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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

They didn't 'capture' them from ISIS, they basically entered villages that ISIS had emptied much earlier. Interesting that ISIS doesn't even use 1/10th of its fighting force used against SAA or Kurds in these areas, maybe they don't want much to fight their former allies.
Oh, so those fsa and Turkish tank casualties are not reported in the khomeini state propaganda media then? Interesting that isis doesn't even use 1/10th of its fighting force against Iran either?!

Iran's first objective was and is to make sure Assad doesn't fall, isis comes second or third. Correct me if i'm wrong, but for many months (lost count) isis' ground control in Syria looks pretty much the same? What have you guys been doing all the time? I think @500 had posted two maps of before and after Russian intervention showing Iranian and Russian support was ironically indeed not fighting isis at all, but the fsa, which like it or not has some legitimacy against Assad. Oh wait, how could i forget, you lot like to group every single Assad opposition under the category 'isis' to justify everything.

Talk about pretending to 'lead the fight' against isis, but on the ground your country is not taking much action against isis (see maps) as it just as much looking for its own interests, which is protecting Assad from foremost the fsa at all costs, right Serpi jan? Then you complain about others that ACTUALLY DO diminish isis' ground control in Syria :D
Oh, so those fsa and Turkish tank casualties are not reported in the khomeini state propaganda media then? Interesting that isis doesn't even use 1/10th of its fighting force against Iran either?!

How about you study a bit more about this war? Just go and read about how ISIS is fighting in Deir al-Zoor, Homs, Palmyria etc, comparing their resistance in northern Aleppo compared to these area is just a joke.

Iran's first objective was and is to make sure Assad doesn't fall, isis comes second or third. Correct me if i'm wrong, but for many months (lost count) isis' ground control in Syria looks pretty much the same? What have you guys been doing all the time? I think @500 had posted two maps of before and after Russian intervention showing Iranian and Russian support was ironically indeed not fighting isis at all, but the fsa, which like it or not has some legitimacy against Assad. Oh wait, how could i forget, you lot like to group every single Assad opposition under the category 'isis' to justify everything.

Talk about pretending to 'lead the fight' against isis, but on the ground your country is not taking much action against isis (see maps) as it just as much looking for its own interests, which is protecting Assad from foremost the fsa at all costs, right Serpi jan? Then you complain about others that ACTUALLY DO diminish isis' ground control in Syria :D

I don't know about you, but for Iran, Nusra terrorists and ISIS terrorists are the same shit. And those who are allied to Nusra are no different either. Trying to legitimize AQ terrorists while only attacking ISIS does not work for us. Everyone hates ISIS and doesn't like them, but there is a dangerous trend of trying to portrait Nusra terrorists and allies as 'legitimate' opposition and that is exactly what we are fighting.

And again, yes, ISIS is putting up like 1/10th of its resistance compared to other areas. If you don't know that, then there is no need to be offended. I didn't say they don't resist at all, I said it's minimal.
How about you study a bit more about this war? Just go and read about how ISIS is fighting in Deir al-Zoor, Homs, Palmyria etc, comparing their resistance in northern Aleppo compared to these area is just a joke.

I don't know about you, but for Iran, Nusra terrorists and ISIS terrorists are the same shit. And those who are allied to Nusra are no different either. Trying to legitimize AQ terrorists while only attacking ISIS does not work for us. Everyone hates ISIS and doesn't like them, but there is a dangerous trend of trying to portrait Nusra terrorists and allies as 'legitimate' opposition and that is exactly what we are fighting.

And again, yes, ISIS is putting up like 1/10th of its resistance compared to other areas. If you don't know that, then there is no need to be offended. I didn't say they don't resist at all, I said it's minimal.
You're basically confirming what i wrote. I didn't write isis doesnt fight, i wrote that Iran is mostly targeting the fsa. Look at the maps and you can see for yourself that isis' ground control is about the same for countless months.

Is the fsa only nusra and AQ now??? Yet another sign how you take the extremist elements and brand the whole fsa with them.

Maybe because those small villages aren't worth a damn to lose manpower and material over to defend? Could be a trap to give us false hope of easy victory? We shall see how al-Bab will go, that's the critical part. If isis in al-Bab leave their weapons and get out the city, thus presenting the city to us on a golden plate, then it's worth to reconsider your words :)
You're basically confirming what i wrote. I didn't write isis doesnt fight, i wrote that Iran is mostly targeting the fsa. Look at the maps and you can see for yourself that isis' ground control is about the same for countless months.

