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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Imagine Greece is in a state of bankruptcy and the people have been on edge for a few years now (crisis after crisis) and now they have refugees from people they don't identify with.

Shit. Fan.

Thanks to your country's support to Asshead regime which created all these refugees.

Hmm, the last cleaning and all the others before throught the history of Europe affected exactly those who minded their business living in x'th generation in Europe, im in the 3rd generation here after my grandfather who worked 40 years and my father who did the same, do you think im confortable when we are talking about ''cleaning'' in Europe?
And mind you, im saying this while sitting in Switzerland which didnt really had any ''cleaning'' in its recent history.

Muslims in Europe aren't like the Jews in the 40s, they won't bend over and take it up the butt. Euros will learn that the hard way.

Why does the european far-right admire ASSHEAD so much?
The more support that you give to ASSHEAD, the bloodier the situation will turn into and in eventually you'll end up with more refugees than before.

In reality they hate them all Asshead and the rebels, but they're siding with Asshead cuz they see him as the "lesser Muslim".
Thanks to your country's support to Asshead regime which created all these refugees..

It was the small-mindless of middle eastern politicians that destabilized a stable country. Instead of pushing for talks & reforms, to ensure a political evolution, your team thought it was wise to send arms & funds to overthrow a government by force.
people are saying only syrian are refugees
there from africa bangladesh pakistan and more are pushing
they got the golden opportunity

but at the same time terrorist will also go in
It was the small-mindless of middle eastern politicians that destabilized a stable country. Instead of pushing for talks & reforms, to ensure a political evolution, your team thought it was wise to send arms & funds to overthrow a government by force.

Yes it was your sanctioned Mullah state by supporting a mass murdering dictator with weapons, money and mercenaries which caused the conflict to go on for 4 years and caused all this refugee and humanitaria crises.
Yes it was your sanctioned Mullah state by supporting a mass murdering dictator with weapons, money and mercenaries which caused the conflict to go on for 4 years and caused all this refugee and humanitaria crises.

Do you support countries arming anti-government groups in other countries to overthrow the government by force?
Do you support countries arming anti-government groups in other countries to overthrow the government by force?

Depends. Is the said country being ruled by a war criminal and a mass murdering dictator who caused the death of almost 300 thousands of his people like Asshead?

In pictures: Hezbollah’s child soldiers
August 18, 2015
Evidence of Party of God sending minors into battle has mounted steadily over the last year


In July 2014, Hezbollah buried a 16-year-old fighter, Muhammad Ali Hussein Awada, who had been killed fighting Syrian opposition militants in the mountainous Lebanese-Syrian border zone. The revelation of his age, observers noted at the time, implied the Party of God – straining to hold larger swathes of territory with fewer men – had abandoned its former requirement that all fighters sent into live combat be at least 18 years of age.

Since then, evidence of Hezbollah sending children – defined by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as all people under 18 – to the frontlines of the war in Syria has mounted steadily. The pro-Hezbollah website SouthLebanon.org, which publicizes funerals of the militia's fighters killed "in confrontation with the mercenaries of disbelief and Wahhabism" – a reference to Sunni militants – has to date published photos of over two dozen "mujahideen martyrs" who appear likely to have been under 18 (see above image).

When the case of one obviously juvenile fatality, that of 15-year-old Mashhoor Shams al-Din, came to light in April 2015, the Party issued a statement denying he was killed fighting in Syria, claiming instead that he succumbed to a "saddening accident" in south Lebanon. Syrian opposition activists had asserted he was killed fighting in Syria's Qalamoun region; the same place 16-year-old Awada was killed the previous year.

Lebanon is no stranger to the use of child soldiers. During frequent clashes in the northern city of Tripoli in 2012-13 between the feuding neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen, several videos emerged of children participating in the battles, including one of a boy scarcely out of infancy, the recoil of his AK-47 almost knocking him off his feet.

Throughout the 1975-90 civil war, too, child soldier recruitment was widespread, with Progressive Socialist Party militia leader Walid Jumblatt, for example, admitting to using soldiers "as young as ten."

And in the present Syrian civil war, a June 2015 UN report found almost every faction, pro- and anti-regime, from Hezbollah and the so-called Popular Committees to ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra to the Kurdish YPG and the Free Syrian Army, to be guilty of deploying child soldiers.

International law forbids the recruitment of soldiers under 18, especially by non-state militias, such as Hezbollah. Article 4 of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict (OPAC), adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2000, says, "Armed groups that are distinct from the armed forces of a State should not, under any circumstances, recruit or use in hostilities persons under the age of 18 years." It also stipulates that "Parties shall take all feasible measures to prevent such recruitment and use, including the adoption of legal measures necessary to prohibit and criminalize such practices" – meaning Lebanon, which is a signatory to OPAC, is compelled by international law to take action to prevent Hezbollah's – and any other militia's – ongoing use of child soldiers.
Depends. Is the said country being ruled by a war criminal and a mass murdering dictator who caused the death of almost 300 thousands of his people like Asshead?

Are you saying that the government of Syria killed 300,000 of its citizens, and then after that, foreign players decided to arm and finance the rebels?
After Abu Duhur Airbase has fallen, now reports coming that ISIS entered Deir Ez-Zor Airbase and took control of missile battalion.

Btw Pro-Assad groups regained the control of Jazal Gas Fields.

Rebels advance in Adra near Damascus, taking control of Kurdi mosque and prison.

Meanwhile reports coming that rebels advance near Hama, capturing checkpoints and ghanimah.
On Abu Duhur video so far only 22 POWs out of several hundreds. ISIS is only force in Syria which can make a proper encirclement. :rolleyes:
Are you saying that the government of Syria killed 300,000 of its citizens, and then after that, foreign players decided to arm and finance the rebels?

Yes as an innocent angel in white with the message of democracy in one hand and wisdom of their king on the other hand they started to pump money and weapon into Syria to liberate it .
Why does the european far-right admire ASSHEAD so much?
The more support that you give to ASSHEAD, the bloodier the situation will turn into and in eventually you'll end up with more refugees than before.
They see Assad as secular educated leader who fights against evil Islamists. While in fact he is corrupted medieval sectarian despot with Ayatulah buddies.

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