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Stop maligning the military

If the people of Pakistan are so disgusted with the current state of affairs, why do they not start grass roots political movements as alternatives in the next elections?

Why simply argue that the Army is trying to 'pick puppets'? The last elections were free and fair. The Army did not distribute seats to the PPP and PML-N, the people voted them in. The people can choose to vote them out.

Why did Pir Pagara 'fail'? Why are Pakistanis not willing to give other politicians and parties a chance to govern if they are so disgusted by the actions of the PPP and PML-N? Whose fault is it that there is no viable third option to the PPP and PML-N?[

because talking is always the easiest thing to do, than to act......and unfortunately, too many people like short-cuts and easy fixes rather than confront the challenges face to face
Dear razormc... I agree Uncle Sam is there in force... but let me reassure you of one thing... the Caliphate is now a done deal... the comparison with the OIC and Bhutto are obviously wrong because Bhutto was a socialist and his pan Islamism was nothing but a facade... the OIC along with other Muslim organizations are useless and they ll be abolished after the Caliphate comes back...

As for greed and corruption... we have good people also... after all there are a lot of people who refuse to be corrupted by others around them or the system... and when people are bound by their contracts and checks and balances... this is when corruption ends... Dont worry... we are not planning a Caliphate on the method of Muwiyah's Ummayads or Sifah's Abbasids... Rashideen is the ideal... and truly with hardship there is ease... with hardship there is ease... jazakAllah

True, there is no comparison of a Caliphate with the OIC.

But I see the OIC as a step towards a better understanding of other Muslim countries since we have a language and cultural barrier. A unified Muslim voice is another benefit (if the organization becomes stronger) esp. since the latest issue with the burning.
Yara Agno Mulsim your useless explanations go no where. You say Taliban could've recognized my cousin talking to an Army personal, since when did they learn any spying role?.

brother, you would be surprised

all it takes to have an informant is money and other incentive; or just a big gun and ''an offer you cant refuse'' :)

they are quite good at intel gathering, i'll give it to them.....
There's no need to amend the Constitution for this. Whenever there's a coup or the Army imposes a martial law, the matter ultimately lands in Supreme Court's court. If it uphelds the martial law, well it becomes legitimate then. Amending the Constitution as regards to closing the doors from a military rule for guud would be like giving the political parties a 'free one night pass', only it would not be valid for one-night.

If you refer to the 'one night pass' as total ayyashi then we also have to get honest individuals to power through the elections. Strenghten the institutions by first removing anyone that was appointed through political connections. Make all institutions independent and their DGs accountable for everything that goes on there. While this may not be perfect, but it will be enough to get anti-corruption started in Pakistan.
How is what you propose different from what we have now, other than parliamentary vs Presidential?

IMO, the main difference is that our current President is king (sarcastically speaking) who has immunity (istasna).
The Khalifa is not a king, but a representative of Allah who ensures that His Law prevails.

I agree with your previous post:

There is nothing stopping the elected government from taking a public stance against the drones and ordering the Army/PAF to stop them. The public and media will support them 100% on this issue, and there is no way the Army cannot act with so much sentiment against drone attacks. So the focus has to be the civilian government, not the military. We want the military to respect civilian government decisions, and by calling for them to act and not criticizing the PPP, we are asking the Military to intervene once again in the government.

The current govt. is looking for excuses all the time. Blame the Army, blame the opposition, blame Musharraf and the list goes on and on.
If they truly condemn the drone attacks, then get the Parliament to do so and no party will be able to back-out of this otherwise their silent approval for these attacks will become public.
And how should we 'try our best'? By voting for the individual we see as the 'best'?

So essentially you are asking for a Presidential form of democracy (which I support BTW).

No I font support democracy I was talking about shirat law!
Unfortunately no I believe late DR ISRARs party was the closest to this idea but that party is divided after his death and couldn't get the support that was required either

Absolutely ludicrous and pointless article that does nothing more than act as an outlet for Kamran Shafi's pompous English vocabulary. It is his typical rant against the bogeymen of the 'Deep State' (whatever that is) and the 'Ghairat brigade' (apparently arguing for the rule of law and equality and non-discriminatory policies on the international and domestic stage is some sort of sin for liberals like Kamran Shafi).

The hypocrisy on display by people like him is astounding - on one hand they foam and spray in anger at the 'unprincipled and unconstitutional behaviour of the military', and on the other they ridicule and denigrate those calling for a similar application of the rule of law and constitution on issues dear to them.

The liberal commentators in Pakistan have been perhaps amongst the biggest disappointments for me since the 2008 elections. Expecting them to continue championing the rule of law, constitutionality and principled positions, we have instead been treated to a shameless defence of every sin of the Ppp.

Granted there are critics of the Ppp who've gone overboard, but to flippantly and unjustifiable dismiss principle positions as 'Ghairat brigades' and 'deep state machinations' is bayghairati and intellectual dishonesty of the highest order.

It rather sad that so many liberal intellectuals have become nothing but unprincipled sold out mouth pieces of the Ppp, focussed more on defending the Ppp, than standing up for what is right, constitutional and principled.
First, i thankyou for being truthful. That's quite bold of you. It's not easy for humans to discuss their shortcomings.

But then, abhi tu kuch nahi howa?

What happened to the 'we fight last bullet, last man?'

While we may disagree on many things, you will never find me being anything less than truthful, or failing to appreciate other's honesty too.

Our military will fight nobly and ferociously if and when the time comes, I am sure. However, the collapse I fear is likely going to be economic, not military. I pray I am wrong.
If you refer to the 'one night pass' as total ayyashi then we also have to get honest individuals to power through the elections. Strenghten the institutions by first removing anyone that was appointed through political connections. Make all institutions independent and their DGs accountable for everything that goes on there. While this may not be perfect, but it will be enough to get anti-corruption started in Pakistan.

it'll be a damn good start.....you know, also get rid of these cochroaches with fake degrees

there's a good amount of rot....you cant fix it; it must be uprooted, chopped and thrown in the fire and left to crackle

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