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Stop meddling in our lives and stick to praying


Apr 25, 2010
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NEW DELHI: Prominent women have slammed as "retrograde" and "interfering" the fatwa issued by the Darul Uloom of Deoband against women going to work alongside men.

Reacting strongly to the decree, Anhad founder and social activist Shabnam Hashmi said, "I don't recognize the Deoband. I think they are interfering in Muslim women's lives. They should stick to praying." She added that while this would not impact educated women like her, there was a certain section in society that would have to bear the brunt of such pronouncements. Hashmi stressed the need for a forum where liberal educated Muslims could express themselves and be heard.

Former Law Commission member and Supreme Court lawyer Kirti Singh, however, felt that the fatwa had no relevance and was entirely meaningless. "Women are meeting men, going out and these fatwas are quite meaningless," she said, adding that it would not stop families from sending girls to school or encouraging them to be financially independent.

Sudha Sundararaman of All India Democratic Women's Association said that at a time when women were struggling to make a mark as elected representatives and entering into other areas of activity, such "conservative and backward looking impositions" were discouraging. "Deoband is trying to assert itself on the basis of religion but forces of change have picked up among women against this retrograde behaviour," Sundararaman said.

'Stop meddling in our lives and stick to praying - India - The Times of India

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