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Suitable Career/Professional Options for someone with excellent public speaking/debating skills?



New Recruit

Aug 14, 2018
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I am actually looking for advice and could use people wearing their thinking caps on. My wife is apparently extremely good at public speaking, debating and has won numerous competitions, first prizes in various competitions.

However she is looking at me towards guidance with regards to what she should do. I personally feel uncomfortable with that as i believe people should ideally know their own strengths, weaknesses and their interests. Making a Career decision, Professional decision is a major decision in life and having lived in Canada for 7 years i believe it is even more important because you can really mess up badly investing a lot of money and time in pursuing something only to realize at the very end you made a very bad decision because either the salaries in the field were not what you expected or were led to believe or the opportunities in the field are limited.

She initially mentioned that she wanted to do Law especially Criminal Law but now she is having second thoughts because apparently her professors in her University back home in Pakistan have recommended against it. I also did a little bit of research for her with regards to pursuing Law in Canada and apparently it is not easy or simple, straight forward because it will require you to do a 4 year Undergraduate program in any discipline you want where you have to make sure that your GPA is 3.8/4, you during this time period also need to be involved in plenty of extra curricular activities, show and prove leadership qualities, get local Canadian Work Experience, clear the LSAT exam with excellent numbers, once you have these things in your bag, only then you are advised to apply for admission to the top law schools in the GTA and then it is up to the discretion of the Academic Committee if they require additional things from you i.e. an admission essay, an interview e.t.c.

Bottomline is she looking at atleast 10 years of schooling, clearing the bar exam and then working insane long hours at Law firms. If she really wants to do it then we will ofcourse do whatever it takes to support her. But lol, we will also need to discuss starting a family as well.

I have had a brief discussion with her about this but at this point she is basically giving me the vibe that she will only do whatever i want her to and that she is looking towards me for guidance.

Anyways, i thought i would first atleast discuss given her strengths i.e. Excellent Public Speaking and Debating Skills, what are the potential career and professional options for her apart from Law?

Will appreciate everyone's guidance and thinking cap on this
I have had a brief discussion with her about this but at this point she is basically giving me the vibe that she will only do whatever i want her to and that she is looking towards me for guidance.

This is quite complex. I am assuming she is aged in the range of 18-25 years. You have to give her choices, give pros and cons for those choices but don't make the decision for her. Because in the end she has to own and live that choice. If today you make that choice for her, you will always get blamed if it doesn't work out as you guys planned. So whatever you suggest her, give pros/cons of that and motivate her to choose herself.

If she isn't shy, media is always an option and it never dies. If she is intelligent she can pursue a job as media analyst, if she is not so bright(sorry to be blunt) she can become a newscaster, if she has a unique/captivating/entertaining personality she can always go for the youtube or social media route. I believe every field is safe in today's age as long as the person is hard working and committed enough.
Start youtube channel on diffrent everday topics and motivate people she will gain popularity in very short time.
tell her to join the toastmaster club to gain the leadership skills. In Canada Law is the best option and she can practice in intellectual property law. My daughter also wanted to get it very demanding in the market.
Tell her to follow her passion and heart and that you will support her no matter what. Forget what professors in Pakistan or anyone says. This is the best advice you could ever give her.

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