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Support Robert F Kennedy Jr as US Presidential Candidate


Dec 19, 2014
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New Zealand
Dear Friends,

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the nephew of late President John F. Kennedy of America. He is an acclaimed environmental Lawyer and is an Anti-War Advocate. He is a Catholic unlike the crazy Protestant Crusader Presidents that were at the helm of power in America in the recent past. The policy of the Catholic World is different from the Protestants who are hell bent on bringing Armageddon by empowering Israel.

His success in the US Presidential elections 2024 will also be good for the Muslim World and Pakistan.

Please support him in any way that you can!

As President, I will end the forever wars, clean up government, restore the middle class, and tell Americans the truth. #Kennedy24

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How is he compared to Sanders?

How is he compared to Sanders?
He is a democrat and also an environmentalist. He is young and and from a prominent political family. He has got a chance of winning.
Won't be getting my vote

But of course, he has every right to run. In the end though, he won't be the nominee
Dear Friends,

John F. Kennedy Jr. is the nephew of late President John F. Kennedy of America. He is an acclaimed environmental Lawyer and is an Anti-War Advocate. He is a Catholic unlike the crazy Protestant Crusader Presidents that were at the helm of power in America in the recent past. The policy of the Catholic World is different from the Protestants who are hell bent on bringing Armageddon by empowering Israel.

His success in the US Presidential elections 2024 will also be good for the Muslim World and Pakistan.

Please support him in any way that you can!

Biden is Catholic too :partay:
No one is going to win the Democratic nomination except Biden. Inconsequential number of democrats are going to vote against an incumbent democratic President
The Pakistani community should support young and active Kennedy. Biden is too old to perform the responsibilities of a President.
Personal opinion, none of the candidates are good. Both President Biden and Former President Trump are too old and the rest are either too far left or right leaning. The current two party system in US is crap. Would prefer if there was a younger and middle of the road leader.

Would also like a term limit on congressional leaders. Too many old leaders from either side are holding on to their posts.
I do not have a political position on matter
But Any Anti War Leader is worthy candidate

However I respect the election process in USA and their Citizen's code for self protection

Pakistanis are tired of the Pakistani Fauj sitting and capturing all resources belonging to Pakistani People
No one is going to win the Democratic nomination except Biden. Inconsequential number of democrats are going to vote against an incumbent democratic President
True. But I hope ROBERT F. Kennedy Jr. becomes a Nader 2000 for Biden: Stealing enough Democrats votes to enable a Republican win. I hate the ivory tower Biden war-monger. Even Republicans seem slightly better on militarism these days!!

Personal opinion, none of the candidates are good. Both President Biden and Former President Trump are too old and the rest are either too far left or right leaning. The current two party system in US is crap. Would prefer if there was a younger and middle of the road leader.
Would also like a term limit on congressional leaders. Too many old leaders from either side are holding on to their posts.
Agreed. But, hey, the American system kind of 'delivers' and I have not given up on course correction despite the dooming developments.
And support dynastic politics?
Dynastic politics is not ideal but doesn't have to be too bad. If sportsmen' and entertainers' offsprings can be decent sportsmen and entertainers then so could politicians' offsprings.

PS. The title of the thread needs to be corrected! It is not JOHN F. it is ROBERT F.
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