Is the fsa only nusra and AQ now??? Yet another sign how you take the extremist elements and brand the whole fsa with them.

Maybe because those small villages aren't worth a damn to lose manpower and material over to defend? Could be a trap to give us false hope of easy victory? We shall see how al-Bab will go, that's the critical part. If isis in al-Bab leave their weapons and get out the city, thus presenting the city to us on a golden plate, then it's worth to reconsider your words :)

When are they going to go for Al Bab? I've been hearing it for a while.
Oh, so those fsa and Turkish tank casualties are not reported in the khomeini state propaganda media then? Interesting that isis doesn't even use 1/10th of its fighting force against Iran either?!

Iran's first objective was and is to make sure Assad doesn't fall, isis comes second or third. Correct me if i'm wrong, but for many months (lost count) isis' ground control in Syria looks pretty much the same? What have you guys been doing all the time? I think @500 had posted two maps of before and after Russian intervention showing Iranian and Russian support was ironically indeed not fighting isis at all, but the fsa, which like it or not has some legitimacy against Assad. Oh wait, how could i forget, you lot like to group every single Assad opposition under the category 'isis' to justify everything.

Talk about pretending to 'lead the fight' against isis, but on the ground your country is not taking much action against isis (see maps) as it just as much looking for its own interests, which is protecting Assad from foremost the fsa at all costs, right Serpi jan? Then you complain about others that ACTUALLY DO diminish isis' ground control in Syria :D

You are very misinformed. Those maps you're talking, the ones with dots representing bombing raids, are not accurate whatsoever. Russia has conducted hundreds of bombing sorties over Deir al-zoir but those maps show just one dot. They are simplistics and do not represent the true extent of bombing. Russia also captured Palmyra using both air strikes and ground forces, in fact they helped capture a lot of territory leading up to Palmyra. They bombed Isis around the Quaris air base and much of the territory around it which Isis besieged for over 2 years, they have been conducting bombing raids over the Isis capital of Raqqa for almost a year, they bombed the way for advancing Syrian forces pushing on Raqqa province, ect they have also been bombing Isis and Nusra in western Syria (most people think that only the good terrorists operate in western Syria).
They didn't 'capture' them from ISIS, they basically entered villages that ISIS had emptied much earlier. Interesting that ISIS doesn't even use 1/10th of its fighting force used against SAA or Kurds in these areas, maybe they don't want much to fight their former allies.
ISIS is using their best arsenal (Kornet missiles) against Turks. They did not use such missiles for months against the Assadists.
You are very misinformed. Those maps you're talking, the ones with dots representing bombing raids, are not accurate whatsoever. Russia has conducted hundreds of bombing sorties over Deir al-zoir but those maps show just one dot. They are simplistics and do not represent the true extent of bombing. Russia also captured Palmyra using both air strikes and ground forces, in fact they helped capture a lot of territory leading up to Palmyra. They bombed Isis around the Quaris air base and much of the territory around it which Isis besieged for over 2 years, they have been conducting bombing raids over the Isis capital of Raqqa for almost a year, they bombed the way for advancing Syrian forces pushing on Raqqa province, ect they have also been bombing Isis and Nusra in western Syria (most people think that only the good terrorists operate in western Syria).
I'm not talking about those maps with dots representing bombings. I'm using my phone now, but i'm talking about those maps that show the ground control of Syria (with red for Assad, yellow for ypg etc.). We can disagree to agree.
Khamenai terrorists aka Assadists did not allow a single aid truck into besieged Aleppo. Thats despite Eid. Even Hitler did not starve his own towns.
Khamenai terrorists aka Assadists did not allow a single aid truck into besieged Aleppo. Thats despite Eid. Even Hitler did not starve his own towns.
Iranians are going to be punished soon for their destruction in Syria. Starving people is just wrong:(
And then they apologize and suspended their bombing in Syria while Samantha Powers threw a hissy fit that Russia called an emergency UN meeting over the incident.
I refuse to believe the most well equipped and experienced Air Force on the planet neutralized 60+ people by "mistake".
ISIS is using their best arsenal (Kornet missiles) against Turks. They did not use such missiles for months against the Assadists.

How are those terrorists getting the Russian Kornets? Seems like they have quite a large number of them.
Iranians are going to be punished soon for their destruction in Syria. Starving people is just wrong:(
Turkey will be confronted soon in Both Syria and Iraq by armed resistance forces. They invaded these 2 countries without the permission of Syrian and Iraqi government.

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