed too (Oct 12 2017, the day of the national military parade)

ie: 2 Spanish fighters jets crashed in 5 days exactly 2 months later than the terrorist attack.

Seems like a ritual sacrifice
Seems like a ritual sacrifice

Or a way to stop the color revolution that could provocate a Spanish civil war.

It's secret services who control police informants and undercovers who can heater up the public mayhem in the streets.

Eventually, nothing happened, thanks God.

But those days were dark days, and a civil war was a possible thing.
Or a way to stop the color revolution that could provocate a Spanish civil war.

It's secret services who control police informants and undercovers who can heater up the public mayhem in the streets.

Eventually, nothing happened, thanks God.

But those days were dark days, and a civil war was a possible thing.
Civil war in EU, NATO/ davaloped country
I highly doubt it- would be interesting if it happened (from outside presepctive atleast)
Another curious thing from that attack:

It was the greater terrorist attack in Spain since the previous greater attack in 2004.

And it was a few months later than the greater terrorist attack in UK since 2005.

UK 2005 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_July_2005_London_bombings
UK 2017 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester_Arena_bombing

Spain 2004 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Madrid_train_bombings
Spain 2017 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Barcelona_attacks

I think Americans were very active those months of 2017.

It was the same year than Tehran terrorist attacks in Jun 2017, first visit of USA aircraft carrier to Israel port (Jul 2017) in more than one decade, and at the same than Qatar diplomatics tensions and risk of war against Qatar. https://theintercept.com/2018/08/01/rex-tillerson-qatar-saudi-uae/

2017 Summer was the moment when USA increased tensions in North Korea too, delivering fake reports about NK has a miniaturised nuke.

2017 was a very busy year for Evil Americans trying to F*ck up the world.

They seem to be more calm down now, Covid crisis is a breathe to decrease energetic resources and raw materials conssumption.
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Guerra civil en UE, OTAN/país dañado
Lo dudo mucho, sería interesante si sucediera (al menos desde fuera de la previsión)

Energy resources and raw material are not endless.
From USA point of view is a good thing a Europe burning, more resources for them.
From a Germany point of view is a good thing a Spain burning, more resources for them.

Months ago, Algeria closed the biggest gas-pipeline to Spain (the main energy source to produce electric energy). And they will sell that natural gas through LNG ships instead, to the customer who pay more.

By the other side, Civil war was a real possible thing those days. Spanish government sent more than ten thousands police offiers from other Spain zones to Catalonia.

Catalonia has their own police too, "Mossos d'Escuadra", and Catalonian politicians attempted to buy "war" weapons for them in the previous months.

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The Spanish Secret Services have always depended on the Ministry of Defense, but in 2011 that changed.

And from 2011 to 2018 it depends on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deputy_Prime_Minister_of_Spain

If you want less political control to get something done, you can change the chain of command to control that.

In 2018, a year after the terrorist attacks, a new national government arrived and changed the dependency of the secret services back to the Ministry of Defense.

Here is the officer of the news, in a interview of a Catalonian TV.



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